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Last active February 26, 2023 13:04
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Implementation of the presentation "Regex to NFA Conversion Isn't Hard! (Sipser 1.28a)" for Chez Scheme Version 9.5.4
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;; Implementation of the presentation "Regex to NFA Conversion Isn't
;; Hard! (Sipser 1.28a)" available at for
;; Chez Scheme Version 9.5.4.
;; Usage: scheme --script rx2nfa.scm | dot -Tsvg > nfa.svg
;; Functions lacking in R6RS.
(define (make-equal-hashtable)
(make-hashtable equal-hash equal?))
(define (hashtable-map h p)
(let-values (((k v) (hashtable-entries h)))
(map p (vector->list k) (vector->list v))))
(define (hashtable->alist h)
(hashtable-map h cons))
;; Create a sequential number to name states.
(define next-state-id
(let ((n 0))
(lambda ()
(set! n (+ n 1))
(number->string n))))
;; The record for a state contains a sequential number and a hash
;; table for outgoing transitions.
(define-record-type (State state state?)
(fields (immutable id
(immutable ht
(protocol (lambda (new)
(lambda ()
(new (next-state-id)
;; Add an additional outgoing transition to a state.
(define (state:out! s0 via s1)
(hashtable-set! ( s0) via s1))
;; Mapping a state means mapping over the outgoing transitions.
;; Execute `p` for each outgoing transition of the state `from`.
(define (state:map from p)
(hashtable-map ( from) p))
;; Add an ε-transition.
(define (state:epsilon! s0 s1)
;(printf "epsilon: ~a ~a" ( s0) ( s1))
(state:out! s0 (list->string (list #\ε)) s1))
;; The record for a NFA contains one start state and a list of final
;; states.
(define-record-type (Nfa nfa nfa?)
(fields (immutable start nfa.start)
(mutable final!))
(protocol (lambda (new)
(lambda (start . final)
(new start (or (and (pair? final)
(car final))
;; Add an additional final state `fs` to the NFA `n`.
(define (nfa:add! n fs)
(! n (cons fs ( n))))
;; Create a NFA for the string `s`.
(define (nfa:token s)
(let ((s0 (state))
(s1 (state)))
(state:out! s0 s s1)
(nfa s0 (list s1))))
;; Concatenate the two NFAs `n0` and `n1`.
(define (nfa:concat n0 n1)
(let ((n1s (nfa.start n1)))
(for-each (lambda (f)
(state:epsilon! f n1s))
( n0))
(nfa (nfa.start n0)
( n1))))
;; Create the Kleene star of the NFA `n`.
(define (nfa:star n)
(let ((s (state))
(nf ( n)))
(state:epsilon! s (nfa.start n))
(for-each (lambda (f)
(state:epsilon! f s))
(nfa s (cons s nf))))
;; Create a union of two NFAs `n0` and `n1`.
(define (nfa:union n0 n1)
(let ((s (state)))
(state:epsilon! s (nfa.start n0))
(state:epsilon! s (nfa.start n1))
(nfa s (append ( n0)
( n1)))))
;; Examples from
(define |a| (nfa:token "a"))
(define |b| (nfa:token "b"))
(define |ab| (nfa:concat |a| |b|))
(define |abb| (nfa:concat |ab| (nfa:token "b")))
(define |(abb)*| (nfa:star |abb|))
(define |a(abb)*| (nfa:concat (nfa:token "a") |(abb)*|))
(define |a(abb)*∪b| (nfa:union |a(abb)*| (nfa:token "b")))
;; Traverse all states of the NFA `n` and apply `p` once to each
;; transition of `n`. Return a hash mapping every transition to the
;; return value of `p` for the transition.
(define (nfa:traverse n p)
(let ((r (make-equal-hashtable)))
(define (traverse from)
(state:map from (lambda (via into)
(let ((trans (cons ( from) ( into))))
(if (not (hashtable-contains? r trans))
(hashtable-set! r trans (p from via into))
(traverse into)))))))
(traverse (nfa.start n))
;; Format the NFA with Graphviz.
(define (nfa:graphviz n)
(let ((edges (vector->list
(nfa:traverse n (lambda (from via into)
(format "~s -> ~s [ label=~s ];"
( from)
( into)
(fins (map (lambda (s)
(format "~s [ shape=doublecircle ];" ( s)))
( n))))
(printf "~{~a~%~}"
`("digraph nfa {"
"node [ shape=circle ];"
(nfa:graphviz |a(abb)*∪b|)
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