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Created September 26, 2015 18:18
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EXAMPLE: Classes and functions 1
shared void run() {
// Functions use the familiar C/Java syntax:
Float mean(Float x, Float y) {
return ((x*x + y*y) / 2) ^ 0.5;
print("mean(11.0, 307.0) = ``mean(11.0, 307.0)``");
// Short form for functions consisting of a single expression
Float mean2(Float x, Float y) => ((x*x + y*y) / 2) ^ 0.5;
// With the "function" keyword the compiler infers the type.
function average(Float x, Float y) {
return (x + y) * 0.5;
print("average(11.0, 307.0) = ``average(11.0, 307.0)``");
// Classes look fairly similar to functions:
class SimpleProduct(String name, Float price) {
// The class body may contain initialization code.
if (price < 0.0) {
throw Exception("Invalid price: ``price``!");
// Classes can contain attributes and methods as members.
variable value quantity = 10;
// "shared" members are visible everywhere the class is
// visible, otherwise they are private to the class.
shared Boolean inStock() => quantity > 0;
"Determines if the product is free of charge"
shared Boolean isFree() {
// class parameters are visible everywhere inside the body
return price == 0.0;
value trompon = SimpleProduct("Elephant", 0.0);
print("free: ``trompon.isFree()``");
// Let's improve this with some nice Ceylon features!
"Abstract base class for products"
abstract class Product(name, price) {
// We can turn parameters into attributes using the syntax
// seen here (note the missing type above).
shared String name;
shared Float price;
if (price <= 0.0) {
throw Exception("Invalid price: ``price``!");
// "formal" members have no value/implementation. They are
// implemented in derived classes.
shared formal variable Integer quantity;
// isFree is now an attribute instead of a method
shared Boolean isFree = (price == 0.0);
// inStock is also an attribute. But instead of specifying a
// value we implement it as a getter.
// "default" members have a default value/implementation
// which can be overridden in derived classes.
shared default Boolean inStock { return quantity > 0; }
//or: shared default Boolean inStock => quantity > 0;
"Concrete implementation of `Product`"
see (`class Product`)
class ProductInDatabase(String name, Float price)
extends Product(name, price) {
// To implement/override a formal/default member we use the
// "actual" annotation.
// variable attributes can be implemented as getter/setter:
shared actual Integer quantity {
return 10; //TODO: read from database
assign quantity {
//TODO: store in database
print("Set quantity to ``quantity``");
value polly = ProductInDatabase("Parrot", 49.99);
print("Product '````' costs ``polly.price``");
// Whether an attribute is implemented with a getter/setter is
// irrelevant when accessing it:
print("In stock: ``polly.inStock`` (quantity: ``polly.quantity``)");
polly.quantity = 12;
// Overloading (two functions with the same name, or two class
// constructors) is not allowed. But we can use union types,
// defaulted parameters and sequenced parameters to achieve
// approximately the same effect.
void order(Product|String product, Integer count=1,
String* comments) {
// We can check the type using if(is..) or switch/case(is..)
// as shown below.
// Note that a non-variable attribute must be initialized
// exactly once, but not necessarily in the same line:
String name;
switch (product)
case (is Product) { name =; }
case (is String) { name = product; }
print("Order product '``name``', count: ``count``");
for (c in comments) {
print(" Comment: '``c``'");
order(polly, 28, "I like birds");
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