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Last active November 5, 2015 09:29
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EXAMPLE: Game of Life
shared void run() {
// Game of Life 2.5
value seed = system.milliseconds;
value density = 0.8;
value gwidth = 180; // Number of cells horizontally and vertically
value gheight = 80; // Number of cells horizontally and vertically
class State {
shared new alive {}
shared new resurrected {}
shared new moribund {}
shared new dead {}
class Cell(x, y) {
"The x position of the Cell inside the Grid"
shared Integer x;
"The y position of the Cell inside the Grid."
shared Integer y;
"The current state of the Cell"
shared variable State state = State.dead;
// All the neighbouring cells
late shared Cell[8] neighbors;
variable Integer nroNeighbours = 0;
shared void setup() => update(State.resurrected, 0);
shared void resurrect() => update(State.alive, 1);
shared void kill() => update(State.dead, -1);
void update(State newState, Integer dN) {
if (state == newState) {
state = newState;
for (c in neighbors) {
c.nroNeighbours += dN;
shared State nextState {
if (state == State.alive) {
if (nroNeighbours < 2
|| nroNeighbours > 3)
then State.moribund
else State.alive;
} else {
if (nroNeighbours == 3)
then State.resurrected
else State.dead;
shared Boolean tryResurrect() {
if (state == State.dead
&& nroNeighbours == 3) {
state = State.resurrected;
return true;
} else {
return false;
shared {Cell*} resurrections() {
value result = {
for (c in neighbors)
if (c.tryResurrect())
state == State.resurrected
then result.follow(this)
else result;
string => "[``x``,``y``]: ``state`` (``nroNeighbours``)";
class Grid(width, height) {
"The number of columns of the Grid"
shared Integer width;
"The number of rows of the Grid"
shared Integer height;
"The list of alive cells"
variable Cell[] _living = [];
shared Cell[] living => _living;
// Create the grid
value cells = Array { for(y in 0:height) for(x in 0:width) Cell(x, y) };
Cell cell(Integer x, Integer y) {
value c = cells[ (y + height) % height * width
+ (x + width) % width ];
assert(exists c);
return c;
// Set up the grid
for (y in 0:height) {
for (x in 0:width) {
value c = cell(x, y);
c.neighbors = [
cell(x - 1, y - 1), cell(x, y - 1),
cell(x + 1, y - 1), cell(x - 1, y),
cell(x + 1, y), cell(x - 1, y + 1),
cell(x, y + 1), cell(x + 1, y + 1)
shared void add(Integer x, Integer y) {
value c = cell(x, y);
_living = _living.withTrailing(c);
shared Cell[][2] evolve() {
// Pass through the list of living cells and split
// it in two: one for the ones that stay alive and
// one for the ones that will die. At the same time
// we construct a third list with dead cells that
// will be resurrected
value alives = [
for (c in _living)
if (c.state == State.alive &&
c.nextState == State.alive)
value moribunds = [
for (c in _living)
if (c.state == State.alive &&
c.nextState == State.moribund)
value resurrections = [
for (c in _living)
for (r in c.resurrections())
// And resurrect the dead ones
for (c in resurrections) {
// Now kill all the moribund cells
for (c in moribunds) {
// Set the global list of alive cells
_living = concatenate(alives, resurrections);
return [resurrections, moribunds];
variable Integer _seed = seed;
Float random() {
_seed = (_seed * 9301 + 49297) % 233280;
return _seed / 233280.0;
Grid randomNoiseGrid(Integer width, Integer height, Float probability) {
value grid = Grid(width, height);
for (y in 0..gheight) {
for (x in 0..gwidth) {
if (random() > probability) {
grid.add(x, y);
return grid;
value life = randomNoiseGrid(gwidth, gheight, density);
variable value pwidth = 620; // Width of drawing area in pixels
variable value pheight = 300; // Height of drawing area in pixels
variable value cwidth = pwidth / gwidth;
variable value cheight = pheight / gheight;
variable value count = 0;
variable value start = system.milliseconds;
variable value prevNew = -1;
variable value prevDead = -1;
variable value prevCount = 0;
variable dynamic ctx2d = null;
void drawCells({Cell*} cells, void drawCell(Cell c)) {
for (c in cells) {
void draw() {
value newXdead = life.evolve();
value newCells = newXdead[0];
value deadCells = newXdead[1];
value runtime = system.milliseconds - start;
value fps = count.float / runtime.float * 1k;
if (prevCount >= 0 && count % 100 == 0) {
print("draw (new=``newCells.size``, dead=``deadCells.size``, count=``count``, fps=``fps``)");
if (prevCount >= 0
&& prevNew == newCells.size
&& prevDead == deadCells.size) {
if (prevCount > 10) {
print("Stable state, loop detected");
print("Drawn ``count`` frames in ``runtime/1000`` seconds (fps=``fps``)");
prevCount = -1;
} else {
} else {
prevNew = newCells.size;
prevDead = deadCells.size;
dynamic {
if (exists ctx=ctx2d) {
void drawCell(Cell c) {
ctx.fillStyle =
if (c.state == State.alive)
then "#FF0000" else "#FFE0E0";
ctx.fillRect(c.x * cwidth, c.y * cheight,
cwidth, cheight);
drawCells(newCells, drawCell);
drawCells(deadCells, drawCell);
if (!newCells.empty || !deadCells.empty) {
setTimeout(draw, 1);
} else {
print("Stable state, stopped");
print("Drawn ``count`` frames in ``runtime/1000`` seconds (fps=``fps``)");
} else {
print("Stopped by user");
dynamic {
dynamic win = openCanvasWindow();
dynamic canvas = win.ceylonCanvas; = "lifegrid";
pwidth = canvas.scrollWidth;
pheight = canvas.scrollHeight;
cwidth = pwidth / gwidth;
cheight = pheight / gheight;
canvas.width = cwidth * gwidth;
canvas.height = cheight * gheight;
ctx2d = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx2d.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
ctx2d.fillRect(0, 0, pwidth, pheight);
setOnStop(() {
if (exists ctx=ctx2d) {
ctx2d = null;
setTimeout(draw, 1);
print("Game of Life");
print("Seed used: ``seed``");
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