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Created August 3, 2020 15:30
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btrfs + beesd dedup setup on debian 10
# install btrfs + bees (dedup daemon)
# ---------------------------------
# add new "big" disk to vm (edit vm, add new disk)
# be root
su -
# check for new disk in guest
tail /var/log/message | grep sd
# there should be something like:
#kernel: [2435321.073280] sd 0:0:1:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 0
#kernel: [2435321.074127] sd 0:0:1:0: [sdb] 10485760000 512-byte logical blocks: (5.37 TB/4.88 TiB)
#kernel: [2435321.074324] sd 0:0:1:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
#kernel: [2435321.074396] sd 0:0:1:0: [sdb] Cache data unavailable
#kernel: [2435321.076362] sd 0:0:1:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI disk
# here we see that sdb got attached with about 5TB of space
# since debian has not the latest kernel installed,
# the community advices to install the latest kernel for latest btrfs security patches
# ref:
echo "deb buster-backports main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
echo "deb-src buster-backports main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt update
update upgrade
apt install -t buster-backports linux-image-amd64
# login as root again
# check kernel version, should be (07-2020: 5.6...)
# if this is older than 5.3, then try to research why kernel uprade went wrong, ..
uname -r
# now we configure our btrfs
# install fs tools we need
apt install btrfs-tools parted lvm2
# enable kernel module
modprobe btrfs
# format newly added disk, cfdisk is a graphical console fdisk
cfdisk /dev/sdb
# select gpt
# create [ New ] partition
# change [ Type ] to "LVM" -> we use lvm because this makes it easier to extend the disk later
# [ Write ] changes to disk and [ Quit ]
# introduce new partition schema to kernel
partprobe -s
ls -l /dev/ | grep sd
# now we should see sdb1
# create logical volume
pvcreate /dev/sdb1
vgcreate dedup_vg /dev/sdb1
# add volumes to the volumegroup (vg) (our first four Terybyte)
lvcreate -L +4T -n dedup_lv1 dedup_vg
pvs && vgs && lvs
# now you should see the volume group and the volumes
# we can now create btrfs filsystem over it
mkfs.btrfs /dev/dedup_vg/dedup_lv1
# and mount it
mkdir /mnt/dedup0
mount /dev/dedup_vg/dedup_lv1 /mnt/dedup0
# you can now check stats with
btrfs device stats /mnt/dedup0/
# to make this mount permanent edit /etc/fstab and add following line
/dev/dedup_vg/dedup_lv1 /mnt/dedup0/ btrfs defaults 0 0
# save and exit, and verify with
mount -va
# install bees (dedup agent):
# ---------------------------------
apt install git pkg-config build-essential btrfs-progs libbtrfs-dev uuid-dev markdown uuid-runtime
cd /root
git clone
cd bees
make install
# find previously created uuid of btrfs device with "blkid" and copy it (Type=btrfs)
# enable beesd service
systemctl enable beesd@<uuid>.service
# since we need a config for our service
# create a new /etc/bees/<uuid>.conf
# and add following snippet, also edit parameters!
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Config for Bees: /etc/bees/beesd.conf.sample
## It's a default values, change it, if needed
# How to use?
# Copy this file to a new file name and adjust the UUID below
# Which FS will be used
## System Vars
# Change carefully
## Options to apply, see `beesd --help` for details
# OPTIONS="--strip-paths --no-timestamps"
## Bees DB size
# Hash Table Sizing
# sHash table entries are 16 bytes each
# (64-bit hash, 52-bit block number, and some metadata bits)
# Each entry represents a minimum of 4K on disk.
# unique data size hash table size average dedup block size
# 1TB 4GB 4K
# 1TB 1GB 16K
# 1TB 256MB 64K
# 1TB 16MB 1024K
# 64TB 1GB 1024K
# Size MUST be multiple of 128KB
# we use 8GB of hash space for 4TB of disk space, this also maps to memory, so you need 8GB of free heap!
# this is only a brief assumption on basis of a test drive we did with share data.
DB_SIZE=$((1024*1024*1024*8)) # 8G in bytes
# now start bee
systemctl start beesd@<uuid>
# check status with (expecially allocation problems, need more ram?)
systemctl systemctl status beesd@<uuid>
# or
journalctl -xe
journalctl -fu beesd@<uuid>
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