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Created September 26, 2015 18:21
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EXAMPLE: Collections and sequence comprehensions
shared void run() {
// A constant, read-only sequence of values:
String[] animals = [ "elephant", "parrot", "giraffe" ];
String[] none = []; // empty sequence
// Accessing the sequence returns an optional value (String?)
print("First: ``animals.first else "none"``");
print("Second: ``animals[1] else "none"``");
print("Fourth: ``animals[3] else "none"``");
// Check if the sequence is non-empty:
if (nonempty animals) {
// Now ".first" and ".last" return String:
print("First: ``animals.first``");
print("Last: ``animals.last``");
print("Is {} non-empty: ``none nonempty``");
// Output the elements comma-seperated in one line:
if (nonempty animals) {
for (animal in {
process.write(", ``animal``");
// A String is a sequence of characters:
for (Character c in "cat") {//or shorter: for (c in "cat")
void list(Object* items) {
// "items" is an Iterable
variable Integer index = 0;
for (item in items) {
list("cat", "bat");
// We can "spread" a sequence, passing its values as arguments:
// Simpler way to print the elements comma-separated:
print(", ".join(animals));
// "indexed" creates a sequence of entries (type Integer->String)
for (i->animal in animals.indexed) {
// Implementing an iterator is simple in Ceylon:
class LengthsIterator(String* strings)
satisfies Iterator<Integer> {
value it = strings.iterator();
// next() returns "finished" (type Finished) if there are
// no more values
shared actual Integer|Finished next() {
if (is String s = { return s.size; }
return finished;
// Now we can implement our own simple Iterable:
class Lengths(String* strings) satisfies Iterable<Integer> {
shared actual Iterator<Integer> iterator()
=> LengthsIterator(*strings);
for (len in Lengths(*animals)) {
print("length: ``len``");
// With a sequence comprehension we can produce the same result:
{Integer*} lengths = { for (a in animals) a.size };
for (len in lengths) { print("length: ``len``"); }
// Sequence comprehension as input to a sequenced parameter:
list(for (a in animals) a+" egg");
// Comprehension with nested loop and condition:
list(for (i in 1..3) for (j in 1..3) if ((i+j)%2 == 0) i*j);
// Comprehension can also start with a condition
print("Nothing will be printed");
list(if (animals.size > 3) for (a in animals) a);
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