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FLuv32 encoding/decoding
//! This code is licensed under CC0
//! Encoding/decoding for the 32-bit FLuv32 color format.
//! This encoding is based on, but is slightly different than, the 32-bit
//! LogLuv format from the paper "Overcoming Gamut and Dynamic Range
//! Limitations in Digital Images" by Greg Ward:
//! * It uses the same uv chroma storage approach, but with *very* slightly
//! tweaked scales to allow perfect representation of E.
//! * It uses a floating point rather than log encoding to store luminance,
//! mainly for the sake of faster decoding.
//! * Unlike LogLuv, this format's dynamic range is biased to put more of it
//! above 1.0 (see Luminance details below).
//! * It omits the sign bit of LogLuv, foregoing negative luminance
//! capabilities.
//! This format has the same chroma precision, very slightly improved luminance
//! precision, and the same 127-stops of dynamic range as LogLuv.
//! Like the LogLuv format, this is an absolute rather than relative color
//! encoding, and as such takes CIE XYZ triplets as input. It is *not*
//! designed to take arbitrary floating point triplets, and will perform poorly
//! if e.g. passed RGB values.
//! The bit layout is (from most to least significant bit):
//! * 7 bits: luminance exponent (bias 42)
//! * 9 bits: luminance mantissa (implied leading 1, for 10 bits precision)
//! * 8 bits: u'
//! * 8 bits: v'
//! ## Luminance details
//! Quoting Greg Ward about luminance ranges:
//! > The sun is about `10^8 cd/m^2`, and the underside of a rock on a moonless
//! > night is probably around `10^-6` or so [...]
//! See also Wikipedia's
//! [list of luminance levels](
//! The luminance range of the original LogLuv is about `10^-19` to `10^19`,
//! splitting the range evenly above and below 1.0. Given the massive dynamic
//! range, and the fact that all day-to-day luminance levels trivially fit
//! within that, that's a perfectly reasonable choice.
//! However, there are some stellar events like supernovae that are trillions
//! of times brighter than the sun, and would exceed `10^19`. Conversely,
//! there likely isn't much use for significantly smaller values than `10^-10`
//! or so. So although recording supernovae in physical units with a graphics
//! format seems unlikely, it doesn't hurt to bias the range towards brighter
//! luminance levels.
//! With that in mind, FLuv32 uses an exponent bias of 42, putting twice as
//! many stops of dynamic range above 1.0 as below it, giving a luminance range
//! of roughly `10^-13` to `10^25`. It's the same dynamic range as
//! LogLuv (about 127 stops), but with more of that range placed above 1.0.
//! Like typical floating point, the mantissa is treated as having an implicit
//! leading 1, giving it an extra bit of precision. The smallest exponent
//! indicates a value of zero, and a valid encoding should also set the
//! mantissa to zero in that case (denormal numbers are not supported). The
//! largest exponent is given no special treatment (no infinities, no NaN).
const EXP_BIAS: i32 = 42;
const BIAS_OFFSET: u32 = 127 - EXP_BIAS as u32;
/// The scale factor of the quantized U component.
pub const U_SCALE: f32 = 817.0 / 2.0;
/// The scale factor of the quantized V component.
pub const V_SCALE: f32 = 1235.0 / 3.0;
/// Largest representable Y component.
pub const Y_MAX: f32 = ((1u128 << (128 - EXP_BIAS)) - (1u128 << (128 - EXP_BIAS - 10))) as f32;
/// Smallest representable non-zero Y component.
pub const Y_MIN: f32 = 1.0 / (1u128 << (EXP_BIAS - 1)) as f32;
/// Difference between 1.0 and the next largest representable Y value.
pub const Y_EPSILON: f32 = 1.0 / 512.0;
/// Encodes from CIE XYZ to 32-bit FLuv32.
pub fn encode(xyz: (f32, f32, f32)) -> u32 {
xyz.0 >= 0.0
&& xyz.1 >= 0.0
&& xyz.2 >= 0.0
&& !xyz.0.is_nan()
&& !xyz.1.is_nan()
&& !xyz.2.is_nan(),
"Encoding to FLuv32 only works correctly for \
positive, non-NaN numbers, but the numbers passed \
were: ({}, {}, {})",
// Calculates the 16-bit encoding of the UV values for the given XYZ input.
fn encode_uv(xyz: (f32, f32, f32)) -> u32 {
let s = xyz.0 + (15.0 * xyz.1) + (3.0 * xyz.2);
// The `+ 0.5` is for rounding, and is not part of the normal equation.
// The minimum value of 1.0 for v is to avoid a possible divide by zero
// when decoding. A value less than 1.0 is outside the real colors,
// so we don't need to store it anyway.
let u = (((4.0 * U_SCALE) * xyz.0 / s) + 0.5).max(0.0).min(255.0);
let v = (((9.0 * V_SCALE) * xyz.1 / s) + 0.5).max(1.0).min(255.0);
((u as u32) << 8) | (v as u32)
let y_bits = xyz.1.to_bits() & 0x7fffffff;
if y_bits < ((BIAS_OFFSET + 1) << 23) {
// Special case: black.
encode_uv((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
} else if y_bits >= ((BIAS_OFFSET + 128) << 23) {
if xyz.1.is_infinite() {
// Special case: infinity. In this case, we don't have any
// reasonable basis for calculating chroma, so just return
// the brightest white.
0xffff0000 | encode_uv((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
} else {
// Special case: non-infinite, but brighter luma than can be
// represented. Return the correct chroma, and the brightest luma.
0xffff0000 | encode_uv(xyz)
} else {
// Common case.
(((y_bits - (BIAS_OFFSET << 23)) << 2) & 0xffff0000) | encode_uv(xyz)
/// Decodes from FLuv32 to CIE XYZ.
pub fn decode(fluv32: u32) -> (f32, f32, f32) {
// Unpack values.
let (y, u, v) = decode_yuv(fluv32);
let u = u as f32;
let v = v as f32;
// Calculate x and z.
// This is re-worked from the original equations, to allow a bunch of stuff
// to cancel out and avoid operations. It makes the underlying equations a
// bit non-obvious.
// We also roll the U/V_SCALE application into the final x and z formulas,
// since some of that cancels out as well, and all of it can be avoided at
// runtime that way.
const VU_RATIO: f32 = V_SCALE / U_SCALE;
let tmp = y / v;
let x = tmp * ((2.25 * VU_RATIO) * u); // y * (9u / 4v)
let z = tmp * ((3.0 * V_SCALE) - ((0.75 * VU_RATIO) * u) - (5.0 * v)); // y * ((12 - 3u - 20v) / 4v)
(x, y, z.max(0.0))
/// Decodes from FLuv32 to Yuv.
/// The Y component is the luminance. The u and v components are the CIE LUV
/// u' and v' chromaticity coordinates, but returned as `u8`s, and scaled by
/// `U_SCALE` and `V_SCALE` respectively to fit the range 0-255.
pub fn decode_yuv(fluv32: u32) -> (f32, u8, u8) {
let y = f32::from_bits(((fluv32 & 0xffff0000) >> 2) + (BIAS_OFFSET << 23));
let u = (fluv32 >> 8) as u8;
let v = fluv32 as u8;
if fluv32 <= 0xffff {
(0.0, u, v)
} else {
(y, u, v)
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