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Created March 30, 2014 16:47
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Strange behavior with Korma one-to-many
(ns korma.test.connected
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[criterium.core :as cr])
(:use clojure.test
(defn underscores->dashes [n]
(-> n string/lower-case (.replaceAll "_" "-") keyword))
(defn dashes->underscores [n]
(-> n name (.replaceAll "-" "_")))
(def dash-naming-strategy
"naming strategy that converts clojure-style names (with dashes) to sql-style names (with udnerscores)"
{:keys underscores->dashes :fields dashes->underscores})
(defn mem-db []
(create-db (h2 {:db "mem:korma_test"})))
(defmacro with-delimiters [& body]
`(let [delimiters# (:delimiters @options)]
(set-delimiters "\"" "\"")
(apply set-delimiters delimiters#)))))
(defmacro with-naming [strategy & body]
`(let [naming# (:naming @options)]
(set-naming ~strategy)
(set-naming naming#)))))
(declare user address state)
(defentity user
(table :users)
(has-many address {:fk :user-id})
#(update-in % [:address] (partial sort-by :id))))
(defentity address
(belongs-to user {:fk :user-id})
(belongs-to state))
(defentity state)
(def initial-data
[{:id "CA" :name "California"}
{:id "PA" :name "Pennsylvania"}]
:user []
:address []})
(def schema
["drop table if exists \"state\";"
"create table \"state\" (\"id\" varchar(20), \"name\" varchar(100));"
"drop table if exists \"users\";"
"create table \"users\" (\"id\" integer auto_increment primary key, \"name\" varchar(100), \"age\" integer);"
"drop table if exists \"address\";"
"create table \"address\" (\"id\" integer auto_increment primary key, \"user_id\" integer , \"state_id\" varchar(20), \"number\" varchar(20), \"street\" varchar(200), \"city\" varchar(200), \"zip\" varchar(10), foreign key (\"user_id\") references \"users\"(\"id\"), foreign key (\"state_id\") references \"state\"(\"id\"));"])
(defn- random-string []
(str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))
(defn- reset-schema []
(map exec-raw schema)))
(defn- populate-states [data]
(insert state
(values (:state data))))
(defn- populate-users
"add num-users to the database and to the `data` map"
[data num-users]
(fn [data user-id]
(let [u {:id user-id
:name (random-string)
:age (rand-int 100)}]
(insert user
(values u))
(update-in data
conj (assoc u :address []))))
(range num-users)))
(defn- populate-addresses
"add up to max-addresses-per-user addresses to each user. ensure that at least one user has no addresses at all"
[data max-addresses-per-user]
(assoc data
:user (vec
(first (:user data))
(fn [user]
(let [addrs (doall
(for [n (range (rand-int max-addresses-per-user))]
(let [a {:user-id (:id user)
:street (random-string)
:number (subs (random-string) 0 10)
:city (random-string)
:zip (str (rand-int 10000))
:state-id (-> data :state rand-nth :id)}
inserted (insert address (values a))
;; insert returns a map with a single key
;; the key depends on the underlying database, but the
;; value is the generated value of the key column
inserted-id (first (vals inserted))
a (assoc a :id inserted-id)]
(assoc user :address (vec addrs))))
(rest (:user data)))))))
(defn populate
"populate the test database with random data and return a data structure that mirrors the data inserted into the database."
(with-naming dash-naming-strategy
(-> initial-data
(populate-users num-users)
(populate-addresses 10)))))
(def ^:dynamic *data*)
(with-db (mem-db) (populate 1))
;; Works as expected
(with-db (mem-db) (transaction (select user)))
;; Doesn't work as expected
(with-db (mem-db) (transaction (select user (with address))))
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