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Created September 26, 2015 18:24
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EXAMPLE: Enumerations and the switch statement
// Interfaces and abstract classes can specify a list of
// implementing types.
abstract class Node() of Leaf | Branch {}
class Leaf(item) extends Node() {
shared Float item;
class Branch(left, right) extends Node() {
shared Node left;
shared Node right;
// This is not allowed:
//class Proxy() extends Node() {}
Node tree = Branch {
left = Leaf(1.1);
right = Branch {
left = Leaf(2.2);
right = Leaf(3.3);
// The switch statement "knows" the possible sub types:
void printTree(Node root) {
switch (root)
case (is Leaf) { print(root.item); }
case (is Branch) {
// This is not allowed (not a possible sub type):
//case (is String) {} //ERROR!
// Although switches must be exhaustive, an else is not
// required because the specified cases are sufficient:
//else {}
// Object enumerations are also possible:
abstract class Color(name) of red | green | blue {
shared String name;
object red extends Color("red") {}
object green extends Color("green") {}
object blue extends Color("blue") {}
// Toplevel objects can be used in switch statements.
void testSize(Integer x) {
Comparison cmp = x <=> 5;
switch (cmp)
case (smaller) { print("``x`` is smaller than 5"); }
case (larger) { print("``x`` is larger than 5"); }
case (equal) { print("x is exactly 5"); }
void run() {
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