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Chris Fallin cfallin

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- Install a Debian filesystem using debootstrap on your NFS server (normal x86
Linux machine, for example):
$ debootstrap --arch=arm64 sid /home/pi
- Install qemu-aarch64 on host system and set up binfmt_misc to allow for
- depends on host system; Fedora and Arch have packages for this
- no need to get arm64 libraries on host as the chroot will take care
How to install Fedora 32 on a Raspberry Pi 4 in 64-bit mode (aarch64 / ARM64
- Put RPi4-UEFI firmware on the SD card:
- The SD card by default has a FAT16 partition that is the RPi boot
partition. Delete everything there and unzip an RPi4-UEFI release zip in
the root. If starting from a blank SD card, create one partition (DOS
partition table type), and format it as FAT16.
# OpenBSD dhcpcd configuration to get an IPv6 prefix delegation from a native-IPv6 ISP (e.g., Comcast).
# Here, 'axe0' is the interface connected to the cable modem, 'em0' is on the LAN.
# The configuration will ask for a /60, and will assign the /64 with subnet ID 1
# to em0.
# Use an IPv6 router advertisement daemon to advertise this to the rest of the network!
allowinterfaces axe0
nooption domain_name_servers
cfallin / five_minute_dockerized_github.txt
Last active August 25, 2016 10:36
Five Minute Dockerized GitHub Replacement
To set up a new server with a Gogs instance, similar to GitHub:
1. Create a clean VM with Debian (on e.g. Digital Ocean) and point a (sub)domain to it
2. Log in and change the SSH daemon to listen on port 2222
- edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config, "Port 22" -> "Port 2222", systemctl restart ssh
- log out; log in with "ssh -p 2222 root@..."
3. Install Docker
4. Create data directories
- mkdir /home/gogs
use std::mem::transmute;
struct S1<'a> {
x: &'a u32,
struct S2<'a, 'b> {
x: &'a u32,
y: &'b u32,

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am cfallin on github.
  • I am cfallin ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is CE2F 846B 7A52 77E1 4035 7414 3164 9E4F E65E B465

To claim this, I am signing this object: