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Created February 1, 2023 22:14
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Persona 5 SMS
<div id="chat"></div>
<script id="chat-thread" type="x-template">
<div v-if="window.devicePixelRatio === 1">
v-for="message in messages"
<div v-else style="margin: 20px; color: white">
<h1>Oops, my bad...</h1>
Your <code>window.devicePixelRatio</code> does not equal <code>1</code>. This means that the ratio between physical pixels and logical pixels don't have a 1-to-1 correspondence on your display device. I have yet to (and probably never will) implement pixel scaling for these ratios. If you're on a mobile device, try viewing this on a desktop computer; but not on a Retina or HiDPI display.
<p>- ナッティ (nutty7t)</p>
<script id="chat-message" type="x-template">
<svg xmlns="" :viewBox="`0 0 500 ${viewBoxHeight}`" :style="style">
HACK: This invisible <text> element is used to figure out
the bounding box of a line of text without it being painted.
:style="{ fontSize: fontSize + 'px' }">{{ hackText }}</text>
<!-- Buddy Avatar -->
points="-10,-5 62,5 70,55 5,63"
:transform="`translate(30,${containerHeight / 2 + messageBox.origin.y - 25})`"
style="fill: black"/>
points="0,0 60,10 70,50 10,60"
:transform="`translate(30,${containerHeight / 2 + messageBox.origin.y - 25})`"
style="fill: white"/>
<clipPath id="avatarClipPath">
<polygon points="2,-10 62,-10 100,42 10,58"/>
:transform="`translate(30,${containerHeight / 2 + messageBox.origin.y - 25})`"
<!-- Message Text Container Border -->
:style="{ fill: primaryColor }"
:class="{ flipX: !remote }"/>
<!-- Message Text Container Tail Border -->
:style="{ fill: primaryColor }"
:class="{ flipX: !remote }"/>
<!-- Message Text Container Tail -->
:style="{ fill: secondaryColor }"
:class="{ flipX: !remote }"/>
<!-- Message Text Container -->
:style="{ fill: secondaryColor }"
:class="{ flipX: !remote }"/>
<!-- Message Text -->
<text :y="textOffset.y" :style="{ fontSize: fontSize + 'px' }">
v-for="line of wrappedMessage"
:x="remote ? messageBox.origin.x + textOffset.x : 500 - messageBox.origin.x - messageBox.centerWidth"
:style="{ fill: primaryColor }">
{{ line.text }}
const ChatMessage = {
template: '#chat-message',
props: {
message: {
type: String,
required: true
remote: {
// Does the message originate
// from a remote source?
type: Boolean,
default: false
fontSize: {
type: Number,
default: 14
lineHeight: {
type: Number,
default: 1.5 // em
data () {
return {
hackText: '',
style: {
opacity: 0
computed: {
// ------------------------------------------
// Message Box (remote: true)
// ------------------------------------------
// origin x - right width
// \ [ ---- center width ---- ] |
// x----------------------- x --- x
// / | <message text> | /
// / | | /
// x --- x ---------------------- x
// |
// + - left width
messageBox () {
return {
origin: {
x: this.remote ? 130 : 60,
y: 20
centerWidth: 300,
leftWidth: 10,
rightWidth: 20,
slantHeight: 5,
border: {
normal: 4,
left: 15,
right: 35
textOffset () {
return {
// Left padding.
x: 15,
// Adjust for top/bottom padding.
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.fontSize * this.lineHeight / 4
containerPoints () {
return [
x: this.messageBox.origin.x,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y
x: this.messageBox.origin.x + this.messageBox.centerWidth + this.messageBox.rightWidth,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y
x: this.messageBox.origin.x + this.messageBox.centerWidth,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.containerHeight + this.messageBox.slantHeight
x: this.messageBox.origin.x - this.messageBox.leftWidth,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.containerHeight
].map(p => `${p.x},${p.y}`).join(' ')
containerBorderPoints () {
return [
x: this.messageBox.origin.x - this.messageBox.border.normal,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y - this.messageBox.border.normal
x: this.messageBox.origin.x + this.messageBox.centerWidth + this.messageBox.border.right,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y - this.messageBox.border.normal
x: this.messageBox.origin.x + this.messageBox.centerWidth + this.messageBox.border.normal,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.containerHeight + this.messageBox.border.normal + this.messageBox.slantHeight
x: this.messageBox.origin.x - this.messageBox.border.left,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.containerHeight + this.messageBox.border.normal
].map(p => `${p.x},${p.y}`).join(' ')
containerTailPoints () {
return [
x: this.messageBox.origin.x - 33,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.containerHeight / 2 + 8
x: this.messageBox.origin.x - 17,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.containerHeight / 2 - 10
x: this.messageBox.origin.x - 12,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.containerHeight / 2 - 4
x: this.messageBox.origin.x,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.containerHeight / 2 - 10
x: this.messageBox.origin.x,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.containerHeight / 2 + 5
x: this.messageBox.origin.x - 18,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.containerHeight / 2 + 10
x: this.messageBox.origin.x - 22,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.containerHeight / 2 + 5
].map(p => `${p.x},${p.y}`).join(' ')
containerTailBorderPoints () {
return [
x: this.messageBox.origin.x - 40,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.containerHeight / 2 + 12
x: this.messageBox.origin.x - 15,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.containerHeight / 2 - 16
x: this.messageBox.origin.x - 12,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.containerHeight / 2 - 10
x: this.messageBox.origin.x,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.containerHeight / 2 - 15
x: this.messageBox.origin.x,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.containerHeight / 2 + 10
x: this.messageBox.origin.x - 20,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.containerHeight / 2 + 15
x: this.messageBox.origin.x - 24,
y: this.messageBox.origin.y + this.containerHeight / 2 + 10
].map(p => `${p.x},${p.y}`).join(' ')
containerHeight () {
// Compute how much vertical space the message text takes up by
// multiplying the line height by the number of lines in the message.
let height = this.fontSize * this.lineHeight * this.wrappedMessage.length
// Now, we need to add some extra bottom padding otherwise the
// descenders (the part of the characters beneath the baseline)
// will get clipped. I don't know the exact height of the descender,
// but I figure that 1/2 em should be fine. And then we'll add another
// 1/4 em for top and bottom paddings (1/2 em in total).
// ---
// | top padding (1/4 em)
// ---
// | text height (line height * # of lines)
// ---
// | descender padding (1/2 em)
// ---
// . | slanted bottom edge (this.messageBox.slantHeight)
// ---
// | bottom padding (1/4 em)
// ---
return height + this.fontSize * this.lineHeight
viewBoxHeight () {
// ---
// | border width
// ---
// | container height
// ---
// | border width
// ---
return this.containerHeight + this.messageBox.origin.y * 2
primaryColor () {
return this.remote ? 'white' : 'black'
secondaryColor () {
return this.remote ? 'black' : 'white'
asyncComputed: {
wrappedMessage: {
async get () {
// Kind of a hacky way of implementing word wrapping
// on SVG <text> elements. Not quite sure how to go
// about determining the bounding box of some text,
// without actually rendering it on the DOM.
const words = this.message.split(/\s+/)
const lines = []
let line = []
while (words.length > 0) {
this.hackText = line.join(' ')
if (await this.hackTextWidth() > this.messageBox.centerWidth) {
lines.push({ text: line.join(' ') })
line = []
lines.push({ text: line.join(' ') })
if (lines.length === 1) {
// Messages that are only one line have a fluid width.
this.messageBox.centerWidth = await this.hackTextWidth() + this.textOffset.x * 2
return lines
default: []
methods: {
async hackTextWidth () {
// Wait until #hackText is rendered in the DOM.
while (!this.$refs.hackText) {
await Vue.nextTick()
// Wait for Vue to update the innerHTML of #hackText.
await Vue.nextTick()
if (this.$refs.hackText.innerHTML === this.hackText) {
return this.$refs.hackText.clientWidth
} else {
`[error] hackText does not have expected text\n` +
` expected: "${this.hackText}"\n` +
` actual: "${this.$refs.hackText.innerHTML}"`
return 0
mounted () {, 1, {
opacity: 1,
ease: Power3.easeOut
const ChatThread = new Vue({
el: '#chat',
template: '#chat-thread',
components: { ChatMessage },
data () {
return {
messages: [],
queue: [
text: 'Hello world!',
remote: true
text: 'I am thou, thou art I... Thou hast acquired a new vow. It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh thy chains of captivity. With the birth of the Nutty Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power...',
remote: true
text: 'Whoooaaa! Looking cool, Joker!',
remote: false
text: 'Want to head over to the palace today?',
remote: false
text: 'Sure!',
remote: true
text: 'Kamoshida needs to atone for his actions...',
remote: true
text: 'If we steal his treasure, his heart will change in the real world. We can make him confess his sins.',
remote: false
interval: undefined
watch: {
async messages (newMessages, oldMessages) {
if (this.queue.length === 0) {
await Vue.nextTick()
const messages = this.$refs.chatMessages
const lastMessage = messages[messages.length - 1]
// TODO: Draw the message trail.
if (document.body !== null) {, 1, { scrollTo: { y: document.body.scrollHeight }, ease: Power3.easeOut });
mounted () {
this.interval = setInterval(() => {
}, 2000)
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="//"></script>
@import url('');
html {
background: #cc0000;
font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;
font-weight: 700;
body {
max-width: 600px;
margin: auto;
.flipX {
transform: scaleX(-1);
transform-origin: center;
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