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Last active April 19, 2023 09:14
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import pytest
from dataclasses import dataclass
# the idea of this file is to show how a union-find data structure can be used
# in an extremely simple local forward optimization pass. that pass will go
# over the operations of a single basic block once in the forward direction and
# returns a new (shorter) list of optimized operations
# the approach is somewhat limited in that it is "local", ie only works for
# basic blocks. It can be extended to work for extended basic blocks (making it
# a superlocal optimizations).
# the union find datastructure sorts the input operations in the basic blocks
# into equivalence classes of operations that must all compute the same result.
# As the various optimizations discover equalities, they call union. Every one
# of these equivalence classes gets a representative, which is either an
# operation that has to be emitted into the optimized basic block, or sometimes
# even a constant.
# let's start with the IR:
# the following classes represent the operations in our mini IR: Operations
# (which are the same thing as variables in the SSA sense) and Constants
class Value:
def find(self):
raise NotImplementedError("abstract base class")
class Operation(Value):
name : str
args : list
forwarded : Value = None
def find(self) -> Value:
# returns the "representative" value of self, in the union-find sense
op = self
while isinstance(op, Operation):
# could do path compression here too but not essential
next = op.forwarded
if next is None:
return op
op = next
return op
def make_equal_to(self, value : Value):
# this is "union" in the union-find sense, but the direction is
# important! the representative of the union of Operations must be
# either a Constant or an operation that we know for sure is not
# optimized away.
self.find().forwarded = value
class Constant(Value):
value : object
def find(self):
return self
# helper function for construction Operation instances that wrap the arguments
# into Constant if they aren't Values already, to make writing the examples
# more convenient
def opbuilder(opname):
def wraparg(arg):
if not isinstance(arg, Value):
arg = Constant(arg)
return arg
def build(*args):
return Operation(opname, [wraparg(arg) for arg in args])
return build
add = opbuilder("add")
getarg = opbuilder("getarg")
dummy = opbuilder("dummy")
lshift = opbuilder("lshift")
# these above definitions allow us to write
# add(1, 2)
# instead of Operation("add", [Constant(1), Constant(2)])
def test_union_find():
# construct three operation, and unify them step by step
a1 = dummy(1)
a2 = dummy(2)
a3 = dummy(3)
assert a1.find() is a1
assert a2.find() is a2
assert a3.find() is a3
assert a1.find() is a1
assert a2.find() is a1
assert a3.find() is a3
assert a1.find() is a1
assert a2.find() is a1
assert a3.find() is a1
c = Constant(6)
assert a1.find() is c
assert a2.find() is c
assert a3.find() is c
# that's the implementation of the IR and the methods needed for union find.
# let's look at how to optimize basic blocks (=lists of Operations)
# _____________________________________________________________________
# a basic block is a list of Operations. first, a convenience function to print
# basic blocks:
def basicblock_to_str(l : list[Operation], varprefix : str = "var"):
# the implementation is not too important, look at the test below to see
# what the result looks like
def arg_to_str(arg : Value):
if isinstance(arg, Constant):
return str(arg.value)
# the key must exist, otherwise it's not a valid SSA basic block:
# the variable must be defined before use
return varnames[arg]
varnames = {}
res = []
for op in l:
# give the operation a name used while printing:
varname = varnames[op] = f"{varprefix}{len(varnames)}"
arguments = ", ".join(arg_to_str(arg.find()) for arg in op.args)
res.append(f"{varname} = {}({arguments})")
return "\n".join(res)
def test_basicblock_to_str():
# the basic block would usually start with phi nodes, I am not
# modelling that in this small sketch. let's use a pseudo-operation
# 'getarg' for variables that flow into the block
var0 = getarg(0)
var1 = add(5, 4)
var2 = add(var1, var0)
bb = [var0, var1, var2]
assert basicblock_to_str(bb) == """\
var0 = getarg(0)
var1 = add(5, 4)
var2 = add(var1, var0)"""
assert basicblock_to_str(bb, "x") == """\
x0 = getarg(0)
x1 = add(5, 4)
x2 = add(x1, x0)"""
# check that it interacts correctly with the union-find datastructure:
# if we unify var1 with the Constant 9, then var1 should be printed as 9
# when printing var2
opt_bb = [var0, var2]
# printing should see that replacement in the way it shows var2, due to the
# find call in the implementation above:
assert basicblock_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = add(9, optvar0)"""
# _____________________________________________________________________
# Now comes the first actual optimization pass. For now, let's split the
# optimizer into several passes, one for constant folding, one for common
# subexpression elimination, one for strength reduction. later we will combine
# them into a single pass
# Every pass has the same structure: we go over all operations in the basic
# block in order and decide for each operation it can be removed.
# First we'll look at a simple constant folding pass. I will show a buggy
# version of that pass first. It has a problem that is related to why we need
# the union-find data structure. We will fix it a bit further down.
def constfold_buggy(bb: list[Operation]) -> list[Operation]:
opt_bb = []
for op in bb:
# basic idea: go over the list and do constant folding of add where
# possible
if == "add":
arg0 = op.args[0]
arg1 = op.args[1]
if isinstance(arg0, Constant) and isinstance(arg1, Constant):
# can constant-fold! that means we learned a new equality,
# namely that op is equal to a specific constant
op.make_equal_to(Constant(arg0.value + arg1.value))
# don't need to have the operation in the optimized basic block
# otherwise the operation is not constant-foldable and put into the
# output list
return opt_bb
def test_constfold_simple():
# reuse the simple example from the last test, this time do the
# optimization for real
var0 = getarg(0)
var1 = add(5, 4)
var2 = add(var1, var0)
bb = [var0, var1, var2]
opt_bb = constfold_buggy(bb)
assert basicblock_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = add(9, optvar0)"""
def test_constfold_buggy_limitation():
# this test fails! it shows the problem with the above simple
# constfold_buggy pass
var0 = getarg(0)
var1 = add(5, 4) # this is folded
var2 = add(var1, 10) # we want this folded too, but it doesn't work
var3 = add(var2, var0)
bb = [var0, var1, var2, var3]
opt_bb = constfold_buggy(bb)
assert basicblock_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = add(19, optvar0)"""
# why does the test fail? The opt_bb printed output looks like this:
# optvar0 = getarg(0)
# optvar1 = add(9, 10)
# optvar2 = add(optvar1, optvar0)
# The problem is that when we optimize the second addition in
# constfold_buggy, the argument of that operation is an *Operation* not a
# Constant, so constant-folding is not applied to the second add. However,
# we have already learned that the argument var1 to the operation var2 is
# equal to Constant(9). This information is stored in the union-find data
# structure. So what we are missing are suitable find calls in
# the constant folding pass, to make use of the previously learned
# equalities
# here's the fixed version:
def constfold(bb: list[Operation]) -> list[Operation]:
opt_bb = []
for op in bb:
# basic idea: go over the list and do constant folding of add where
# possible
if == "add":
arg0 = op.args[0].find() # <====== changed
arg1 = op.args[1].find() # <====== changed
if isinstance(arg0, Constant) and isinstance(arg1, Constant):
# can constant-fold! that means we learned a new equality,
# namely that op is equal to a specific constant
op.make_equal_to(Constant(arg0.value + arg1.value))
continue # don't need to have the optimization in the result
# otherwise the operation is put into the output list
return opt_bb
def test_constfold_two_ops():
# now it works!
var0 = getarg(0)
var1 = add(5, 4)
var2 = add(var1, 10)
var3 = add(var2, var0)
bb = [var0, var1, var2, var3]
opt_bb = constfold(bb)
assert basicblock_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = add(19, optvar0)"""
# _____________________________________________________________________
# the constfold pass only discovers equalities between Operations and
# Constants. let's do a second pass that also discovers equalities between
# Operations and other Operations.
# a simple optimization that does that is common subexpression elimination
# (CSE)
def cse(bb : list[Operation]) -> list[Operation]:
# structure is the same, loop over the input, add some but not all
# operations to the output
opt_bb = []
for op in bb:
# only do CSE for add here, but it generalizes
if == "add":
arg0 = op.args[0].find()
arg1 = op.args[1].find()
# Check whether we have emitted the same operation already
prev_op = find_prev_add_op(arg0, arg1, opt_bb)
if prev_op is not None:
# if yes, we can optimize op away and replace it with the
# earlier result, which is an Operation that was already
# emitted to opt_bb
return opt_bb
def eq_value(val0, val1):
if isinstance(val0, Constant) and isinstance(val1, Constant):
# constants compare by their value
return val0.value == val1.value
# everything else by identity
return val0 is val1
def find_prev_add_op(arg0 : Value, arg1 : Value, opt_bb : list[Operation]) -> Operation | None:
# Really naive and quadratic implementation. what we do is walk over the
# already emitted operations and see whether we emitted an add with the
# current arguments already. A real implementation might use a hashmap of
# some kind, or at least only look at a limited window of instructions.
for opt_op in opt_bb:
if != "add":
# It's important to call find here, for the same reason why we needed
# it in constfold.
if eq_value(arg0, opt_op.args[0].find()) and eq_value(arg1, opt_op.args[1].find()):
return opt_op
return None
def test_cse():
var0 = getarg(0)
var1 = getarg(1)
var2 = add(var0, var1)
var3 = add(var0, var1) # the same as var3
var4 = add(var2, 2)
var5 = add(var3, 2) # the same as var4
var6 = add(var4, var5)
bb = [var0, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6]
opt_bb = cse(bb)
assert basicblock_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = getarg(1)
optvar2 = add(optvar0, optvar1)
optvar3 = add(optvar2, 2)
optvar4 = add(optvar3, optvar3)"""
# _____________________________________________________________________
# now we have a pass that replaces Operations with Constants and one that
# replaces Operations with previously existing Operations. Let's now do one
# final pass that replaces Operations by newly invented Operations, a simple
# strength reduction
def strength_reduce(bb: list[Operation]) -> list[Operation]:
opt_bb = []
for op in bb:
if == "add":
arg0 = op.args[0].find()
arg1 = op.args[1].find()
if arg0 is arg1: # x + x turns into x << 1
newop = lshift(arg0, 1)
return opt_bb
def test_strength_reduce():
var0 = getarg(0)
var1 = add(var0, var0)
opt_bb = strength_reduce([var0, var1])
assert basicblock_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = lshift(optvar0, 1)"""
# _____________________________________________________________________
# Let's combine the passes into one single pass, so that we are going over all
# the operations only exactly once.
def optimize(bb: list[Operation]) -> list[Operation]:
opt_bb = []
for op in bb:
if == "add":
arg0 = op.args[0].find()
arg1 = op.args[1].find()
# constant folding
if isinstance(arg0, Constant) and isinstance(arg1, Constant):
op.make_equal_to(Constant(arg0.value + arg1.value))
# cse
prev_op = find_prev_add_op(arg0, arg1, opt_bb)
if prev_op is not None:
# strength reduce
if arg0 is arg1: # x + x turns into x << 1
newop = lshift(arg0, 1)
# and while we are at it, let's do some arithmetic simplification:
# a + 0 => a
if eq_value(arg0, Constant(0)):
if eq_value(arg1, Constant(0)):
return opt_bb
# some tests for the full optimizer:
def test_single_pass():
# constant folding
var0 = getarg(0)
var1 = add(5, 4)
var2 = add(var1, 10)
var3 = add(var2, var0)
bb = [var0, var1, var2, var3]
opt_bb = optimize(bb)
assert basicblock_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = add(19, optvar0)"""
# cse + strength reduction
var0 = getarg(0)
var1 = getarg(1)
var2 = add(var0, var1)
var3 = add(var0, var1) # the same as var3
var4 = add(var2, 2)
var5 = add(var3, 2) # the same as var4
var6 = add(var4, var5)
bb = [var0, var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6]
opt_bb = optimize(bb)
assert basicblock_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = getarg(1)
optvar2 = add(optvar0, optvar1)
optvar3 = add(optvar2, 2)
optvar4 = lshift(optvar3, 1)"""
# removing + 0
var0 = getarg(0)
var1 = add(16, -16)
var2 = add(var0, var1)
var3 = add(0, var2)
var4 = add(var2, var3)
bb = [var0, var1, var2, var3, var4]
opt_bb = optimize(bb)
assert basicblock_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = lshift(optvar0, 1)"""
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