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Created September 26, 2015 18:12
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shared void run() {
// Any object can be converted to a string using ".string".
// There are no special primitive types, even numbers are objects.
Integer i = 3;
String s = i.string;
"Declarations can be documented using the `doc` annotation.
Note that string literals can span several lines."
Boolean b = (i == 3);
// An attribute annotated "variable" can be re-assigned after it
// has been initialized.
variable Float f = 0.3;
f = 2.0^0.5; // exponentiation
// String templates can be used to compose strings.
print("The square root of 2 is ``f``");
// With the "value" keyword the type is inferred by the compiler.
value t1 = system.milliseconds;
// some control structures:
while (f < 1_000_000.0) {
for (j in 1..10) {
if (j%3 == 1) {
f /= j+1;
else {
f *= j+2;
print("f=``f`` (``system.milliseconds-t1``ms)");
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