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Created December 19, 2019 14:57
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Todos - Save and Delete</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
margin: 1em auto;
max-width: 40em;
width: 88%;
form {
margin-bottom: 2em;
label {
display: block;
width: 100%;
[type="checkbox"] {
margin-right: 0.5em;
.todos {
list-style: none;
margin: 0 0 1em;
padding: 0;
.todos li {
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
* @bugfix Prevent webkit from removing list semantics
* 1. Add a non-breaking space
* 2. Make sure it doesn't mess up the DOM flow
.todos li:before {
content: "\200B"; /* 1 */
position: absolute; /* 2 */
.todo-completed {
text-decoration: line-through;
<h1>Todos - Save and Delete</h1>
<form id="add-todos">
<label for="new-todo">What do you want to do?</label>
<input type="text" id="new-todo" autofocus>
<button>Add Todo</button>
<div id="app"></div>
<script src=""></script>
// Variables
// The new todo input field
var newTodo = document.querySelector('#new-todo');
// Save the localStorage ID to a variable for easier configuration later
var storageID = 'todos';
// Methods
* Create a todo component
var app = new Reef('#app', {
data: {
todos: []
template: function (props) {
// If there are no todos, ask the user to add some
if (props.todos.length < 1) {
return '<p>You don\'t have any todos yet. Add some using the form above.</p>';
// Generate markup for todo items
return '<ul class="todos">' + (todo, index) {
var todoHTML =
'<li ' + (todo.completed ? 'class="todo-completed"' : '') + '>' +
'<label for="todo-' + index + '">' +
'<input type="checkbox" id="todo-' + index + '" data-todo="' + index + '" ' + (todo.completed ? 'checked' : '') + '>' +
todo.item +
' <button data-delete-todo="' + index + '" aria-label="Delete ' + todo.item + '">🗑</button>' +
'</label>' +
return todoHTML;
}).join('') + '</ul>';
* Handle form submit events
* @param {Event} event The Event object
var submitHandler = function (event) {
// Only run for #add-todos form
if ( !== 'add-todos') return;
// Stop the form from reloading the page
// If the #new-todo input has no value, do nothing
if (newTodo.value.length < 1) return;
// Get a copy of the todos
var todos = app.getData().todos;
// Update data object
item: newTodo.value,
completed: false
// Render fresh UI
app.setData({todos: todos});
// Clear the field and return focus
newTodo.value = '';
* Mark todo item as complete
* @param {Event} event The event object
var completeTodo = function (event) {
// Only run on todo items
var todo ='data-todo');
if (!todo) return;
// Get a copy of the todos
var todos = app.getData().todos;
if (!todos[todo]) return;
// Update the todo state
todos[todo].completed =;
// Render a fresh UI
app.setData({todos: todos});
* Delete a todo item from the list
* @param {Event} event The event object
var deleteTodo = function (event) {
// Only run on delete button clicks
var todo ='data-delete-todo');
if (!todo) return;
// Get a copy of the todos
var todos = app.getData().todos;
if (!todos[todo]) return;
// Confirm with the user before deleting
if (!window.confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this todo item? This cannot be undone.')) return;
// Remove the item from the todo state
todos.splice(todo, 1);
// Render a fresh UI
app.setData({todos: todos});
* Handle click events
* @param {Event} event The Event object
var clickHandler = function (event) {
// Mark todo item as complete
// Delete todo item
* Save todo items to localStorage
var saveTodos = function () {
localStorage.setItem(storageID, JSON.stringify(app.getData()));
* Load todos into state on page load
var loadTodos = function () {
// Check for saved data in localStorage
var saved = localStorage.getItem(storageID);
var data = saved ? JSON.parse(saved) : {
todos: []
// Update the state and run an initial render
// Inits & Event Listeners
// Render the initial UI
// Listen for form submit events
document.addEventListener('submit', submitHandler, false);
// Listen for click events
document.addEventListener('click', clickHandler, false);
// On render events, save todo items
document.addEventListener('render', saveTodos, false);
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