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Last active September 4, 2015 07:48
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Alternative flattening/deflattening of parameters in DL4J / Spark
* Iterative reduce with
* flat map using map partitions
* @author Adam Gibson
modified by Christophe Cerisara
public class IterativeReduceFlatMap implements FlatMapFunction<Iterator<DataSet>, INDArray> {
private String json;
private Broadcast<INDArray> params;
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IterativeReduceFlatMap.class);
* Pass in json configuration and baseline parameters
* @param json json configuration for the network
* @param params the parameters to use for the network
public IterativeReduceFlatMap(String json, Broadcast<INDArray> params) {
this.json = json;
this.params = params;
public static INDArray flattenParms(MultiLayerNetwork network) {
ArrayList<Double> ps = new ArrayList<Double>();
final int nl=network.getLayers().length;
for (int i=0;i<nl;i++) {
INDArray pp = network.getLayer(i).params();
final int nx=pp.length();
for (int j=0;j<nx;j++) {
double[] vs = new double[ps.size()];
for (int i=0;i<vs.length;i++) vs[i]=ps.get(i);
INDArray v = Nd4j.create(vs);
return v;
public static void deflattenParms(MultiLayerNetwork network, INDArray parms) {
int pi=0;
int nLayer = (int)parms.getDouble(pi++);
assert nLayer == network.getLayers().length;
for (int i=0;i<nLayer;i++) {
int nx=(int)parms.getDouble(pi++);
double[] w = new double[nx];
for (int j=0;j<nx;j++) w[j] = parms.getDouble(pi++);
INDArray pl = Nd4j.create(w);
public Iterable<INDArray> call(Iterator<DataSet> dataSetIterator) throws Exception {
if (!dataSetIterator.hasNext()) {
return Collections.singletonList(Nd4j.zeros(params.value().shape()));
List<DataSet> collect = new ArrayList<DataSet>();
while (dataSetIterator.hasNext()) {
DataSet data = DataSet.merge(collect, false);
log.debug("Training on " + data.labelCounts());
MultiLayerNetwork network = new MultiLayerNetwork(MultiLayerConfiguration.fromJson(json));
INDArray val = params.value();
if (val.length() != network.numParams())
throw new IllegalStateException("Network did not have same number of parameters as the broadcasted set parameters");
INDArray trainedParms = flattenParms(network);
return Collections.singletonList(trainedParms);
* Master class for spark
* @author Adam Gibson
modified by Christophe Cerisara
public class SparkDl4jMultiLayer implements Serializable {
private transient SparkContext sparkContext;
private transient JavaSparkContext sc;
private MultiLayerConfiguration conf;
private MultiLayerNetwork network;
private Broadcast<INDArray> params;
private boolean averageEachIteration = false;
public final static String AVERAGE_EACH_ITERATION = "org.deeplearning4j.spark.iteration.average";
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SparkDl4jMultiLayer.class);
* Instantiate a multi layer spark instance
* with the given context and network.
* This is the prediction constructor
* @param sparkContext the spark context to use
* @param network the network to use
public SparkDl4jMultiLayer(SparkContext sparkContext, MultiLayerNetwork network) {
this.sparkContext = sparkContext;
this.averageEachIteration = sparkContext.conf().getBoolean(AVERAGE_EACH_ITERATION, false); = network;
this.conf =;
sc = new JavaSparkContext(this.sparkContext);
this.params = sc.broadcast(network.params());
* Training constructor. Instantiate with a configuration
* @param sparkContext the spark context to use
* @param conf the configuration of the network
public SparkDl4jMultiLayer(SparkContext sparkContext, MultiLayerConfiguration conf) {
this.sparkContext = sparkContext;
this.conf = conf.clone();
this.averageEachIteration = sparkContext.conf().getBoolean(AVERAGE_EACH_ITERATION, false);
sc = new JavaSparkContext(this.sparkContext);
* Training constructor. Instantiate with a configuration
* @param sc the spark context to use
* @param conf the configuration of the network
public SparkDl4jMultiLayer(JavaSparkContext sc, MultiLayerConfiguration conf) {
this(, conf);
* Train a multi layer network based on the path
* @param path the path to the text file
* @param labelIndex the label index
* @param recordReader the record reader to parse results
* @return {@link MultiLayerNetwork}
public MultiLayerNetwork fit(String path, int labelIndex, RecordReader recordReader) {
JavaRDD<String> lines = sc.textFile(path);
// gotta map this to a Matrix/INDArray
FeedForwardLayer outputLayer = (FeedForwardLayer) conf.getConf(conf.getConfs().size() - 1).getLayer();
JavaRDD<DataSet> points = RecordReaderFunction(recordReader
, labelIndex, outputLayer.getNOut()));
return fitDataSet(points);
public MultiLayerNetwork getNetwork() {
return network;
public void setNetwork(MultiLayerNetwork network) { = network;
* Predict the given feature matrix
* @param features the given feature matrix
* @return the predictions
public Matrix predict(Matrix features) {
return MLLibUtil.toMatrix(network.output(MLLibUtil.toMatrix(features)));
* Predict the given vector
* @param point the vector to predict
* @return the predicted vector
public Vector predict(Vector point) {
return MLLibUtil.toVector(network.output(MLLibUtil.toVector(point)));
* Fit the given rdd given the context.
* This will convert the labeled points
* to the internal dl4j format and train the model on that
* @param sc the org.deeplearning4j.spark context
* @param rdd the rdd to fitDataSet
* @return the multi layer network that was fitDataSet
public MultiLayerNetwork fit(JavaSparkContext sc, JavaRDD<LabeledPoint> rdd) {
FeedForwardLayer outputLayer = (FeedForwardLayer) conf.getConf(conf.getConfs().size() - 1).getLayer();
return fitDataSet(MLLibUtil.fromLabeledPoint(sc, rdd, outputLayer.getNOut()));
* Fit the dataset rdd
* @param rdd the rdd to fitDataSet
* @return the multi layer network
public MultiLayerNetwork fitDataSet(JavaRDD<DataSet> rdd) {
int iterations = conf.getConf(0).getNumIterations();"Running distributed training averaging each iteration " + averageEachIteration + " and " + rdd.partitions().size() + " partitions");
if (!averageEachIteration)
else {
for (NeuralNetConfiguration conf : this.conf.getConfs())
MultiLayerNetwork network = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf);
final INDArray params = network.params();
this.params = sc.broadcast(params);
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
return network;
private void runIteration(JavaRDD<DataSet> rdd) {
MultiLayerNetwork network = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf);
final INDArray params = network.params();
this.params = sc.broadcast(params);"Broadcasting initial parameters of length " + params.length());
int paramsLength = network.numParams();
if (params.length() != paramsLength)
throw new IllegalStateException("Number of params " + paramsLength + " was not equal to " + params.length());
// pourquoi ne sampler que env. 40% du corpus pour le train ?
// JavaRDD<DataSet> c = rdd.sample(true, 0.4);
JavaRDD<DataSet> c = rdd;
JavaRDD<INDArray> results = c.mapPartitions(new IterativeReduceFlatMap(conf.toJson(), this.params)).cache();"Ran iterative reduce...averaging results now.");
// some indices in the flattened parameters are not real parameters, but are size indicators.
// but there shouldn't be any problem with averaging these indicators as well, because they should be constant and the same
Adder a = new Adder(results.collect().get(0).length());
INDArray tmpParams = a.getAccumulator().value();"Accumulated parameters");
tmpParams.divi(rdd.partitions().size());"Divided by partitions");
IterativeReduceFlatMap.deflattenParms(network, tmpParams);"Set parameters"); = network;
* Train a multi layer network
* @param data the data to train on
* @param conf the configuration of the network
* @return the fit multi layer network
public static MultiLayerNetwork train(JavaRDD<LabeledPoint> data, MultiLayerConfiguration conf) {
SparkDl4jMultiLayer multiLayer = new SparkDl4jMultiLayer(data.context(), conf);
return JavaSparkContext(data.context()), data);
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