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Last active June 23, 2016 16:44
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A way to bulk update objects in ArchivesSpace
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'json'
require 'rest_client'
require "highline/import"
# This is a way to bulk update objects in ArchivesSpace using a JSON template
# It's in Ruby and you'll need to have rest_client and highline installed ( gem install rest_client highline )
# run it with ruby ./bulk_update.rb
# good luck and backup and use at your own risk!
# this is the bit that does the updating. You pass it a backend URL, the username, password, the type of object you're
# updating, the repo your updating, and the json template. phew.
def update( backend, user, pwd, klass, repo, json )
token = { "X-ArchivesSpace-Session" => JSON.parse( "#{backend}/users/#{user}/login", { password: pwd } )["session"] }
# we get all the ids for the record type in the repo and iterate
JSON(RestClient.get( "#{backend}/repositories/#{repo}/#{klass}?all_ids=true", token )).each do |id|
thingy = JSON(RestClient.get( "#{backend}/repositories/#{repo}/#{klass}/#{id}", token ) )
thingy.merge!(json) # merge in our template values
print "#{id} : "
response = "#{backend}/repositories/#{repo}/#{klass}/#{id}", thingy.to_json, token ) # update the record
puts response
# this is like the main method.
if __FILE__ == $0
backend = ask("Enter your backend URL ==> ") { |q| q.default = "http://localhost:4567"; q.validate = /https?:\/\/[\S]+/ }
user = ask("Enter your user name ==> ") { |q| q.default = "admin" }
pwd = ask("Enter your password ==> ") { |q| q.default = "admin" }
repo = ask("Enter the repo number ==> ") { |q| q.default = "2" }
klasses = %w{ accessions archival_objects classification_terms classifications digital_object_components digital_objects events resources }
puts "Possible types : #{klasses.join(" ")}"
klass = ask("Enter your desired type ==> ") { |q| = klasses }
json = JSON.parse("template.json"))
say("<%= color('YOUR JSON', BOLD) %>!")
puts JSON.pretty_generate(json)
puts "You are about to update globally update all #{ klass } in Repository #{ repo } with the JSON above."
answer = ask("Enter 'yes' if this is what you want ==> ") { |q| q.default = 'nope' }
if answer == 'yes'
update( backend, user, pwd, klass, repo, json )
puts "Not gonna do it. "
"publish" : true
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