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Last active April 23, 2024 07:53
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  • Save cesalazar/d64cffc85c635b4384307bc76b175fd8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cesalazar/d64cffc85c635b4384307bc76b175fd8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
clipbread config
const { getClipboard } = require(`${process.mainModule.path}/utils`)
const { execSync } = require('child_process')
// Modify to your hearth's content!
// Function to run a command and return the output or error
const runCmd = (command) => {
try {
const output = execSync(command, { encoding: 'utf8' })
return output
} catch (error) {
return error.message
const formatTextWidth = (width) =>
runCmd(`echo "${getClipboard()}" | fmt -w${width}`)
// This uses my zsh/git aliases, you'll probably need to use `git checkout -b`
const gitCheckout = (kind = '') =>
`g co -b ${kind ? kind + '/' : ''}${getClipboard()}`
const surroundWith = (start = '', end = '') => `${start}${getClipboard()}${end}`
const removeSurround = (start, end) =>
getClipboard().replace(new RegExp(`${start}(\\s+)?|(\\s+)?${end}`, 'gm'), '')
const replaceTokens = (inn, out) => getClipboard().replace(inn, out)
const functions = {
case_SnakeToCamel: () =>
replaceTokens(/_+./g, (match) => match.slice(-1).toUpperCase()),
caseCamelTo_Snake: () => replaceTokens(/([A-Z])+/g, '_$1').toLowerCase(),
checkoutBranch: () => gitCheckout(),
checkoutChoreBranch: () => gitCheckout('chore'),
checkoutFeatureBranch: () => gitCheckout('feature'),
checkoutFixBranch: () => gitCheckout('fix'),
cleanEncodedUrlTracking: () =>
getClipboard().split(/\?.*?=/)[1] ?? getClipboard()
cleanJiraMarkdownLink: () =>
replaceTokens(/\[\[([^\]]+)\][^\]]*\]\(([^)]+)\)/, '[$1]($2)'),
commentBash: () => surroundWith('# '),
commentCss: () => surroundWith('/* ', ' */'),
commentDjango: () => surroundWith('{# ', ' #}'),
commentHtml: () => surroundWith('<!-- ', ' -->'),
curlyQuote: () => surroundWith('`', '`'),
doubleInsideSingle: () => [functions.doubleQuote, functions.singleQuote],
doubleQuote: () => surroundWith('"', '"'),
escapeSlashes: () => replaceTokens(/\//g, '\\/'),
filterWebConsole: () => surroundWith(`-\/`, `\/`).replace(/\s+/gm, '|'),
formatTextWidth50: () => formatTextWidth(50),
formatTextWidth72: () => formatTextWidth(72),
formatTextWidth80: () => formatTextWidth(80),
getTicketFromUrl: () => getClipboard().split('/').pop(),
jsDocQuerySelect: () => surroundWith('document.querySelector(`', '`)'),
jsDocQuerySelectAll: () => surroundWith('document.querySelectorAll(`', '`)'),
jsQuerySelect: () => surroundWith('querySelector(`', '`)'),
jsQuerySelectAll: () => surroundWith('querySelectorAll(`', '`)'),
keyValuePair: () => surroundWith(`'`, `': '',`),
localhostFrom127: () => replaceTokens('', 'localhost'),
localhostFromZero: () => replaceTokens('', 'localhost'),
localhostTo127: () => replaceTokens('localhost', ''),
localhostToZero: () => replaceTokens('localhost', ''),
markdownLinkFromTitle: () => surroundWith('[', '](URL)'),
markdownLinkFromURL: () => surroundWith('[TITLE](', ')'),
removeGitHubPrAuthor: () => replaceTokens(/(\[.*) by .*]/, '$1]'),
removeJiraSpam: () => replaceTokens(/(\[.*) - Jira.*]/, '$1]'),
removeNewline: () => replaceTokens(/(\r|\n|\s)+/gm, ' '),
removeSpaces: () => replaceTokens(/(\s)+/gm, ''),
replaceDashWithPeriod: () => replaceTokens(/-+/gm, '.'),
replaceDashWithSpace: () => replaceTokens(/-+/gm, ' '),
replaceDashWithUnderscore: () => replaceTokens(/-+/gm, '_'),
replaceSpaceWithDash: () => replaceTokens(/\s+/gm, '-'),
replaceSpaceWithPeriod: () => replaceTokens(/\s+/gm, '.'),
replaceSpaceWithUnderscore: () => replaceTokens(/\s+/gm, '_'),
replaceUnderscoreWithDash: () => replaceTokens(/_+/gm, '-'),
replaceUnderscoreWithPeriod: () => replaceTokens(/_+/gm, '.'),
replaceUnderscoreWithSpace: () => replaceTokens(/_+/gm, ' '),
reverseString: () => getClipboard().split('').reverse().join(''),
singleInsideDouble: () => [functions.singleQuote, functions.doubleQuote],
singleQuote: () => surroundWith(`'`, `'`),
splitAndCount4: () =>
.concat(` (${getClipboard().length})`),
toLowerCase: () => getClipboard().toLowerCase(),
toTitleCase: () =>
replaceTokens(/\b\w/g, (match) => match.slice(-1).toUpperCase()),
toUpperCase: () => getClipboard().toUpperCase(),
trim: () => getClipboard().trim(),
uncommentCss: () => removeSurround(`\\/\\*`, `\\*\\/`),
uncommentDjango: () => removeSurround('{#', '#}'),
uncommentHtml: () => removeSurround('<!--', '-->'),
const aliases = {
case_SnakeToCamel: ['stc'],
caseCamelTo_Snake: ['cts'],
checkoutBranch: ['gcob'],
checkoutChoreBranch: ['gcho'],
checkoutFeatureBranch: ['gfea'],
checkoutFixBranch: ['gfix'],
cleanEncodedUrlTracking: ['ceut'],
cleanJiraMarkdownLink: ['cjml'],
commentBash: ['cbash'],
commentCss: ['ccss'],
commentDjango: ['cdjango'],
commentHtml: ['chtml'],
curlyQuote: ['cq'],
doubleInsideSingle: ['dqis'],
doubleQuote: ['dq'],
escapeSlashes: ['ep'],
filterWebConsole: ['fwc'],
formatTextWidth50: ['fw5', 'ftw50'],
formatTextWidth72: ['fw7', 'ftw72'],
formatTextWidth80: ['fw8', 'ftw80'],
keyValuePair: ['kvp'],
markdownLinkFromTitle: ['mdlft', 'mdlt'],
markdownLinkFromURL: ['mdlfu', 'mdlu'],
removeGitHubPrAuthor: ['rmghpa', 'rmgha'],
removeNewline: ['rmnl'],
reverseString: ['rev'],
singleInsideDouble: ['sid'],
singleQuote: ['s', 'sq'],
toLowerCase: ['tl', 'tlc', 'lc'],
toTitleCase: ['tt', 'ttc', 'tc'],
toUpperCase: ['tu', 'tuc', 'uc'],
trim: ['t'],
uncommentCss: ['uccss'],
uncommentDjango: ['ucdjango'],
uncommentHtml: ['uchtml'],
module.exports = {
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