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Created September 13, 2013 18:14
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Some nice tricks for troubleshooting RequireJS modules:

Some Tricks for Troubleshooting

You can use these API calls in your code if you need to, but I've actually found them quite useful when on the console in Chrome:

require.defined(moduleId) - returns true if your moduleId has been defined and is ready for use.

require.specified(moduleId) - returns true if your moduleId has been listed as a dependency by another defined module. Note that just because this returns true doesn't mean your moduleId is ready to use (don't you just love asynchrony?).

requirejs.s.contexts._.config - I learned about this from Vernon Kesner. This is technically a "back door/undocumented" call - so it could change or disappear without warning. However it returns a very useful object full of configuration info, see below: Chrome Console results for requrejs.s.conects._.config

This is the result of calling requirejs.s.contexts._.config inside a sample gif-generation app I used to demo Web Workers at Devlink. You can see all the relevant configuration data: the base URL, the paths we've mapped, the shim configuration, etc.

Two other key items to know about when it comes to troubleshooting RequireJS are 'errbacks' and the requirejs.onError method:

RequireJS "errbacks"

When you make a require call, you can include a third argument - a callback that receives an error argument, allowing you to react to the error, instead of ultimately generating an uncaught exception. The method signature, when using "errbacks" looks like this:

    [ "backbone" ], 
    function ( Backbone ) {
        return Backbone.View.extend({ /* your magic here */ });
    function (err) {
            err has err.requireType (timeout, nodefine, scripterror)
            and err.requireModules (an array of module Ids/paths)

            Inside here you could requirejs.undef('backbone') to clear
            the module from require locally - and you could even redefine
            it here or fetch it from a different location (though the
            fallback approach earlier takes care of this use-case more succinctly)


RequireJS has a global onError handler that will catch any errors not already handled by "errbacks". To use it, simply set it like this:

requirejs.onError = function (err) {
        err has the same info as the errback callback:
        err.requireType & err.requireModules
    // Be sure to rethrow if you don't want to
    // blindly swallow exceptions here!!!
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