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Created November 13, 2011 23:00
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Solution to Instagram Engineering Challenge: The Unshredder
import PIL.Image
import sys
def stitching(image, shred_width, left_shred, right_shred):
"""Calculate the cost of stitching two shreds.
image -- grayscale image
shred_width -- width of a shred
left_shred -- index of the left shred
right_shred -- index of the right shred
The cost of shredding left_shred to right_shred is equal to the sum of the
absolute differences between pixels in the last column of left_shred and
the first column of right_shred.
w, h = image.size
data = image.getdata()
return sum([abs(data[y * w + (left_shred + 1) * shred_width - 1] -
data[y * w + right_shred * shred_width])
for y in xrange(h)])
def unshred(image, shred_width):
"""Compute left-to-right order shreds must be placed to unshred the image.
image -- grayscale image
shred_width -- width of a shred
The return value is a list of ordered shred indexes that will unshred
the image.
def unshred_inner(stitchings, shreds_left, unshred_order):
"""Inner function for a single unshredding step.
stitchings -- list of (left_shred, right_shred, stitching_cost) tuples
of all possible stitchings, sorted by stitching_cost
shreds_left -- shreds left to unshred
unshred_order -- current list containing the left-to-right order in
which shreds must be placed to get an unshredded image
unshred_inner is a recursive function that builds unshred's return
value. At each step, a new shred is stitched to its original position.
The next shred to be stitched is chosen to be the one with the
lowest stitching cost between a shred that might be stitched to
the left of the current unshredded image i.e. prepended to the
unshred_order list and a shred that might be stitched to the right
of the current unshredded image i.e. appended to the undred_order
list. In the first step, when unshred_order is empty, the first shred
is chosen as the one with the lowest stitching cost in the stitchings
list (which in this moment contains all possible stitchings between
any two distinct shreds).
if shreds_left == 0:
return unshred_order
if not unshred_order:
best = stitchings[0]
unshred_order_next = [best[0], best[1]]
shreds_left_next = shreds_left - 2
best_prepend = filter(lambda x: x[1] == unshred_order[0],
best_append = filter(lambda x: x[0] == unshred_order[-1],
if best_prepend and best_append and \
best_prepend[0][2] < best_append[0][2] or best_prepend:
unshred_order_next = [best_prepend[0][0]] + unshred_order
elif best_append:
unshred_order_next = unshred_order + [best_append[0][1]]
raise Exception("can't happen")
shreds_left_next = shreds_left - 1
# Remove from the stitchings list all stitchings that are not
# possible anymore. Those are the ones which have
# unshred_order_next[0] as the left shred and the ones that contain
# unshred_order_next[-1] (the last element of unshred_order_next)
# as the right shred.
stitchings_next = filter(
lambda x: x[0] != unshred_order_next[0] and \
x[1] != unshred_order_next[-1],
return unshred_inner(
stitchings_next, shreds_left_next, unshred_order_next)
shreds = image.size[0] / shred_width
stitchings = sorted([(s, t, stitching(image, shred_width, s, t))
for s in xrange(shreds) for t in xrange(shreds)
if s != t],
cmp=lambda x, y: x[2] - y[2])
return unshred_inner(stitchings, shreds, [])
if __name__ == "__main__":
image =[1])
shred_width = 32
unshred_order = unshred(image.convert("L"), shred_width)
unshredded ="RGB", image.size)
for i, shred in enumerate(unshred_order):
x1, y1 = shred_width * shred, 0
x2, y2 = x1 + shred_width, image.size[1]
unshredded.paste(image.crop((x1, y1, x2, y2)), (i * shred_width, 0))"unshredded.png", "PNG")
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