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Created September 26, 2015 18:22
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EXAMPLE: Named argument syntax
shared void run() {
void order(String product, Integer count=1, Float discount=0.0,
{String*} comments={}) {
String commentStr = ", ".join { for (c in comments) "'``c``'" };
print("Order '``product``', quantity ``count``, discount ``
discount``, comments: ``commentStr``");
// Ceylon has an alternative syntax for invoking functions or
// class initializers, which references the parameters by name.
order { product = "Mouse"; };
order { product = "Rhinoceros"; discount = 10.0; };
order { product = "Bee"; count = 531;
"Express delivery", "Send individually" };
// This syntax is especially useful for defining treelike object
// structures. For instance for the following classes:
class Product(String name, Float price, String description=name,
Float shippingCosts=0.0) {/*...*/}
class Group(String name, {Product*} products) {/*...*/}
class Stock({Group*} groups) {/*...*/}
// We can write the data in a way that's similar to JSON or XML:
Stock stock = Stock {
Group {
name = "Animals";
Product {
name = "Elephant";
price = 9.99;
description = "Color: gray";
Product {
name = "Mouse";
price = 120.00;
Group {
name = "Food";
Product {
name = "Bird seed";
price = 4.99;
// A list of items can be assigned to a sequenced parameter
// directly by name:
{Product*} toys = { /*...*/ };
Group toysGroup = Group { name = "Toys"; products = toys; };
// But we are not restricted to simple static data, like XML.
interface Formatter {
shared formal String format(String text);
class Button(String text, Anything()? onClick=null,
Formatter? formatter=null) {
shared void doClick() { if (exists onClick) {onClick();} }
Button button = Button {
text = "order";
// Streamlined syntax for specifying function arguments:
void onClick() {
// An argument can be specified as object declaration:
object formatter satisfies Formatter {
// Shortcut syntax for implementing a formal member:
format(String text) => "<b>``text``</b>";
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