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Created December 21, 2017 02:38
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from collections import deque
from math import sqrt
from sys import stdin
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Set
class RootSet:
def __init__(self, is_r: bool, roots: Tuple[int, ...]) -> None:
self.is_r, self.roots = is_r, roots
def empty(cls) -> 'RootSet':
return cls(False, ())
def from_roots(cls, roots: Tuple[int, ...]) -> 'RootSet':
return cls(False, roots)
def all_reals(cls) -> 'RootSet':
return cls(True, ())
def intersect(self, other: 'RootSet') -> 'RootSet':
if other.is_r:
return self
elif self.is_r:
return other
roots: Tuple[int, ...] = ()
for self_root in self.roots:
for other_root in other.roots:
if self_root == other_root:
roots += (self_root,)
return RootSet.from_roots(roots)
def is_nonempty(self) -> bool:
return self.is_r or bool(self.roots)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'RootSet({self.is_r}, {self.roots})'
def leftmost(self) -> Optional[int]:
if self.is_r:
return 0
for root in sorted(self.roots):
if root >= 0:
return root
return None
class Quadratic:
def __init__(self, a: int, b: int, c: int) -> None:
self.a, self.b, self.c = a, b, c
def roots(self) -> RootSet:
a, b, c = self.a, self.b, self.c
if a != 0:
delta = b ** 2 - 4 * a * c
if delta < 0:
return RootSet.empty()
elif delta == 0:
if b % (2 * a) != 0:
return RootSet.empty()
return RootSet.from_roots((-b // 2 // a,))
sqrt_delta = int(sqrt(delta))
if sqrt_delta ** 2 != delta:
return RootSet.empty()
nums = (-b + sqrt_delta, -b - sqrt_delta)
roots: Tuple[int, ...] = ()
for num in nums:
if num % (2 * a) == 0:
roots += (num // 2 // a,)
if not roots:
return RootSet.empty()
return RootSet.from_roots(roots)
elif b != 0:
if c % b == 0:
return RootSet.from_roots((-c // b,))
return RootSet.empty()
elif c != 0:
return RootSet.empty()
return RootSet.all_reals()
class ScalarTrajectory:
def __init__(self, p: int, v: int, a: int) -> None:
self.p, self.v, self.a = p, v, a
def __sub__(self, other: 'ScalarTrajectory') -> 'ScalarTrajectory':
return ScalarTrajectory(
self.p - other.p,
self.v - other.v,
self.a - other.a,
def roots(self) -> RootSet:
a = self.a
b = 2 * self.v + self.a
c = 2 * self.p
roots = Quadratic(a, b, c).roots()
return roots
class SpaceTrajectory:
def __init__(
x: ScalarTrajectory,
y: ScalarTrajectory,
z: ScalarTrajectory,
) -> None:
self.x, self.y, self.z = x, y, z
def from_line(cls, line: str) -> 'SpaceTrajectory':
eqs = line.strip().split(', ')
px, py, pz, vx, vy, vz, ax, ay, az = [
int(y) for x in eqs for y in x[3:-1].split(',')
return cls(
ScalarTrajectory(px, vx, ax),
ScalarTrajectory(py, vy, ay),
ScalarTrajectory(pz, vz, az),
def __sub__(self, other: 'SpaceTrajectory') -> 'SpaceTrajectory':
return SpaceTrajectory(
self.x - other.x,
self.y - other.y,
self.z - other.z,
def roots(self) -> RootSet:
roots_x, roots_y, roots_z = \
[t.roots() for t in [self.x, self.y, self.z]]
return roots_x.intersect(roots_y).intersect(roots_z)
def part2(inp: str) -> None:
particles = [
for line in inp.splitlines()
collisions = []
for i, pi in enumerate(particles):
for j, pj in enumerate(particles):
if i == j:
collision_time = (pi - pj).roots().leftmost()
if collision_time is not None:
collisions.append((collision_time, i, j))
collision_queue = deque(sorted(collisions))
removed: Set[int] = set()
while collision_queue:
to_add_to_removed: Set[int] = set()
t, _, _ = collision_queue[0]
while collision_queue and collision_queue[0][0] == t:
_, i, j = collision_queue.popleft()
if i not in removed and j not in removed:
removed |= to_add_to_removed
print(f'Part 2: {len(particles) - len(removed)}')
def main() -> None:
inp =
if __name__ == '__main__':
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