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Created November 21, 2012 04:04
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R code to compute Cronbach's alpha, using the formula interface
cronbach_alpha = function(formula, data=NULL)
terms = terms(formula, data=data)
variables = attr(terms, "variables")
var_list = eval(variables, envir=data)
var_mat = t(laply(var_list, identity))
var_mat = var_mat[complete.cases(var_mat),]
response_idx = attr(terms, "response")
response = var_mat[,response_idx]
covariates = var_mat[,-response_idx]
K = dim(covariates)[2]
alpha = K/(K-1) * (1 - sum(diag(var(covariates)))/var(response))
# Example usage
cronbach_alpha(confidence_pa ~ PAtired + PAstress + PAdemands + PAdepress, data=long0)
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