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Ondřej Čertík

Differential Forms

We express differential forms in terms of tensors and index notation. The closest treatment seems to be @winitzki2009linear, but we improve even upon that in terms of clarity, exact short definitions and explicit examples.

It seems the usual old-fashioned index-based tensor formalism is all that is needed, and the differential forms provide an equivalent and optional treatment for antisymmetric tensors, which might be sometimes useful, but fundamentally does not bring any new feature or machinery, exactly the same computations can be done using index-based tensors also. We show how to equivalently rewrite any differential form formula or computation using tensors.

Vectors, Forms and Tensors

Any vector $\mathbf{u}$ can be written as: $$\mathbf{u}=u^i \vec{e}_i,.$$

Any form $\mathbf{p}$ can be written as: $$\mathbf{p}=p_i \tilde{e}^i,.$$

The basis vectors are $\vec{e}_i$ and the basis forms are $\tilde{e}^i$.

Any rank 2 tensor $\mathbf{A}$ can be written as: $$\mathbf{A}=A^{ij} \vec{e}_i \otimes \vec{e}_j,.$$ Any rank 3 tensor $\mathbf{A}$ can be written as: $$\mathbf{A}=A^{ijk} \vec{e}_i \otimes \vec{e}_j \otimes \vec{e}_k,.$$

The tensor basis is $\vec{e}_i \otimes \vec{e}_j$ and $\vec{e}_i \otimes \vec{e}_j \otimes \vec{e}k$. If we mix lower and upper indices: $$\mathbf{A}=A^i{}{j} \vec{e}_i \otimes \tilde{e}^j,.$$

The vector basis and the dual (form) basis is related by a dot product: $$\tilde{e}^i \cdot \vec{e}_j = \delta^i{}_j,. $$

If the vector basis is a coordinate basis, then it can be written as: $$\vec{e}_i = {\partial\mathbf{r}\over\partial x^i} \equiv {\partial\over\partial x^i},, $$ where the position vector $\mathbf{r}$ can be omitted, and the basis vector is treated as an operator on any function on the manifold (we will not use this notation). The corresponding form basis can be written as $$\tilde{e}^i \equiv dx^i,. $$ The form can be said to act on a vector to produce a number (definition of a dual space) as follows using a dot product: $$\mathbf{p}(\mathbf{u})\equiv\mathbf{p} \cdot \mathbf{u} =p_i \tilde{e}^i \cdot u^j \vec{e}_j =p_i u^j \tilde{e}^i \cdot \vec{e}_j =p_i u^j \delta^i{}_j =p_i u^i,. $$ We will not use the $\mathbf{p}(\mathbf{u})$ notation, we will use the dot product directly, or simply contracting indices as $p_i u^i$. All other forms acting on vectors is defined in a similar way using a dot product, and in index notation it just becomes a contraction.

Index Notation

We omit writing the basis vectors, so equations from the previous sections would be just $u^i$, $p_i$, $A^{ij}$, $A^{ijk}$, $A^i{}_j$, $p_i u^i$, etc. In most cases that is enough to fully represent everything. When we want to represent the tensor itself, we include the basis functions too.

The upper and lower indices are treated equally, they are just contravariant and covariant components of the same tensor.

Exterior (Wedge) Product

The exterior (wedge) product of two forms $\mathbf{u}=u_i \tilde{e}^i$ and $\mathbf{v}=v_i \tilde{e}^i$ is defined as: $$\mathbf{u} \wedge \mathbf{v} \equiv \mathbf{u} \otimes \mathbf{v} - \mathbf{v} \otimes \mathbf{u},. $$ Expressing this in components in terms of the basis: $$\mathbf{u} \wedge \mathbf{v} = u_i \tilde{e}^i \wedge v_j \tilde{e}^j =\mathbf{u} \otimes \mathbf{v} - \mathbf{v} \otimes \mathbf{u} = u_i \tilde{e}^i \otimes v_j \tilde{e}^j - v_i \tilde{e}^i \otimes u_j \tilde{e}^j = $$

$$= u_i v_j \tilde{e}^i \otimes \tilde{e}^j - v_i u_j \tilde{e}^i \otimes \tilde{e}^j = $$

$$= (u_i v_j-u_j v_i) \tilde{e}^i \otimes \tilde{e}^j = $$

$$= \det\begin{pmatrix} u_i & u_j \ v_i & v_j \end{pmatrix} \tilde{e}^i \otimes \tilde{e}^j = A_{ij}\tilde{e}^i \otimes \tilde{e}^j,. $$ :::{warning} TODO The last equation can be written using a wedge product: $$(u_i v_j-u_j v_i) \tilde{e}^i \otimes \tilde{e}^j = (u_i v_j-u_j v_i) \tilde{e}^i \wedge \tilde{e}^j $$ Workout the details and incorporate. ::: Thus we get: $$\label{wedge_rank2} u_i \tilde{e}^i \wedge v_j \tilde{e}^j = \det\begin{pmatrix} u_i & u_j \ v_i & v_j \end{pmatrix} \tilde{e}^i \otimes \tilde{e}^j = A_{ij}\tilde{e}^i \otimes \tilde{e}^j,. $$ For a wedge product of three forms we get: $$\label{wedge_rank3} u_i \tilde{e}^i \wedge v_j \tilde{e}^j \wedge w_k\tilde{e}^k = \det\begin{pmatrix} u_i & u_j & u_k \ v_i & v_j & v_k \ w_i & w_j & w_k \end{pmatrix} \tilde{e}^i \otimes \tilde{e}^j \otimes \tilde{e}^k =A_{ijk}\tilde{e}^i \otimes \tilde{e}^j \otimes \tilde{e}^k,. $$ More products are defined in analogous manner. The exterior product can be defined for vectors as well. The components of these tensors are equal to: $$\label{index_rank2} A_{ij}= \det\begin{pmatrix} u_i & u_j \ v_i & v_j \end{pmatrix} = u_i v_j - u_j v_i $$ and $$\label{index_rank3} A_{ijk} = \det\begin{pmatrix} u_i & u_j & u_k \ v_i & v_j & v_k \ w_i & w_j & w_k \end{pmatrix},. $$

The wedge product is equal to the tensor written using the tensor basis in equations and . The same tensor in index notation is given by equations and .

Using properties of a determinant, we can see that the wedge product is just a fully antisymmetric tensor.

:::{warning} TODO Write every antisymmetric tensor using differential forms, thus showing that they are equivalent. :::

:::{warning} TODO Derive all properties of the wedge product using existing tensor machinery: antisymmetry, all the common relations from literature, etc. :::

:::{warning} TODO Show that in 2D and 3D the wedge product is the oriented area and volume. Ideally using tensors first, since we only want to use that, and then show that the wedge product when written using tensors gives the area and volume exactly. :::

:::{warning} TODO Derive integration formulas by converting to tensor formulation and a metric. The determinant takes care of the volume and becomes the usual square root of a determinant of the metric I think. :::


Example: $dx \wedge dz$

We can now use the definitions to compute various special cases. For example if we have the exterior product of two forms $dx$ and $dz$ (which have components $dx_i=\delta_{1i}$ and $dz_i=\delta_{3i}$): $$dx \wedge dz = \det\begin{pmatrix} \delta_{1i} & \delta_{1j} \ \delta_{3i} & \delta_{3j} \end{pmatrix} \tilde{e}^i \otimes \tilde{e}^j = \tilde{e}^1 \otimes \tilde{e}^3 - \tilde{e}^3 \otimes \tilde{e}^1 ,, $$ thus the components of this rank 2 tensor are: $$A_{ij}=\det\begin{pmatrix} \delta_{1i} & \delta_{1j} \ \delta_{3i} & \delta_{3j} \end{pmatrix}=\delta_{1i}\delta_{3j}-\delta_{1j}\delta_{3i} =\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 & 1 \ 0 & 0 & 0 \ -1 & 0 & 0 \end{pmatrix} ,. $$

Example: $\tilde{e}^1 \wedge \tilde{e}^3$

The exterior product of two basis forms $\tilde{e}^1$ and $\tilde{e}^3$ is: $$\tilde{e}^1 \wedge \tilde{e}^3 = \det\begin{pmatrix} \delta_{1i} & \delta_{1j} \ \delta_{3i} & \delta_{3j} \end{pmatrix} \tilde{e}^i \otimes \tilde{e}^j = \tilde{e}^1 \otimes \tilde{e}^3 - \tilde{e}^3 \otimes \tilde{e}^1 ,, $$ thus the components of this rank 2 tensor are: $$A_{ij}=\det\begin{pmatrix} \delta_{1i} & \delta_{1j} \ \delta_{3i} & \delta_{3j} \end{pmatrix}=\delta_{1i}\delta_{3j}-\delta_{1j}\delta_{3i} =\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 & 1 \ 0 & 0 & 0 \ -1 & 0 & 0 \end{pmatrix} ,. $$ We can see that $\tilde{e}^1 \wedge \tilde{e}^3 = \tilde{e}^1 \otimes \tilde{e}^3 - \tilde{e}^3 \otimes \tilde{e}^1$, so the wedge product is simply an antisymmetric tensor, written with the form basis functions included.

Example: $dx^1 \wedge dx^2 \wedge dx^4$ evaluated on vectors

When evaluating the form (composed of basis forms) on vectors $\mathbf{u}$, $\mathbf{v}$ and $\mathbf{w}$, we are computing the following dot product of the two rank 3 tensors (full contraction): $$(dx^1 \wedge dx^2 \wedge dx^4) \cdot (\mathbf{u} \otimes \mathbf{v} \otimes \mathbf{w})= $$ $$= \det\begin{pmatrix} \delta_{1i} & \delta_{1j} & \delta_{1k} \ \delta_{2i} & \delta_{2j} & \delta_{2k} \ \delta_{4i} & \delta_{4j} & \delta_{4k} \ \end{pmatrix} \tilde{e}^i \otimes \tilde{e}^j \otimes \tilde{e}^k \cdot (u^l v^m w^n \vec{e}l \vec{e}m \vec{e}n)= $$ $$= \det\begin{pmatrix} \delta{1i} & \delta{1j} & \delta{1k} \ \delta_{2i} & \delta_{2j} & \delta_{2k} \ \delta_{4i} & \delta_{4j} & \delta_{4k} \ \end{pmatrix} u^i v^j w^k = \det\begin{pmatrix} u_1 & v_1 & w_1 \ u_2 & v_2 & w_2 \ u_4 & v_4 & w_4 \ \end{pmatrix},. $$

The form has thus selected the first, second and fourth component row of the vectors. The result is just a scalar.


Winitzki, Sergei. Linear algebra via exterior products. Sergei Winitzki, 2009.

Theoretical Physics Reference:

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