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Created October 18, 2019 10:25
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zig parsing ideas
pub fn assertGrammarRule(comptime T: type) void {
pub fn ZeroOrMore(comptime T: type) type {
pub fn Peek(comptime T: type) type {
/// Returns an optional rule
pub fn Opt(comptime T: type) type {
pub fn Either(comptime T: ...) type {
/// Node is a tagged union
pub const Node = union(enum) {
Number: *Number,
BinOp: *BinOp,
pub const Number = struct {
n: []const u8 // this will be converted afterwards.
pub const BinOp = struct {
lhs: *Node,
op: u8,
rhs: *Node
pub const Token(comptime def: []const u8) type {
return struct {
parsed: []const u8,
pub const Either(comptime args: ...) type {
return struct {
pub const Tk_Number = Token("\\d+") // its result is a string
pub fn Number(num: Tk_Number) Node {
return Node.Number{.n = num.parsed};
pub fn ParenthesizedExpression(
_1: Token("("),
e: Rule(Multiply),
_2: Token(")")
) Node {
return e
pub fn Expression(e: Either(Number, ParenthesizedEpression)) Node {
return e
pub fn Add(
lhs: Rule(Expression),
op: Either("+", "-"),
rhs: Rule(Expression)
) Node {
return Node.BinOp{.lhs = lhs, .op = op.str, .rhs: rhs};
pub fn Multiply(
lhs: Rule(Addition),
op: Either("*", "/"),
rhs: Rule(Expression)
) Node {
return Node.BinOp{.lhs = lhs, .op = op.str, .rhs: rhs};
pub fn TopLevelDecl(n: Either(Expression, Multiply)) Node {
return n
pub const parser = generate_parser(
allocator, // because some rules will have to instanciate arrays
"\\s*" // ignore whitespace
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