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Last active November 16, 2018 14:44
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An example funflow pipeline to run a neuroimaging tool
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows
, OverloadedStrings, QuasiQuotes, ScopedTypeVariables
, TemplateHaskell
import Control.Arrow ((>>>), returnA, (&&&), (***))
import Control.Exception (Exception (..))
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Text as T hiding (intercalate, head)
import System.Posix.Files
import Control.Funflow.External.Docker ()
import Control.Funflow.External
import Control.Funflow.ContentStore as CS
import Control.Funflow.ContentHashable as CH
import Control.Funflow
import Path
import Path.IO
-- An input file in the IO monad because parseAbsFile from
-- `Path` needs a MonadThrow.
input :: IO (Path Abs File)
input = parseAbsFile "/home/you/file.mnc"
-- Symlink an input file into the content store for tracking
-- this allows funflow to monitor the file hash without duplicating
-- my images which are large.
symlinkFileToStore :: ArrowFlow eff ex arr => arr (FileContent, Path Rel File) (CS.Content File)
symlinkFileToStore = putInStoreAt $
\p (FileContent inFP) -> createSymbolicLink (toFilePath inFP) (toFilePath p)
-- Generate an output name from an input name by appending some suffixes before
-- the file extension. In IO again because of `Path`
appendBeforeExtension :: [String] -> String -> (Path b File) -> IO (Path b File)
appendBeforeExtension apps sep f = case apps of
[] -> return f
as -> do
fnox <- setFileExtension "" (filename f)
fa <- parseRelFile $ toFilePath fnox ++ sep ++ intercalate sep as ++ fileExtension f
return (parent f </> fa)
-- Skeleton for how to build an external command from an input
mkIOCommand :: (ArrowFlow eff ex arr) =>
Env ->
OutputCapture ->
Text ->
(a -> IO ([Param], [Path Rel b])) ->
arr a (Item, [Path Rel b])
mkIOCommand nv cap cmd munge =
(stepIO $ munge) >>> -- this step unpacks the IO, for path munging
(external mkTask &&& step mkOuts)
mkTask (ins, _) =
ExternalTask {_etCommand = cmd
, _etParams = ins
, _etEnv = nv
, _etWriteToStdOut = cap
mkOuts = snd
-- The above specialized to use the parent environment vars and capture stdout
simpleIOCommand :: (ArrowFlow eff ex arr) =>
Text ->
(a -> IO ([Param], [Path Rel b])) ->
arr a (Item, [Path Rel b])
simpleIOCommand = mkIOCommand EnvInherit StdOutCapture
-- A simple pipeline that takes a file in the content store and makes a
-- new file in the content store by running an external command. This
-- takes an input image, adds three, and outputs the sum to the input
-- filename with _plus3 appended before the extension
mincMathP3 :: SimpleFlow (CS.Content File) (CS.Content File)
mincMathP3 = op >>> (step post)
mkParams i o =
[contentParam i] ++ fmap stringParam ["-add", "-const", "3", toFilePath o]
munge i = do
o <- appendBeforeExtension ["plus3"] "_" (contentFilename i)
return $ (mkParams i &&& (:[])) o
op = simpleIOCommand "mincmath" munge
post (it, nms) = head $ fmap (it :</>) nms
-- Main runs the pipeline, checking if the input image file (file.mnc)
-- has had its hashed changed since the last run, if it has it will add
-- three to each voxel in the image and ouput a new file in the content
-- store
main :: IO ()
main = do
mnc <- input
cwd <- getCurrentDir
r <- withSimpleLocalRunner (cwd </> [reldir|funflow-example/store|]) $ \run ->
run (symlinkFileToStore >>> mincMathP3)
(FileContent mnc, filename mnc)
case r of
Left err ->
putStrLn $ "FAILED: " ++ displayException err
Right out ->
putStrLn $ "SUCCESS: " ++ show out
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