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Last active December 28, 2022 13:17
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SXML list vs vector
(ice-9 format)
(ice-9 match)
((ice-9 pretty-print) #:select ((pretty-print . pp)))
(srfi srfi-1)
(sxml simple)
;; {abstract Namespace for XMLSchema}
(define sxml:xsd-namespace '(xsd . ""))
(define (sxml:load-xsd-file file-name . namespaces)
(call-with-input-file file-name
(lambda (port)
(xml->sxml port
(cons sxml:xsd-namespace namespaces)))))
(define (sxml:call-with-root-element sxml proc)
(proc (match sxml
(('*TOP* ('*PI* 'xml decl) root) root)
(root root))))
(define (sxml:return x) x)
;; {abstract Predicate for a SXML element.}
(define (sxml:element? node)
(and (pair? node)
(symbol? (car node))))
;; {abstract Predicate for a SXML attribute list.}
(define (sxml:attributes? node)
(and (pair? node)
(eqv? '@ (car node))))
;; {abstract Predicate for a SXML text.}
(define sxml:text? string?)
;; {abstract Create a normalized SXML element.}
;; Normalization means, that {argument attributes} and {argument
;; children} are omitted in the SXML element, if they are null.
;; {scheme (sxml-element 'name '((a . 1)) (list (sxml-element 'a '() '())))}
(define (sxml:element tag attributes children)
(if (null? attributes)
(cons tag children)
(cons tag (cons (cons '@ attributes) children))))
;; {abstract Destructure a SXML element and call {argument proc} with
;; the arguments {code name}, {code arguments} and {code children}.}
;; Destructuring means, that if {code arguments} and {code children}
;; are missing the the SXML element, {argument proc} gets called with
;; empty lists.
;; {returns The function returns the result of {code proc}. If the
;; {argument node} is no element, the argument gets returned without
;; calling {argument proc}.}
(define (sxml:call-with-element node proc)
(if (sxml:element? node)
(let ((name (car node))
(rest (cdr node)))
(if (pair? rest)
(let ((maybe-attributes (car rest)))
(if (sxml:attributes? maybe-attributes)
(proc name (cdr maybe-attributes) (cdr rest))
(proc name '() rest)))
(proc name '() '())))
;; {abstract Macro for simple destructuring.}
;; Emacs definition for the macro:\nl
;; {elisp (scheme-add-keywords '((1 . sxml:let)))}
(define-syntax sxml:let
(syntax-rules ()
((_ ((name attributes children) element) . exps)
(sxml:call-with-element element (lambda (name attributes children) . exps)))))
;; {abstract Traverse the {argument element} and execute {argument
;; pre-proc} on all child elements before the child elements are
;; visited and call {argument post-proc} on the element after the
;; child elements have been visited.}
(define (sxml:traverse element pre-proc post-proc)
(let ((post-proc (or post-proc sxml:element)))
(let traverse ((element element))
(sxml:let ((name attributes children) element)
(let ((children (if pre-proc (pre-proc children) children)))
(post-proc name attributes (map-in-order traverse children)))))))
(define (sxml:traverse-pre element proc)
(sxml:traverse element proc #f))
(define (sxml:traverse-post element proc)
(sxml:traverse element #f proc))
(define (vxml:element name attributes children)
(vector name attributes children))
(define vxml:element? vector?)
#;(define (vxml:element? node)
(and (vector? node)
(= 3 (vector-length node))))
(define (vxml:element-name element)
(vector-ref element 0))
(define (vxml:element-attributes element)
(vector-ref element 1))
(define (vxml:element-children element)
(vector-ref element 2))
(define (sxml->vxml element)
(sxml:traverse-post element vxml:element))
(define (vxml:call-with-element node proc)
(if (vxml:element? node)
(proc (vxml:element-name node)
(vxml:element-attributes node)
(vxml:element-children node))
;; {elisp (scheme-add-keywords '((1 . vxml:let)))}
(define-syntax vxml:let
(syntax-rules ()
((_ ((name attributes children) node) . exps)
(vxml:call-with-element node (lambda (name attributes children) . exps)))))
(define (vxml:traverse element pre-proc post-proc)
(let ((post-proc (or post-proc vxml:element)))
(let traverse ((element element))
(vxml:let ((name attributes children) element)
(let ((children (if pre-proc (pre-proc children) children)))
(post-proc name attributes (map-in-order traverse children)))))))
(define (vxml:traverse-pre element proc)
(vxml:traverse element proc #f))
(define (vxml:traverse-post element proc)
(vxml:traverse element #f proc))
(define xcb (sxml:call-with-root-element
(sxml:load-xsd-file "xcb.xsd")
(define (string:whitespace? str)
(and (string? str)
(string-every char-whitespace? str)))
(define (remove-whitespace l)
(remove string:whitespace? l))
(define (make-measurer)
(let ((run-time 0))
(lambda args
(if (null? args)
(/ run-time internal-time-units-per-second)
(let ((t0 (get-internal-run-time)))
(let ((value ((car args))))
(let ((t1 (get-internal-run-time)))
(set! run-time (+ run-time (- t1 t0)))
(define (make-repeater n)
(lambda (proc)
(do ((i 1 (1+ i)))
((> i n))
(let ((sxml (make-measurer))
(vxml (make-measurer))
(repeat (make-repeater 50000)))
(repeat (lambda ()
(sxml (lambda ()
(sxml->vxml (sxml:traverse-pre xcb remove-whitespace))))
(vxml (lambda ()
(vxml:traverse-pre (sxml->vxml xcb) remove-whitespace)))))
(format #t "~{~a: ~1,2f seconds~%~}"
(list "list" (sxml)
"vector" (vxml))))
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