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Last active January 21, 2016 20:28
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function Search-ItemsRecursive{
param($projectItems, $filter, [switch]$recurse=$false)
foreach ($item in $projectItems) {
if($(. $filter $item))
if(($item.ProjectItems -ne $null) -and $recurse){
Search-ItemsRecursive -projectItems $item.ProjectItems -filter $filter -recurse:$recurse
function Find-OrphantFilesInSolution([switch]$IgnoreObj=$true){
Get-Project -All | Find-OrphantFilesInProject -IgnoreObj:$IgnoreObj
function Find-OrphantFilesInProject{
param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)]$Projects, [switch]$IgnoreObj=$true)
$toProcess = if($Projects){$Projects}else{Get-Project}
foreach($p in $toProcess){
$projectPath = Split-Path $p.FullName -Parent
$csFilesInProject = Search-ItemsRecursive -projectItems $p.ProjectItems -filter {param($item)$item.Name -like "*.cs"} -recurse |% {$_.Properties.Item("FullPath").Value}
dir $projectPath -Filter "*.cs" -Recurse |? { $csFilesInProject -notcontains $_.FullName } |? {(-not $IgnoreObj) -or ($_.Directory -notlike "*\obj*")} |select FullName
Export-ModuleMember -Function Find-OrphantFilesInSolution, Find-OrphantFilesInProject
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