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Last active May 27, 2024 22:58
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Web Component for Copyright Years
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KooiInc commented Mar 30, 2024

Mmm, looks a lot like the code in my Stackblitz project (see createCopyrightComponent). It uses a webcomponent helper module that doesn't need the class syntax.

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liamnewmarch commented Apr 3, 2024

Thanks for sharing this @ceving!

@Danny-Engelman, I think you’re trying to help but your code review comes across as critical. Reviews can be tricky but try to give helpful pointers and justifications rather than opinions.

You are not exporting anything, so no export required. Its a single anonymous call.

I see what you’re saying but there’s nothing wrong with exporting the class. It can be helpful to export components so they can be extended later on.

I would go for export class CopyrightYearElement ... for the sake of readability instead of hoisting the export to the top of the script, but this is fine.

Apple for over 10 years now has stated they will never implement is= syntax (extending existing elements)

Fair enough. Your recommendation here is to extend HTMLElement instead of HTMLSpanElement, remove the {extends: 'span'} option from the definition, and not to recommend using the is attribute.

An Empty constructor call (only calling super()) is pointless , as each callback will call its parent callback by default; So if you do not declare a connectedCallback, the connectedCallback on the parent is called; I think they call it OOP

Also fair enough. This is called inheritance – the constructor is inherited from the parent class, HTMLElement – and is a key part of object oriented programming or OOP.

this.textContext only works for you because the component in this case is defined after DOM is parsed.
Place it in the HEAD and not in a file that loads after DOMContentLoaded and your code will fail.

The code in the gist will not fail if you follow the instructions. You’re right that connectedCallback can be called before the component’s children are parsed, but the gist says to include the module with <script type="module"> which defers execution of the script until after the DOM is ready.

::slotted() only works on DOM elements that get slotted, not on text elements

I might be missing something but no revision of the gist seems to use ::slotted()…?

Hope that helps 🙂

I’d like to critique the code you shared too. One tip to make things more readable is to tag the code block with the langugage you’re using, this enables syntax highlighting. edit: My bad, I was looking at one of the replies.

<copyright-year guri="guidelines URI">Apple</copyright-year>
<copyright-year fixed guri="guidelines URI">Meta</copyright-year>
<copyright-year fixed guri="guidelines URI"><b>Google</b></copyright-year>

I’m not sure where the fixed and guri="..." attributes came from but they seem specific to your use-case and you may want to remove them.


As mentioned, <script> is fine but you can run into ordering bugs if the script isn’t the last thing in your <body>. You might want to consider using <script type="module"> or <script defer> which is the current best practice and means you can include it in your <head> with no problems.

  customElements.define("copyright-year", class extends HTMLElement {
    constructor() {
      const createElement = (tag, props = {}) => Object.assign(document.createElement(tag), props);

This is a neat utility function but it doesn’t feel like it should live in the constructor of this web component.

      const spacer = "&nbsp;".repeat(3);

This also feels like it might be specific to your use-case. If it’s possible you might want to consider using CSS instead of non-breaking spaces.

        .attachShadow({ mode: "open" })
            createElement("style", {

I won’t review the CSS which seems custom, but it looks like a lot of this could be moved out of the shadow DOM which would save you from having to minify it manually. Bear in mind that code is read more times than it’s written, so if you’re able to write this out fully and minify it as part of a build step then future developers (or even yourself) will thank you.

            createElement("span", {
              innerHTML: "©️ " + (new Date().getFullYear()) + spacer

I would recommend using textContent over innerHTML as a best practice where you can to avoid potential XSS injection attacks, although this case should be fine. I noticed you used &nbsp; above and the unicode copywright character here, so it might be good to be consistent.

            createElement("slot", {
              innerHTML: `by ACME`
        	    innerHTML: this.getAttribute("guri") 
          	    ? spacer + `<A href="${this.getAttribute("guri")}">Read our guidelines</a>` 
                : ""

Again this content feels specific to your use-case. If you add the <a> tag as a child in the HTML where this is used it would help keep the component generic.



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kremalicious commented Apr 28, 2024

No one cares about Apple's safari to be honest, if the other major browsers decide to do something. Apple will be forced to join the union, otherwise it will be a downside for them.

With this attitude, you should stay away from web development. Dismissing every iPhone and iPad out there just because you don't like it is a user-hostile attitude and I hope I never have to use anything you produce

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