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Created September 26, 2015 18:19
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EXAMPLE: Interfaces and mixin inheritance
shared void run() {
"This interface represents a customer of the shop."
interface Customer {
"The name of the customer."
shared formal String name;
// Interfaces may define concrete implementations of methods
// and getters/setters.
shared default String description => "'``name``'";
// But in contrast to classes an interface can't contain
// initialization code. The following is not allowed:
//print(name); //ERROR!
//shared variable Integer attr = 0; //ERROR!
// A class can satisfy one or more interfaces:
class SimpleCustomer(name) satisfies Customer {
shared actual String name;
// Note that we don't have to implement "description" here.
value batman = SimpleCustomer("Batman");
print("Customer: ``batman.description``");
// Interfaces also can satisfy one or more parent interfaces.
interface RegisteredCustomer satisfies Customer {
"The unique customer ID"
shared formal Integer id;
// Override the inherited default implementation.
shared actual default String description
=> "'``name``' (#``id``)";
// A second specialization of the Customer interface
interface CartOwner satisfies Customer {
"Number of items in the shopping cart"
shared formal Integer numberOfItems;
// Again, we override the inherited implementation
shared actual default String description
=> "'``name``' (``numberOfItems`` items)";
"The customer buys the items in the cart."
shared default void checkOut() {
print("'``name``' buys ``numberOfItems`` items.");
// Now we define a class which satisfies both specializations of
// the Customer interface.
class PetShopCustomer(id, name)
satisfies RegisteredCustomer & CartOwner {
shared actual Integer id;
shared actual String name;
// It is allowed to implement/override a non-variable
// attribute with a variable attribute.
shared actual variable Integer numberOfItems = 0;
// This class inherits a "description" attribute from two
// different types! That's allowed because both override the
// same original declaration in Customer. However, the
// compiler forces us to override it again here to avoid any
// ambiguity.
shared actual String description
=> "'``name``' (#``id``, ``numberOfItems`` items)";
// Unless specified otherwise, classes extend Basic.
// We can override the members inherited from that class:
// equals, hash and string.
shared actual Boolean equals(Object other) {
if (is PetShopCustomer other) {
return == id;
return false;
shared actual Integer hash = id;
shared actual String string = description;
value catwoman = PetShopCustomer(1, "Catwoman");
print("Customer: ``catwoman``"); // automatically uses ".string"
catwoman.numberOfItems = 3;
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