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(require 'ansi-color)
(setq lua-indent-level 2)
;(setq lua-electric-flag nil)
(defun lua-abbrev-mode-off () (abbrev-mode 0))
(add-hook 'lua-mode-hook 'lua-abbrev-mode-off)
(setq save-abbrevs nil) ;; is this still needed?
(defun colorize-compilation-buffer ()
ceterumnet / gist:9875637
Created March 30, 2014 16:47
Strange behavior with Korma one-to-many
(ns korma.test.connected
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[criterium.core :as cr])
(:use clojure.test
(defn underscores->dashes [n]
(-> n string/lower-case (.replaceAll "_" "-") keyword))
ceterumnet / .emacs
Created April 27, 2014 22:31
(require 'ansi-color)
(setq lua-indent-level 2)
;(setq lua-electric-flag nil)
(defun lua-abbrev-mode-off () (abbrev-mode 0))
(add-hook 'lua-mode-hook 'lua-abbrev-mode-off)
(setq save-abbrevs nil) ;; is this still needed?
(defun colorize-compilation-buffer ()
ceterumnet / Linux Emacs settings
Created April 27, 2014 23:01
My Linux .emacs - makes it behave like my mac :-)
;; (load-file "~/.emacs.d/init.el")
;; (setq prelude-guru nil)
(require 'ansi-color)
(setq lua-indent-level 2)
;(setq lua-electric-flag nil)
(defun lua-abbrev-mode-off () (abbrev-mode 0))
(add-hook 'lua-mode-hook 'lua-abbrev-mode-off)