Compile using either of:
and you should get the result:
3 T F
true -> false
3 F T
false -> true
Now compile using Intel:
and you get the result:
3 T F
true -> true
3 F T
false -> true
Which is incorrect. Enable -fpscomp logical
in compile_intel, recompile, then you get:
3 T F
true -> false
3 F T
false -> true
I need some help in fortran programming. As i am new in fortran so i am not getting how to merge two file or all i can say how to compile 2 file. As i am student of atmospheric science stream so i need to merge some satellite data. I have 10 files (Lat Lon Vales in each files). I want to make it one and also want to do average of each lat , lon values.
Hope you got my problem
Thank You