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Last active February 24, 2018 20:49
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Improved dataset loader for Toxic Comment dataset from Kaggle
"""Improved dataset loader for Toxic Comment dataset from Kaggle
Tested against:
* Python 3.6
* Numpy 1.14.0
* Pandas 0.22.0
* PyTorch 0.4.0a0+f83ca63 (should be very close to 0.3.0)
* torchtext 0.2.1
* spacy 2.0.5
* joblib 0.11
import re
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import spacy
import torch
from joblib import Memory
from torchtext import data
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
NLP = spacy.load('en')
MAX_CHARS = 20000
LOGGER = logging.getLogger("toxic_dataset")
MEMORY = Memory(cachedir="cache/", verbose=1)
def tokenizer(comment):
comment = re.sub(
r"[\*\"“”\n\\…\+\-\/\=\(\)‘•:\[\]\|’\!;]", " ", str(comment))
comment = re.sub(r"[ ]+", " ", comment)
comment = re.sub(r"\!+", "!", comment)
comment = re.sub(r"\,+", ",", comment)
comment = re.sub(r"\?+", "?", comment)
if (len(comment) > MAX_CHARS):
comment = comment[:MAX_CHARS]
return [x.text for x in NLP.tokenizer(comment) if x.text != " "]
def prepare_csv():
df_train = pd.read_csv("data/train.csv")
df_train["comment_text"] = df_train.comment_text.str.replace("\n", " ")
df_train.to_csv("cache/dataset_train.csv", index=False)
df_test = pd.read_csv("data/test.csv")
df_test["comment_text"] = df_test.comment_text.str.replace("\n", " ")
df_test.to_csv("cache/dataset_test.csv", index=False)
def read_files(fix_length=100, lower=False, vectors=None):
if vectors is not None:
# pretrain vectors only support all lower case
lower = True
LOGGER.debug("Preparing CSV files...")
comment = data.Field(
LOGGER.debug("Reading train csv file...")
train = data.TabularDataset(
path='cache/dataset_train.csv', format='csv', skip_header=True,
('id', None),
('comment_text', comment),
('toxic', data.Field(
use_vocab=False, sequential=False, tensor_type=torch.cuda.ByteTensor)),
('severe_toxic', data.Field(
use_vocab=False, sequential=False, tensor_type=torch.cuda.ByteTensor)),
('obscene', data.Field(
use_vocab=False, sequential=False, tensor_type=torch.cuda.ByteTensor)),
('threat', data.Field(
use_vocab=False, sequential=False, tensor_type=torch.cuda.ByteTensor)),
('insult', data.Field(
use_vocab=False, sequential=False, tensor_type=torch.cuda.ByteTensor)),
('identity_hate', data.Field(
use_vocab=False, sequential=False, tensor_type=torch.cuda.ByteTensor)),
LOGGER.debug("Reading test csv file...")
test = data.TabularDataset(
path='cache/dataset_test.csv', format='csv', skip_header=True,
('id', None),
('comment_text', comment)
LOGGER.debug("Building vocabulary...")
train, test,
LOGGER.debug("Done preparing the datasets")
return train.examples, test.examples, comment
def get_dataset(fix_length=100, lower=False, vectors=None, n_folds=5, seed=999):
train_exs, test_exs, comment = read_files(
fix_length=fix_length, lower=lower, vectors=vectors)
kf = KFold(n_splits=n_folds, random_state=seed)
fields = [
('id', None),
('comment_text', comment),
('toxic', data.Field(
use_vocab=False, sequential=False, tensor_type=torch.cuda.ByteTensor)),
('severe_toxic', data.Field(
use_vocab=False, sequential=False, tensor_type=torch.cuda.ByteTensor)),
('obscene', data.Field(
use_vocab=False, sequential=False, tensor_type=torch.cuda.ByteTensor)),
('threat', data.Field(
use_vocab=False, sequential=False, tensor_type=torch.cuda.ByteTensor)),
('insult', data.Field(
use_vocab=False, sequential=False, tensor_type=torch.cuda.ByteTensor)),
('identity_hate', data.Field(
use_vocab=False, sequential=False, tensor_type=torch.cuda.ByteTensor)),
def iter_folds():
train_exs_arr = np.array(train_exs)
for train_idx, val_idx in kf.split(train_exs_arr):
yield (
data.Dataset(train_exs_arr[train_idx], fields),
data.Dataset(train_exs_arr[val_idx], fields),
test = data.Dataset(test_exs, fields[:2])
return iter_folds(), test
def get_iterator(dataset, batch_size, train=True, shuffle=True, repeat=False):
dataset_iter = data.Iterator(
dataset, batch_size=batch_size, device=0,
train=train, shuffle=shuffle, repeat=repeat,
return dataset_iter
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