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Forked from MagicalDrizzle/user-overrides.js
Created August 6, 2022 11:37
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my personal overrides for every new firefox profile
/* my overrides */
/* override recipe: enable session restore ***/
/* 0102: set startup page [SETUP-CHROME]
* 0=blank, 1=home, 2=last visited page, 3=resume previous session
* [NOTE] Session Restore is cleared with history (2811, 2812), and not used in Private Browsing mode
* [SETTING] General>Startup>Restore previous session ***/
user_pref("", 3);
/* 1003: disable storing extra session data [SETUP-CHROME]
* define on which sites to save extra session data such as form content, cookies and POST data
* 0=everywhere, 1=unencrypted sites, 2=nowhere ***/
user_pref("browser.sessionstore.privacy_level", 0);
/* 2811: set/enforce what items to clear on shutdown (if 2810 is true) [SETUP-CHROME]
* These items do not use exceptions, it is all or nothing (1681701)
* [NOTE] If "history" is true, downloads will also be cleared
* [NOTE] "sessions": Active Logins: refers to HTTP Basic Authentication [1], not logins via cookies
* [NOTE] "offlineApps": Offline Website Data: localStorage, service worker cache, QuotaManager (IndexedDB, asm-cache)
* [SETTING] Privacy & Security>History>Custom Settings>Clear history when Firefox closes>Settings
* [1] ***/
user_pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.history", false); // [DEFAULT: true]
user_pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.downloads", false); // [DEFAULT: true]
/* 2812: reset default items to clear with Ctrl-Shift-Del (to match 2811) [SETUP-CHROME]
* This dialog can also be accessed from the menu History>Clear Recent History
* Firefox remembers your last choices. This will reset them when you start Firefox
* [NOTE] Regardless of what you set "downloads" to, as soon as the dialog
* for "Clear Recent History" is opened, it is synced to the same as "history" ***/
user_pref("privacy.cpd.history", false); // [DEFAULT: true]
/* addition not in the original recipe ***/
user_pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown.cache", false); // [DEFAULT: false]
user_pref("privacy.cpd.cache", false); // [DEFAULT: true]
/* 0103: set HOME+NEWWINDOW page
* about:home=Activity Stream (default, see 0105), custom URL, about:blank
* [SETTING] Home>New Windows and Tabs>Homepage and new windows ***/
user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "about:home"); // change back to blank (default) if performance issues
/* 0710: disable DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) rollout [FF60+]
* 0=off by default, 2=TRR (Trusted Recursive Resolver) first, 3=TRR only, 5=explicitly off
* see "doh-rollout.home-region": USA Feb 2020, Canada July 2021 [3]
* [1]
* [2]
* [3]
* [4] ***/
user_pref("network.trr.mode", 3);
// more TRR stuffs
user_pref("network.trr.uri", "");
/* 0820: disable coloring of visited links
* [SETUP-HARDEN] Bulk rapid history sniffing was mitigated in 2010 [1][2]. Slower and more expensive
* redraw timing attacks were largely mitigated in FF77+ [3]. Using RFP (4501) further hampers timing
* attacks. Don't forget clearing history on exit (2811). However, social engineering [2#limits][4][5]
* and advanced targeted timing attacks could still produce usable results
* [1]
* [2]
* [3]
* [4] (see github wiki APPENDIX A on how to use)
* [5] ***/
user_pref("layout.css.visited_links_enabled", false);
/* 1001: disable disk cache
* [SETUP-CHROME] If you think disk cache helps perf, then feel free to override this
* [NOTE] We also clear cache on exit (2811) ***/
user_pref("browser.cache.disk.enable", true);
/* 1004: set the minimum interval between session save operations
* Increasing this can help on older machines and some websites, as well as reducing writes [1]
* [1] ***/
user_pref("browser.sessionstore.interval", 300000); // [DEFAULT: 15000]
/* 1601: control when to send a cross-origin referer
* 0=always (default), 1=only if base domains match, 2=only if hosts match
* [SETUP-WEB] Breakage: older modems/routers and some sites e.g banks, vimeo, icloud, instagram
* If "2" is too strict, then override to "0" and use Smart Referer extension (Strict mode + add exceptions) ***/
user_pref("network.http.referer.XOriginPolicy", 0);
/* 2001: disable WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication)
* Firefox uses mDNS hostname obfuscation on desktop (except Windows7/8) and the
* private IP is NEVER exposed, except if required in TRUSTED scenarios; i.e. after
* you grant device (microphone or camera) access
* [SETUP-HARDEN] Test first. Windows7/8 users only: behind a proxy who never use WebRTC
* [TEST]
* [1]
* [2] ***/
user_pref("media.peerconnection.enabled", false);
/* 2030: disable autoplay of HTML5 media [FF63+]
* 0=Allow all, 1=Block non-muted media (default), 5=Block all
* [NOTE] You can set exceptions under site permissions
* [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Permissions>Autoplay>Settings>Default for all websites ***/
user_pref("media.autoplay.default", 5);
/* 2662: disable webextension restrictions on certain mozilla domains (you also need 4503) [FF60+]
* [1],1406795,1415644,1453988 ***/
user_pref("extensions.webextensions.restrictedDomains", "");
/* 4504: enable RFP letterboxing [FF67+]
* Dynamically resizes the inner window by applying margins in stepped ranges [2]
* If you use the dimension pref, then it will only apply those resolutions.
* The format is "width1xheight1, width2xheight2, ..." (e.g. "800x600, 1000x1000")
* [SETUP-WEB] This is independent of RFP (4501). If you're not using RFP, or you are but
* dislike the margins, then flip this pref, keeping in mind that it is effectively fingerprintable
* [WARNING] DO NOT USE: the dimension pref is only meant for testing
* [1]
* [2] ***/
user_pref("privacy.resistFingerprinting.letterboxing", false); // [HIDDEN PREF]
/* 4520: disable WebGL (Web Graphics Library)
* [SETUP-WEB] If you need it then override it. RFP still randomizes canvas for naive scripts ***/
user_pref("webgl.disabled", false);
/* 5003: disable saving passwords
* [NOTE] This does not clear any passwords already saved
* [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Logins and Passwords>Ask to save logins and passwords for websites ***/
user_pref("signon.rememberSignons", false);
/* 5506: disable WebAssembly [FF52+]
* Vulnerabilities [1] have increasingly been found, including those known and fixed
* in native programs years ago [2]. WASM has powerful low-level access, making
* certain attacks (brute-force) and vulnerabilities more possible
* [STATS] ~0.2% of websites, about half of which are for crytopmining / malvertising [2][3]
* [1]
* [2]
* [3] ***/
user_pref("javascript.options.wasm", false);
/* UPDATES ***/
user_pref("", false); // [NON-WINDOWS] disable auto app updates
// [NOTE] You will still get prompts to update, and should do so in a timely manner
// [SETTING] General>Firefox Updates>Check for updates but let you choose to install them
user_pref("ui.prefersReducedMotion", 1); // disable chrome animations [FF77+] [RESTART] [HIDDEN PREF]
// 0=no-preference, 1=reduce: with RFP this only affects chrome
user_pref("ui.systemUsesDarkTheme", 1); // [FF67+] [HIDDEN PREF]
// 0=light, 1=dark: with RFP this only affects chrome
user_pref("browser.backspace_action", 2); // 0=previous page, 1=scroll up, 2=do nothing
user_pref("browser.tabs.loadBookmarksInTabs", true); // open bookmarks in a new tab [FF57+]
user_pref("", false); // view "page/selection source" in a new window [FF68+]
/* Lepton-Photon style */
// ** Theme Default Options ****************************************************/
// userchrome.css usercontent.css activate
user_pref("toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets", true);
// Proton Enabled #127 || Removed at 97 #328 (Maintained for compatibility with ESR)
user_pref("browser.proton.enabled", true);
// Proton Tooltip
user_pref("browser.proton.places-tooltip.enabled", true);
// Fill SVG Color
user_pref("svg.context-properties.content.enabled", true);
// CSS Color Mix - 88 Above
user_pref("layout.css.color-mix.enabled", true);
// CSS Blur Filter - 88 Above
user_pref("layout.css.backdrop-filter.enabled", true);
// Restore Compact Mode - 89 Above
user_pref("", true);
// about:home Search Bar - 89 Above
user_pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.improvesearch.handoffToAwesomebar", false);
// Browser Theme Based Scheme - Will be activate 95 Above
// user_pref("layout.css.prefers-color-scheme.content-override", 3);
// ** Theme Related Options ****************************************************
// == Theme Distribution Settings ==============================================
user_pref("", true); // Original, Photon
user_pref("", true); // Original, Photon
// user_pref("", true); // Original
user_pref("", true); // Photon
// user_pref("", true); // Original, Proton
user_pref("", true); // Photon
// user_pref("", true); // Just option
// user_pref("", true); // Original
user_pref("", true); // Photon
// user_pref("", true); // Proton
// user_pref("userChrome.icon.panel_full", true); // Original, Proton
user_pref("userChrome.icon.panel_photon", true); // Photon
// user_pref("userChrome.icon.panel_sparse", true); // Just option
// Original Only
// user_pref("", true);
// user_pref("", true);
// Photon Only
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("userChrome.rounding.square_tab", true);
// == Theme Compatibility Settings =============================================
// user_pref("userChrome.compatibility.covered_header_image", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.compatibility.panel_cutoff", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.compatibility.navbar_top_border", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.compatibility.dynamic_separator", true); // Need dynamic_seperator
// user_pref("userChrome.compatiblity.os.linux_non_native_titlebar_button", true);
// == Theme Custom Settings ====================================================
// -- User Chrome --------------------------------------------------------------
// user_pref("userChrome.decoration.disable_panel_animate", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.decoration.disable_sidebar_animate", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.theme.proton_color.dark_blue_accent", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.rounding.square_button", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.rounding.square_panel", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.rounding.square_panelitem", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.rounding.square_menupopup", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.rounding.square_menuitem", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.rounding.square_field", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.rounding.square_checklabel", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.padding.first_tab", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.padding.drag_space", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.padding.drag_space.maximized", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.padding.menu_compact", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.padding.bookmark_menu.compact", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.padding.urlView_expanding", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.padding.urlView_result", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.padding.panel_header", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.urlView.move_icon_to_left", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.urlView.go_button_when_typing", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.urlView.always_show_page_actions", true);
// user_pref("", true);
// user_pref("", true); // Need on_bottom
// user_pref("", true); // Need on_bottom
// user_pref("", true);
// user_pref("", true);
// user_pref("", true);
// user_pref("", true);
// user_pref("", true); // Need close_button_at_hover
// user_pref("", true); // Need remove sound_hide_label
// user_pref("", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.panel.remove_strip", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.panel.full_width_separator", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.panel.full_width_padding", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.icon.account_image_to_right", true);
// user_pref("userChrome.icon.account_label_to_right", true);
// -- User Content -------------------------------------------------------------
// user_pref("userContent.player.ui.twoline", true);
// user_pref("", true);
// user_pref("", true);
// == Theme Default Settings ===================================================
// -- User Chrome --------------------------------------------------------------
user_pref("userChrome.compatibility.theme", true);
user_pref("userChrome.compatibility.os", true);
user_pref("userChrome.theme.built_in_contrast", true);
user_pref("userChrome.theme.system_default", true);
user_pref("userChrome.theme.proton_color", true);
user_pref("userChrome.theme.proton_chrome", true); // Need proton_color
user_pref("userChrome.theme.fully_color", true); // Need proton_color
user_pref("userChrome.theme.fully_dark", true); // Need proton_color
user_pref("userChrome.decoration.cursor", true);
user_pref("userChrome.decoration.field_border", true);
user_pref("userChrome.decoration.download_panel", true);
user_pref("userChrome.decoration.animate", true);
user_pref("userChrome.padding.tabbar_width", true);
user_pref("userChrome.padding.tabbar_height", true);
user_pref("userChrome.padding.toolbar_button", true);
user_pref("userChrome.padding.navbar_width", true);
user_pref("userChrome.padding.urlbar", true);
user_pref("userChrome.padding.bookmarkbar", true);
user_pref("userChrome.padding.infobar", true);
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("userChrome.padding.bookmark_menu", true);
user_pref("userChrome.padding.global_menubar", true);
user_pref("userChrome.padding.panel", true);
user_pref("userChrome.padding.popup_panel", true);
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("userChrome.fullscreen.overlap", true);
user_pref("userChrome.fullscreen.show_bookmarkbar", true);
user_pref("userChrome.icon.library", true);
user_pref("userChrome.icon.panel", true);
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("userChrome.icon.context_menu", true);
user_pref("userChrome.icon.global_menu", true);
user_pref("userChrome.icon.global_menubar", true);
// -- User Content -------------------------------------------------------------
user_pref("userContent.player.ui", true);
user_pref("userContent.player.icon", true);
user_pref("userContent.player.noaudio", true);
user_pref("userContent.player.size", true);
user_pref("userContent.player.click_to_play", true);
user_pref("userContent.player.animate", true);
user_pref("userContent.newTab.field_border", true);
user_pref("userContent.newTab.full_icon", true);
user_pref("userContent.newTab.animate", true);
user_pref("userContent.newTab.pocket_to_last", true);
user_pref("userContent.newTab.searchbar", true);
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("", true);
user_pref("", true); // Need proton_color
user_pref("", true); // Need proton_color
// ** Useful Options ***********************************************************
// Integrated calculator at urlbar
user_pref("browser.urlbar.suggest.calculator", true);
// Integrated unit convertor at urlbar
// user_pref("browser.urlbar.unitConversion.enabled", true);
// Draw in Titlebar
// user_pref("browser.tabs.drawInTitlebar", true);
// user_pref("browser.tabs.inTitlebar", 1); // Nightly, 96 Above
// ** Scrolling Settings *******************************************************
// == Only Sharpen Scrolling ===================================================
// Pref Value Original
user_pref("mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount", 10); // 5
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMinMS", 80); // 50
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.currentVelocityWeighting", "0.15"); // "0.25"
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.stopDecelerationWeighting", "0.6"); // "0.4"
// == Smooth Scroling ==========================================================
// ** Scrolling Options ********************************************************
// based on natural smooth scrolling v2 by aveyo
// this preset will reset couple extra variables for consistency
// Pref Value Original
user_pref("apz.allow_zooming", true); /// true
user_pref("apz.force_disable_desktop_zooming_scrollbars", false); /// false
user_pref("apz.paint_skipping.enabled", true); /// true
user_pref("", true); /// true
user_pref("dom.event.wheel-deltaMode-lines.always-disabled", true); /// false
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.currentVelocityWeighting", "0.12"); /// "0.25" <- 1. If scroll too slow, set to "0.15"
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.durationToIntervalRatio", 1000); /// 200
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.lines.durationMaxMS", 100); /// 150
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.lines.durationMinMS", 0); /// 150
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMaxMS", 100); /// 200
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMinMS", 0); /// 50
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.migrationPercent", 100); /// 100
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.continuousMotionMaxDeltaMS", 12); /// 120
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.enabled", true); /// false
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.motionBeginSpringConstant", 200); /// 1250
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.regularSpringConstant", 200); /// 1000
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.slowdownMinDeltaMS", 10); /// 12
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.slowdownMinDeltaRatio", "1.20"); /// "1.3"
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.msdPhysics.slowdownSpringConstant", 1000); /// 2000
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.other.durationMaxMS", 100); /// 150
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.other.durationMinMS", 0); /// 150
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.pages.durationMaxMS", 100); /// 150
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.pages.durationMinMS", 0); /// 150
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.pixels.durationMaxMS", 100); /// 150
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.pixels.durationMinMS", 0); /// 150
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.scrollbars.durationMaxMS", 100); /// 150
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.scrollbars.durationMinMS", 0); /// 150
user_pref("general.smoothScroll.stopDecelerationWeighting", "0.6"); /// "0.4"
user_pref("layers.async-pan-zoom.enabled", true); /// true
user_pref("layout.css.scroll-behavior.spring-constant", "250.0"); /// "250.0"
user_pref("mousewheel.acceleration.factor", 3); /// 10
user_pref("mousewheel.acceleration.start", -1); /// -1
user_pref("mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_x", 100); /// 100
user_pref("mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_y", 100); /// 100
user_pref("mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_z", 100); /// 100
user_pref("mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount", 0); /// 5
user_pref("mousewheel.system_scroll_override.enabled", true); /// true <- 2. If scroll too fast, set to false
user_pref("mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.enabled", false); /// true
user_pref("mousewheel.transaction.timeout", 1500); /// 1500
user_pref("toolkit.scrollbox.horizontalScrollDistance", 4); /// 5
user_pref("toolkit.scrollbox.verticalScrollDistance", 3); /// 3
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