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cfbolz/foo.c Secret

Created April 20, 2022 20:06
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stencil c and python
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned char byte;
#define TAILCALL __attribute__((musttail))
#define STENCIL(ret_type, name) \
extern byte __start_stencil_##name[]; \
extern byte __stop_stencil_##name[]; \
extern byte* section_limits_##name[]; \
byte* section_limits_##name[] = { \
__start_stencil_##name, __stop_stencil_##name}; \
extern __attribute__((noinline, used, section("stencil_" #name))) ret_type name
#define STENCIL_SIZE(name) (__stop_stencil_##name - __start_stencil_##name)
#define HOLE0 0xdeadbeefcafef00d
#define HOLE1 0xcafebeefcafebeef
extern uint64_t get_hole_val(long i) {
uint64_t HOLES[] = {HOLE0, HOLE1, 0};
return HOLES[i];
STENCIL(uint64_t, ifgt)(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
uint64_t (*iftrue)(uint64_t, uint64_t) =
(uint64_t(*)(uint64_t, uint64_t))HOLE0;
uint64_t (*iffalse)(uint64_t, uint64_t) =
(uint64_t(*)(uint64_t, uint64_t))HOLE1;
if (a > b)
TAILCALL return iftrue(a, b);
TAILCALL return iffalse(a, b);
STENCIL(uint64_t, add_const)(uint64_t a) {
uint64_t (*cont)(uint64_t) =
TAILCALL return cont(a + HOLE1);
STENCIL(uint64_t, ret_arg)(uint64_t a) {
return a;
STENCIL(uint64_t, ret_const)() {
return HOLE0;
# clang -O3 foo.c -o -shared -fno-pic -fno-pie -mcmodel=large && python3
import os
from cffi import FFI
import struct
import mmap
ffi = FFI()
static char* section_limits_ret_const[];
uint64_t ret_const();
static char* section_limits_ret_arg[];
uint64_t ret_arg(uint64_t);
static char* section_limits_add_const[];
uint64_t add_const(uint64_t);
uint64_t get_hole_val(int);
C = ffi.dlopen("./")
HOLES = [struct.pack("=Q", C.get_hole_val(i)) for i in range(2)]
class Stencil:
def __init__(self, name, numholes): = name
self.numholes = numholes
limits = getattr(C, "section_limits_" + name)
self.code = ffi.unpack(limits[0], limits[1] - limits[0])
for i in range(numholes):
assert self.code.count(HOLES[i]) == 1
def patch(self, *args):
assert len(args) == self.numholes
new = self.code
for arg, hole in zip(args, HOLES):
new = new.replace(hole, struct.pack("=Q", arg))
return new
for name, numholes in [("ret_const", 1),
("ret_arg", 0),
("add_const", 2)]:
globals()[name] = Stencil(name, numholes)
memory = ffi.from_buffer(mmap.mmap(-1, 1024*1024, prot=mmap.PROT_WRITE | mmap.PROT_EXEC, flags=mmap.MAP_ANON | mmap.MAP_PRIVATE))
start = int(ffi.cast("unsigned long", memory))
# add 42 to argument, jump to next thing
add_const_patched = add_const.patch(start + len(add_const.code), 42)
ffi.memmove(memory, add_const_patched, len(add_const_patched))
# return argument
ret_arg_patched = ret_arg.patch()
ffi.memmove(memory + len(add_const_patched), ret_arg_patched, len(ret_arg_patched))
# dump instructions
with open("code.dat", "wb") as f:
f.write(ffi.unpack(memory, len(ret_arg_patched) + len(add_const_patched)))
os.system("objdump -b binary -D code.dat -m i386:x86-64 --adjust-vma=%s" % (start, ))
# call
fptr = ffi.cast(ffi.typeof(C.add_const), memory)
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