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Last active May 17, 2022 19:16
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  • Save cfalta/afe6c74bd3f18fc8d97a785dc833d1c6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Queries the registry for the known network profiles and their last and first connection time. Useful for DFIR if you want to check when a host was last connected to a certain network.
function Get-LastKnownNetworks
function ConvertFrom-SystemTimeStructure
Param (
$ConvertedTime = @()
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $TimeString.Length; $i=$i+4) {
$PartString = $TimeString.Substring($i,4)
$Reordered = $PartString.Substring(2,2) + $PartString.Substring(0,2)
$Reordered = ([uint32]("0x" + $Reordered)).ToString()
$ConvertedTime += $Reordered
#128 bit system time structure - explained here ->
$Result = $ConvertedTime[0] + "-" + $ConvertedTime[1] + "-" + $ConvertedTime[3] + " " + $ConvertedTime[4] + ":" + $ConvertedTime[5] + ":" + $ConvertedTime[6] + "." + $ConvertedTime[7]
$ProfileKey = "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles"
$ProfilesFromRegistry = ls $ProfileKey
$NetworkProfiles = @()
foreach($p in $ProfilesFromRegistry)
$pso = [PSCustomObject]@{
Name = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $p.pspath -Name ProfileName
DateLastConnected = ""
DateCreated = ""
$DateLastConnectedRaw = ([System.Bitconverter]::ToString((Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $p.pspath -Name DateLastConnected))).replace("-","")
$DateCreatedRaw = ([System.Bitconverter]::ToString((Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $p.pspath -Name DateCreated))).replace("-","")
if ($DateLastConnectedRaw -ne "")
$pso.DateLastConnected = ConvertFrom-SystemTimeStructure -TimeString $DateLastConnectedRaw
#$pso.DateLastConnected = $DateLastConnectedRaw
if($DateCreatedRaw -ne "")
$pso.DateCreated = ConvertFrom-SystemTimeStructure -TimeString $DateCreatedRaw
#$pso.DateCreated = $DateCreatedRaw
$NetworkProfiles += $pso
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