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Last active January 25, 2023 23:02
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  • Save cfilipov/48338f23ce92047807585f750af04bc0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cfilipov/48338f23ce92047807585f750af04bc0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
dexie-dsync: a dexie addon for distributed sync using file storage like dropbox or google drive.
import { toVersion, Ordering } from 'version-vector';
import { mergeJoin, stringComparator, innerJoin, maybe, assert } from 'rr/util';
export interface Versioned {
version: string;
export interface Version extends Versioned {
readonly uid: string;
readonly band: string;
readonly table: string;
readonly timestamp: number;
readonly version: string;
readonly deleted: boolean;
export interface Record<T> extends Version {
readonly payload: T;
export interface Band extends Versioned {
prefix: string;
version: string;
export interface ClientSummary extends Versioned {
key: 'manifest';
name: string;
version: string;
clientID: string;
lastSyncTime: number | null;
lastSyncClientID: string | null;
lastUpdateTime: number;
schemaVersion: number;
export interface Manifest extends ClientSummary {
// known clients must be sorted by clientID
knownClients: ClientSummary[];
// bands must be sorted by prefix
bands: Band[];
export interface MergeFunc<T> {
(local: Record<T>, remote: Record<T>): T | null;
export function cmp(local: Versioned, remote: Versioned): Ordering {
return toVersion(local.version)
export function mergeVersions(local: Versioned | null, remote: Versioned | null): string {
return toVersion(maybe(local).version)
export abstract class Client {
abstract name: string;
abstract getManifest(): Promise<Manifest>;
// SycRecords must be sorted by id
abstract getRecords(band: Band): Promise<Array<Record<any>>>;
abstract saveRecord(record: Record<any>): Promise<void>;
abstract saveManifest(manifest: Manifest): Promise<string>;
abstract resolveConflict<T>(local: Record<T>, remote: Record<T>): T;
abstract saveBand(band: Band): Promise<void>;
abstract supportsReciprocalSync(): boolean;
async mergeRecord<T>(local: Record<T> | null, remote: Record<T> | null): Promise<void> {
let record;
let payload;
let timestamp;
if (local == null) {
record = remote!;
payload = remote!.payload;
timestamp = remote!.timestamp;
} else if (remote == null) {
// Nothing to do.
} else if (cmp(local, remote) === Ordering.Equal) {
// Nothing to do.
} else if (cmp(local, remote) === Ordering.Less) {
record = remote;
payload = remote.payload;
timestamp = remote.timestamp;
} else if (cmp(local, remote) === Ordering.Greater) {
// Nothing to do.
} else if (cmp(local, remote) === Ordering.Concurrent) {
record = local;
payload = this.resolveConflict(local, remote);
timestamp = local.timestamp;
const version = mergeVersions(local, remote);
const merged: Record<any> = {
console.log(`saving ${record.uid} to ${}`);
await this.saveRecord(merged);
async mergeManifest(local: Manifest, remote: Manifest): Promise<void> {
const { key, name, clientID, schemaVersion } = local;
const version = mergeVersions(local, remote);
const bands = innerJoin(
(localBand, remoteBand): Band => ({
version: mergeVersions(localBand, remoteBand)
const now = +(new Date());
const localSummary: ClientSummary = {
lastUpdateTime: now,
lastSyncTime: now,
lastSyncClientID: remote.clientID,
const knownClients = mergeJoin(
(l, r) => stringComparator(l.clientID, r.clientID),
(l, r): ClientSummary => {
if (l == null) {
return r!;
} else if (r == null) {
return l;
if (l.clientID === localSummary.clientID) {
return localSummary;
let newer;
if (l.lastSyncTime == null) {
newer = r;
} else if (r.lastSyncTime == null) {
newer = l;
} else {
newer = l.lastSyncTime > r.lastSyncTime ? l : r;
return {
version: mergeVersions(l, r),
lastSyncTime: newer.lastSyncTime,
lastSyncClientID: newer.lastSyncClientID,
schemaVersion: newer.schemaVersion
).sort((a, b) => stringComparator(a.clientID, b.clientID));
const manifest = {
await this.saveManifest(manifest);
async syncRemoteClient(remoteClient: Client, reciprocal: boolean): Promise<void> {
console.log(`syncing ${} with ${}`);
const remoteManifest = await remoteClient.getManifest();
const localManifest = await this.getManifest();
assert(localManifest.clientID !== remoteManifest.clientID);
if (cmp(localManifest, remoteManifest) === Ordering.Equal) {
console.log('Nothing to sync, already up-to-date.');
// No changes, nothing to do.
if (cmp(localManifest, remoteManifest) === Ordering.Greater) {
// We shouldn't get into this situation.
// This means we synced both ways and still have unsynced changes!
assert(reciprocal === false, 'reciprocal sync failed');
// We've got the latest data, tell the other client to sync from us.
if (remoteClient.supportsReciprocalSync()) {
await remoteClient.syncRemoteClient(this, true);
const joined = innerJoin(localManifest.bands, remoteManifest.bands, 'prefix', 'prefix',
(localBand, remoteBand) => ({ localBand, remoteBand })
for (const { localBand, remoteBand } of joined) {
if (cmp(localBand, remoteBand) === Ordering.Equal
|| cmp(localBand, remoteBand) === Ordering.Greater
) {
// Skip this band, we have all the data already.
const joinedRecords = mergeJoin(
localBand ? await this.getRecords(localBand) : [],
remoteBand ? await remoteClient.getRecords(remoteBand) : [],
(localRecord, remoteRecord) => stringComparator(localRecord.uid, remoteRecord.uid),
(localRecord, remoteRecord) => ({ localRecord, remoteRecord })
for (const { localRecord, remoteRecord } of joinedRecords) {
await this.mergeRecord(localRecord, remoteRecord);
await this.saveBand(localBand);
await this.mergeManifest(localManifest, remoteManifest);
if (remoteClient.supportsReciprocalSync()) {
await remoteClient.syncRemoteClient(this, true);
import Dexie from 'dexie';
import { initCreatingHook } from './hooks/creating';
import { initUpdatingHook } from './hooks/updating';
import { initDeletingHook } from './hooks/deleting';
export function initCrudMonitor(db: Dexie) {
return function crudMonitor(table: Dexie.Table<any, string>) {
if (table.hook._dsyncObserving) {
table.hook._dsyncObserving = true;
const tableName =;
table.hook('creating').subscribe(initCreatingHook(db, tableName));
table.hook('updating').subscribe(initUpdatingHook(db, tableName));
table.hook('deleting').subscribe(initDeletingHook(db, tableName));
// Example usage, setting up the database and enabling sync
import 'dexie-dsync';
import Dexie from 'dexie';
import { toVersion } from 'version-vector';
import { DropboxClient } from 'dexie-dsync/dropboxClient';
import { SettingKeyValue } from 'rr/state/settings';
import { WorkoutEntry } from 'rr/state/workouts';
import { BodyMeasurements } from 'rr/state/body-measurements';
export class RepsDB extends Dexie {
settings: Dexie.Table<SettingKeyValue, string>;
workoutLog: Dexie.Table<WorkoutEntry, string>;
bodyMeasurements: Dexie.Table<BodyMeasurements, string>;
constructor() {
settings: 'uid,&key',
workoutLog: 'uid,date',
bodyMeasurements: 'uid,date',
const db = new RepsDB();
db.dsync.syncRecordFilter = (record) => {
// Don't sync records that came from `origin`
if (toVersion(record.version).has('origin')) {
return false;
// Don't sync records that are sensitive or non-user-facing settings.
if (record.table === 'settings') {
return !(record.payload as SettingKeyValue).isPrivate;
return true;
export const enableDropboxSync = (token: string) =>
db.dsync.addRemoteClient(new DropboxClient(token));
export const sync = () => db.dsync.sync();
setInterval(() => db.dsync.sync(), 30000);
export { db };
import Dropbox = require('dropbox');
import * as Dsync from '.';
import { request } from 'd3-request';
import { FileBand, FileManifest } from './file';
const MANIFEST_PATH = '/manifest.json';
const defaultManifest: FileManifest = {
key: 'manifest',
name: 'Dropbox',
version: 'dropbox.0',
clientID: 'dropbox',
lastSyncTime: null,
lastSyncClientID: null,
lastUpdateTime: 0,
schemaVersion: 1,
knownClients: [],
bands: [
{ prefix: '0', version: 'dropbox.0', href: '/band-0.json' },
{ prefix: '1', version: 'dropbox.0', href: '/band-1.json' },
{ prefix: '2', version: 'dropbox.0', href: '/band-2.json' },
{ prefix: '3', version: 'dropbox.0', href: '/band-3.json' },
{ prefix: '4', version: 'dropbox.0', href: '/band-4.json' },
{ prefix: '5', version: 'dropbox.0', href: '/band-5.json' },
{ prefix: '6', version: 'dropbox.0', href: '/band-6.json' },
{ prefix: '7', version: 'dropbox.0', href: '/band-7.json' },
{ prefix: '8', version: 'dropbox.0', href: '/band-8.json' },
{ prefix: '9', version: 'dropbox.0', href: '/band-9.json' },
{ prefix: 'a', version: 'dropbox.0', href: '/band-a.json' },
{ prefix: 'b', version: 'dropbox.0', href: '/band-b.json' },
{ prefix: 'c', version: 'dropbox.0', href: '/band-c.json' },
{ prefix: 'd', version: 'dropbox.0', href: '/band-d.json' },
{ prefix: 'e', version: 'dropbox.0', href: '/band-e.json' },
{ prefix: 'f', version: 'dropbox.0', href: '/band-f.json' }
function dateParser(key: any, value: any) {
const reISO = /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}(?:\.\d*))(?:Z|(\+|-)([\d|:]*))?$/;
if (typeof value === 'string') {
if (reISO.exec(value)) {
return new Date(value);
return value;
async function getJSON(url: string): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.response(function (xhr: XMLHttpRequest) { return JSON.parse(xhr.responseText, dateParser); })
.get((error, data) => {
if (error) {
} else {
export class DropboxClient extends Dsync.Client {
dbx: Dropbox;
bands: Map<string, FileBand>;
bandRecords: Map<string, Map<string, Dsync.Record<any>>>;
name: string;
constructor(accessToken: string) {
this.dbx = new Dropbox({ accessToken });
this.bands = new Map();
this.bandRecords = new Map(); = 'dropbox';
supportsReciprocalSync(): boolean {
return true;
async getManifest(): Promise<Dsync.Manifest> {
let manifest;
try {
const { link } = await this.dbx.filesGetTemporaryLink({ path: MANIFEST_PATH });
manifest = await getJSON(link);
} catch (e) {
const contents = JSON.stringify(defaultManifest, null, 4);
await this.dbx.filesUpload({path: MANIFEST_PATH, mode: { '.tag': 'overwrite' }, contents });
manifest = defaultManifest;
for (const band of manifest.bands) {
this.bands.set(band.prefix, band);
return manifest;
// SyncRecords must be sorted by id
async getRecords(band: Dsync.Band): Promise<Array<Dsync.Record<any>>> {
let recordsMap = this.bandRecords.get(band.prefix);
if (recordsMap == null) {
try {
recordsMap = new Map();
const { href } = this.bands.get(band.prefix)!;
const { link } = await this.dbx.filesGetTemporaryLink({ path: href });
const records = await getJSON(link) as Dsync.Record<any>[];
for (const record of records) {
recordsMap.set(record.uid, record);
this.bandRecords.set(band.prefix, recordsMap);
} catch (e) {
recordsMap = new Map();
return Array.from(recordsMap.values());
async saveRecord(record: Dsync.Record<any>): Promise<void> {
let recordsMap = this.bandRecords.get(;
if (recordsMap == null) {
recordsMap = new Map();
this.bandRecords.set(, recordsMap);
recordsMap.set(record.uid, record);
async saveManifest(manifest: Dsync.Manifest): Promise<string> {
const contents = JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 4);
await this.dbx.filesUpload({path: MANIFEST_PATH, mode: { '.tag': 'overwrite' }, contents });
return 'manifest';
async saveBand(band: Dsync.Band): Promise<void> {
const recordsMap = this.bandRecords.get(band.prefix);
if (recordsMap == null) {
const records = Array.from(recordsMap.values());
const contents = JSON.stringify(records, null, 4);
const { href } = this.bands.get(band.prefix)!;
await this.dbx.filesUpload({path: href, mode: { '.tag': 'overwrite' }, contents });
resolveConflict<T>(local: Dsync.Record<T>, remote: Dsync.Record<T>): T {
throw new Error('Unexpected conflict.');
import Dexie from 'dexie';
import throttle = require('lodash/throttle');
import { Client, Manifest, Record, Band } from './client';
import { initCrudMonitor } from './crudMonitor';
export class Dsync extends Client {
db: Dexie;
syncInprogress: boolean;
tables: Map<string, Dexie.Table<any, string>>;
syncRecordFilter: (r: Record<any>) => boolean;
name: string;
syncStarted: () => void;
syncEnded: (hasNewData: boolean) => void;
sync: () => Promise<void>;
private _hasNewData: boolean;
private _remoteClients: Map<string, Client>;
constructor(db: Dexie) {
this.db = db;
this.tables = new Map();
this.syncRecordFilter = (r: Record<any>) => true; = 'local';
this.syncStarted = () => null;
this.syncEnded = () => null;
this.sync = throttle(this._sync, 15000);
this._hasNewData = false;
this._remoteClients = new Map();
supportsReciprocalSync(): boolean {
// This is the local client that always initiates sync, reciprocal is unnecessary.
return false;
setSyncTables(tables: Dexie.Table<any, string>[]) {
const crudMonitor = initCrudMonitor(this.db);
for (const table of tables) {
this.tables.set(, table);
table.syncEnabled = true;
addRemoteClient(client: Client) {
this._remoteClients.set(, client);
async getRemoteClients(): Promise<Array<Client>> {
return Array.from(this._remoteClients.values());
async getManifest(): Promise<Manifest> {
return this.db._dsync.get('manifest') as Promise<Manifest>;
// SyncRecords must be sorted by id
async getRecords(band: Band): Promise<Array<Record<any>>> {
const tableSet = new Set(this.tables.keys());
const versions = await this.db._versions
.filter(v => tableSet.has(v.table))
const records: Record<any>[] = [];
for (const version of versions) {
const record = {
payload: await this.db.table(version.table).get(version.uid)
if (this.syncRecordFilter(record)) {
return records;
async saveRecord(record: Record<any>): Promise<void> {
if (record.deleted) {
await this.db.table(record.table).where('id').equals(record.uid).delete();
const { payload, ...version } = record;
await this.db.table(record.table).put(payload);
await this.db._versions.put(version);
this._hasNewData = true;
async saveManifest(manifest: Manifest): Promise<string> {
return this.db._dsync.put(manifest);
async saveBand(band: Band): Promise<void> {
// Do nothing
resolveConflict<T>(local: Record<T>, remote: Record<T>): T {
return this.db.dsync.tables.get(local.table)!.conflictHandler(local, remote);
async _sync(): Promise<void> {
const clients = await this.getRemoteClients();
if (clients.length === 0) {
this.syncInprogress = true;
for (const client of clients) {
await this.syncRemoteClient(client, false);
console.log(`finished syncing ${} with ${}`);
this.syncInprogress = false;
this._hasNewData = false;
import { Band, Manifest } from '.';
export interface FileBand extends Band {
href: string;
export interface FileManifest extends Manifest {
bands: FileBand[];
import * as Dsync from '.';
import { json } from 'd3-request';
import { FileBand, FileManifest } from './file';
async function getJSON(url: string): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
json(url, (error, data) => {
if (error) {
} else {
export class HttpClient extends Dsync.Client {
manifestURL: string;
bands: Map<string, FileBand>;
bandRecords: Map<string, Map<string, Dsync.Record<any>>>;
name: string;
constructor(name: string, manifestURL: string) {
super(); = name;
this.manifestURL = manifestURL;
this.bands = new Map();
this.bandRecords = new Map();
supportsReciprocalSync(): boolean {
return false;
async getManifest(): Promise<FileManifest> {
const manifest = await getJSON(this.manifestURL);
for (const band of manifest.bands) {
this.bands.set(band.prefix, band);
return manifest;
// SyncRecords must be sorted by id
async getRecords(band: Dsync.Band): Promise<Array<Dsync.Record<any>>> {
let recordsMap = this.bandRecords.get(band.prefix);
if (recordsMap == null) {
recordsMap = new Map();
const { href } = this.bands.get(band.prefix)!;
const records = await getJSON(href) as Dsync.Record<any>[];
for (const record of records) {
recordsMap.set(record.uid, record);
this.bandRecords.set(band.prefix, recordsMap);
return Array.from(recordsMap.values());
async saveRecord(record: Dsync.Record<any>): Promise<void> {
let recordsMap = this.bandRecords.get(;
if (recordsMap == null) {
recordsMap = new Map();
this.bandRecords.set(, recordsMap);
recordsMap.set(record.uid, record);
async saveManifest(manifest: Dsync.Manifest): Promise<string> {
// Do nothing
return 'manifest';
async saveBand(band: Dsync.Band): Promise<void> {
// Do nothing
resolveConflict<T>(local: Dsync.Record<T>, remote: Dsync.Record<T>): T {
throw new Error('Unexpected conflict.');
async sync(): Promise<void> {
// Do nothing
import Dexie from 'dexie';
import * as shortid from 'shortid';
import { Manifest, ClientSummary, Version, MergeFunc, Record } from './client';
import { Dsync } from './dsyncClient';
import { toVersion } from 'version-vector';
import { initOverrideCreateTransaction } from './overrideCreateTransaction';
import { overrideParseStoresSpec } from './overrideParseStoresSpec';
export { Client, Manifest, ClientSummary, Version, MergeFunc, Record, Band } from './client';
export { Dsync } from './dsyncClient';
const override = Dexie.override;
declare module 'dexie' {
interface Dexie {
dsync: Dsync;
_dsync: Dexie.Table<Manifest, string>;
_versions: Dexie.Table<Version, string>;
_createTransaction: any;
module Dexie {
interface Table<T, Key> {
conflictHandler: MergeFunc<T>;
syncEnabled: boolean;
interface TableHooks<T, Key> {
_dsyncObserving: boolean;
export function DsyncAddon(db: Dexie) {
db.Version.prototype._parseStoresSpec = override(db.Version.prototype._parseStoresSpec, overrideParseStoresSpec);
db.Table.prototype.conflictHandler = <T> (local: Record<T>, remote: Record<T>): T | null => {
return local.timestamp > remote.timestamp
? local.payload
: remote.payload;
db.Table.prototype.syncEnabled = false;
const overrideCreateTransaction = initOverrideCreateTransaction(db);
db._createTransaction = override(db._createTransaction, overrideCreateTransaction);
db.dsync = new Dsync(db);
db.on.populate.subscribe(() => {
const clientID = shortid.generate();
const version = toVersion().add(clientID).toString();
const now = +(new Date());
const client: ClientSummary = {
key: 'manifest',
name: window.navigator.userAgent,
lastSyncTime: null,
lastSyncClientID: null,
lastUpdateTime: now,
schemaVersion: db.verno,
knownClients: [
bands: [
{ prefix: '0', version },
{ prefix: '1', version },
{ prefix: '2', version },
{ prefix: '3', version },
{ prefix: '4', version },
{ prefix: '5', version },
{ prefix: '6', version },
{ prefix: '7', version },
{ prefix: '8', version },
{ prefix: '9', version },
{ prefix: 'a', version },
{ prefix: 'b', version },
{ prefix: 'c', version },
{ prefix: 'd', version },
{ prefix: 'e', version },
{ prefix: 'f', version }
import Dexie from 'dexie';
export function initOverrideCreateTransaction(db: Dexie) {
return function overrideCreateTransaction(origFunc: any) {
return function (this: any, mode: any, storenames: any, dbschema: any, parent: any) {
if (db.dynamicallyOpened()) {
return origFunc.apply(this, arguments); // Don't observe dynamically opened databases.
if (mode === 'readwrite'
&& storenames.some((storeName: any) => dbschema[storeName] && db.dsync.tables.get(storeName) != null)) {
// At least one included store is a dsync store. Make sure to also include the _versions & _dsync stores.
storenames = storenames.slice(0); // Clone
if (storenames.indexOf('_versions') === -1) {
if (storenames.indexOf('_dsync') === -1) {
// Call original db._createTransaction()
const trans =, mode, storenames, dbschema, parent);
return trans;
export function overrideParseStoresSpec(origFunc: (fn: any) => any): any {
return function (this: any, stores: any, dbSchema: any): any {
stores._versions = 'uid,band,table,deleted';
stores._dsync = 'key,type';, stores, dbSchema);
export type Diff<T extends string, U extends string> = ({[P in T]: P } & {[P in U]: never } & { [x: string]: never })[T];
export type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = {[P in Diff<keyof T, K>]: T[P]};
export function isEmptyObject(obj: Object) {
for (const _ of Object.keys(obj)) {
return false;
return true;
export function assert(condition: boolean, message: string = 'Assertion failed') {
if (!condition) {
throw new Error(message);
export function prunedObject<T>(obj: Readonly<T>): T {
const res = Object.assign({}, obj) as T;
const keys = Object.keys(obj) as [keyof T];
for (const prop of keys) {
if (res[prop] == null) {
delete res[prop];
return res;
export function createUUID() {
// Decent solution from
let d =;
const uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, (c: string) => {
const r = (d + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0;
d = Math.floor(d / 16);
return (c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x7 | 0x8)).toString(16);
return uuid;
export function unique<T>(arr: T[]): T[] {
return Array.from(new Set(arr));
export function maybeF<T, V>(f: (t: T) => V, t: T): V | undefined {
if (t == null) {
return undefined;
return f(t);
export function maybe<T>(obj: T | undefined | null): Partial<T> {
if (obj == null) {
return {};
return obj;
export namespace format {
export function duration(n: number): string {
const hours = Math.floor(n / 3600);
const minutes = Math.floor((n - (hours * 3600)) / 60);
const seconds = n - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60);
let formatted = '';
if (hours > 0) {
formatted += hours + 'h ';
if (minutes > 0) {
formatted += minutes + 'm ';
if (seconds > 0) {
formatted += seconds.toFixed(0) + 's ';
return formatted.trim();
export function formatCommas(x: number) {
const parts = x.toString().split('.');
parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ',');
return parts.join('.');
export function stringComparator(a: string, b: string): number {
if (a < b) {
return -1;
if (a > b) {
return 1;
return 0;
export function copyString(str: string): string {
return (' ' + str).slice(1);
export function innerJoin<L, R, LK extends keyof L, RK extends keyof R, C>(
left: L[],
right: R[],
leftKey: LK,
rightKey: RK,
select: (l: L, r: R) => C): C[] {
const m = left.length;
const n = right.length;
const index = new Map<any, L>();
const c: C[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < m; i++) {
const row = left[i];
index.set(row[leftKey], row);
for (let j = 0; j < n; j++) {
const y = right[j];
const x = index.get(y[rightKey])!;
c.push(select(x, y));
return c;
export function mergeJoin<L, R, C>(
left: L[],
right: R[],
comparisonFunction: (l: L, r: R) => number,
joinFunction: (l: L | null, r: R | null) => C): C[] {
const newArray: C[] = [];
let i = 0;
let j = 0;
let e1;
let e2;
let comparison;
while (i < left.length || j < right.length) {
if (i === left.length) {
newArray.push(joinFunction(null, right[j]));
j += 1;
if (j === right.length) {
newArray.push(joinFunction(left[i], null));
i += 1;
e1 = left[i];
e2 = right[j];
comparison = comparisonFunction(e1, e2);
if (comparison > 0) {
newArray.push(joinFunction(null, e2));
j += 1;
if (comparison < 0) {
newArray.push(joinFunction(e1, null));
i += 1;
if (comparison === 0) {
newArray.push(joinFunction(e1, e2));
i += 1;
j += 1;
return newArray;
interface Array<T> {
flatMap<E>(f: (t: T) => Array<E>): Array<E>;
concatMap<E> (this: Array<T>, fn: (t: T) => Array<E>): Array<E>;
intersperse<E> (this: Array<T>, el: E);
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'flatMap', {
value: function<T, E> (this: Array<T>, f: (t: T) => Array<E>): Array<E> {
return this.reduce((ys: Array<E>, x: T) => {
return ys.concat(, x));
}, []);
enumerable: false,
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'concatMap', {
value: function<T, E> (this: Array<T>, fn: (t: T) => Array<E>): Array<E> {
return [].concat.apply([],;
enumerable: false,
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'intersperse', {
value: function<T, E> (this: Array<T>, el: E): Array<T | E> {
return this.concatMap(x => [el, x]).slice(1);
enumerable: false,
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