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Created November 8, 2012 03:07
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akka-remote connection forcing wont shutdown immediately, must wait for execution-pool-keepalive
case "bind" =>
val newRemoteActorsMap = routerConnectionOption match {
//avoid trying to connect to self.
case Some(localAkkaConnection) if localAkkaConnection != remoteAkkaConnection ?
//create a new actor for the remote node to send to
val localVoiceRecipient = context.actorOf(Props[VoiceRecipient], remoteAkkaConnection.actorNameString)
//get a reference to the textChat/voicechat actor on the remote node that the we should send to.
val remoteChatDisplayBox = context.actorFor(remoteAkkaConnection.uriString + """/user/chatDisplayBox""")
val remoteVoiceRecipient = context.actorFor(remoteAkkaConnection.uriString + """/user/mq-connection/$a/""" + roomUID + """/""" + localAkkaConnection.actorNameString)
val remoteActors = RemoteActors(remoteChatDisplayBox, remoteVoiceRecipient, localVoiceRecipient)
context.system.eventStream.subscribe(remoteChatDisplayBox, classOf[TextChatMessage])
context.system.eventStream.subscribe(remoteVoiceRecipient, classOf[EncodingMicrophoneReaderMessage])
remoteActorsMap.updated(remoteAkkaConnection.uriString, remoteActors)
case _ => remoteActorsMap
(PresenceBind(presence), newRemoteActorsMap)
[INFO] [2012-11-07 21:19:26,429] [] ( : Beginning Shutdown of Akka Server, terminating actors
[DEBUG] [2012-11-07 21:19:26,433] [] (akka.amqp.ConnectionActor) : Disconnecting from amqp://projuser@
[DEBUG] [2012-11-07 21:19:26,506] [] ( : signaling MicReadLoop to stop
[DEBUG] [2012-11-07 21:19:26,507] [] ( : threadIsDefined: signaling MicReadLoop to stop
[DEBUG] [2012-11-07 21:19:26,507] [] ( : signaling MicReadLoop to resume
[DEBUG] [2012-11-07 21:19:26,507] [] ( : threadIsDefined: signaling MicReadLoop to resume
[DEBUG] [2012-11-07 21:19:26,507] [] ( : MicReadLoop is dead
[INFO] [2012-11-07 21:19:26,553] [] (akka.amqp.ConnectionActor) : Successfully disconnected from amqp://projuser@
[DEBUG] [2012-11-07 21:19:26,608] [] (akka.amqp.ConnectionActor) : Successfully disposed
[DEBUG] [2012-11-07 21:19:26,659] [] (akka.event.EventStream) : shutting down: StandardOutLogger started
[DEBUG] [11/07/2012 21:19:26.659] [] [EventStream] shutting down: StandardOutLogger started
[DEBUG] [11/07/2012 21:19:26.672] [] [EventStream] all default loggers stopped
Akka server: Shutdown successful
[ERROR] [11/07/2012 21:19:27.657] [node-scheduler-1] [ActorSystem(node)] Uncaught error from thread [node-scheduler-1]
java.lang.IllegalStateException: cannot enqueue after shutdown
at akka.util.internal.HashedWheelTimer.scheduleTimeout(
at akka.util.internal.HashedWheelTimer$Worker.fetchExpiredTimeouts(
at akka.util.internal.HashedWheelTimer$Worker.fetchExpiredTimeouts(
at akka.util.internal.HashedWheelTimer$
at Source)
[DEBUG] [11/07/2012 21:19:27.709] [] [RemoteClient(akka://node)] Shutting down remote client [ActiveRemoteClient@akka://node@]
[INFO] [11/07/2012 21:19:27.714] [] [NettyRemoteTransport(akka://node@] RemoteClientShutdown@akka://node@
[DEBUG] [11/07/2012 21:19:27.736] [node-2] [NettyRemoteTransport(akka://node@] RemoteClientDisconnected@akka://node@
[DEBUG] [11/07/2012 21:19:27.773] [] [RemoteClient(akka://node)] [ActiveRemoteClient@akka://node@] has been shut down
[INFO] [11/07/2012 21:19:27.792] [] [NettyRemoteTransport(akka://node@] RemoteServerShutdown@akka://node@
[DEBUG] [2012-11-07 21:46:12,600] [] (RemoteClient(akka://node)) : Sending message TextMessage(Second,fg) from None to Actor[akka://node@]
[INFO] [2012-11-07 21:46:27,766] [] ( : Beginning Shutdown of Akka Server, terminating actors
[DEBUG] [2012-11-07 21:46:27,766] [] (akka.amqp.ConnectionActor) : Disconnecting from amqp://projuser@
[INFO] [2012-11-07 21:46:27,931] [] (akka.amqp.ConnectionActor) : Successfully disconnected from amqp://projuser@
[DEBUG] [2012-11-07 21:46:27,971] [] ( : signaling MicReadLoop to stop
[DEBUG] [2012-11-07 21:46:27,995] [] ( : threadIsDefined: signaling MicReadLoop to stop
[DEBUG] [2012-11-07 21:46:27,995] [] ( : signaling MicReadLoop to resume
[DEBUG] [2012-11-07 21:46:27,997] [] ( : threadIsDefined: signaling MicReadLoop to resume
[DEBUG] [2012-11-07 21:46:27,999] [] ( : MicReadLoop is dead
[DEBUG] [2012-11-07 21:46:28,027] [] (akka.amqp.ConnectionActor) : Successfully disposed
[DEBUG] [2012-11-07 21:46:28,087] [] (akka.event.EventStream) : shutting down: StandardOutLogger started
[DEBUG] [11/07/2012 21:46:28.087] [] [EventStream] shutting down: StandardOutLogger started
[DEBUG] [11/07/2012 21:46:28.099] [] [EventStream] all default loggers stopped
Akka server: Shutdown successful
[DEBUG] [11/07/2012 21:46:29.161] [] [RemoteClient(akka://node)] Shutting down remote client [ActiveRemoteClient@akka://node@]
[INFO] [11/07/2012 21:46:29.163] [] [NettyRemoteTransport(akka://node@] RemoteClientShutdown@akka://node@
[DEBUG] [11/07/2012 21:46:29.178] [node-2] [NettyRemoteTransport(akka://node@] RemoteClientDisconnected@akka://node@
[DEBUG] [11/07/2012 21:46:29.224] [] [RemoteClient(akka://node)] [ActiveRemoteClient@akka://node@] has been shut down
[INFO] [11/07/2012 21:46:29.247] [] [NettyRemoteTransport(akka://node@] RemoteServerShutdown@akka://node@
[success] Total time: 232 s, completed Nov 7, 2012 9:46:59 PM
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