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Created April 23, 2014 20:50
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Chat Log
Ray Camden:Hit0 - you are a bit early
Ray Camden:hey folks, we will get started in 9 minutes
Holly Schinsky:Welcome everyone :)
Nikhil Juneja:hello
alex 2:hi everyone
Ray Camden:hello
Ray Camden:we will start up in a few minutes
Nikhil Juneja:no worries
Martin:Yea :)
Ray Camden:(or questions)
Ray Camden:hounds even - sorry
Ray Camden:to be clear, you guys see the Q and A pod to the right, right?
Holly Schinsky:Anyone have a question we can try to help with? Enter in the Q&A pod to the right :)
Ray Camden:Don't be afraid. Holly doesn't bite. And I just had lunch.
Nikhil Juneja::)
Alex:what kind of topics would you like questions on?
Ray Camden:i deleted your second q nikhil
Ray Camden:holly is on it
Ray Camden:alex - this is up to you guys
Ray Camden:we're here as experts
Ray Camden:(i hate that word)
Ray Camden:crap, now i cant make up answers
Michael Brooks:hi!
Judah:I'm came on just for the Star Wars Q&A
Ray Camden:folks, please use Chat pod for thanks, or crticisms of answers :)
brianleroux:another splash screen tip: have your index.html ONLY load css/js to show a splash screen and then control load logic yourself
Hit0:What's this?
Ray Camden:Alex, are you asking about hiding source in general?
brianleroux:so: code the splash screen twice
brianleroux:once native / once in your webview
Alex:yeah hiding source (can put some code in an endpoint on a server, but if you want the app to work offline, you have to pretty much do everything in the app)
Nikhil Juneja:ok
Ray Camden:alex: answered
Hit0:obfuscate the code
Shazron Abdullah:Alex: uglifyjs (obfuscate)
Ray Camden:hit0 - pls do not add comments in the QA pod, do so here.
Shazron Abdullah:the cool thing about uglifyjs is, it can generate a source map. So if you want to debug your uglified js, you can (and of course, not include the source map in production)
Ray Camden:@alberto: secure in what way?
brianleroux:@martin: you can also code background services as plugins.
brianleroux:but that requires you to traverse into native land
brianleroux:we've discussed JS based background workers…
Ray Camden:@bl - i coulda sworn there was a good plugin for that lately
Martin:Yea :( i would love to stary HTML / JS
brianleroux:it is a very tricky problem
brianleroux:ya me too man
Ray Camden:This *may* be it, but I swear I saw as impler one:
Martin:only for Android though, right?
greg marines:I'm new to phonegap and have installed node.js cordovia and phonegap and built the hello world app in each. I've been looking on the phonegap doc's site to get an understanding of when I would choose to build a Cordovia app vs a PhoneGap app. If I'm planning on using phonegap build, is there a reason one would be preferred over the other?
Nikhil Juneja:ok thanks
Shazron Abdullah:Martin: yes, with new iOS 7 features about background fech and remote notifs. Prob need a plugin, but we have this issue:
Ray Camden:that one there - yeah. again though - i thought i saw something else
csantanapr:Hi Guys :-)
Shazron Abdullah:Hi Carlos!
Ray Camden:greg, that is a good q, do you mind posting it in the QA pod?
Ray Camden:we are going to publish those later
greg marines:Sure
Ray Camden:and @alberto - still waiting on clarification
brianleroux:hey carlos!
brianleroux:ideally phonegap and cordova are interchangable
brianleroux:cordova is lower level
brianleroux:phonegap more sugar
brianleroux:so you can use both on the same project
alberto:@Ray, I need to develop an app that sends money transfer, I know that I need to use https, but do you have any other recomendations?
brianleroux:should always remain the case
Ray Camden:albert, i accidentally deleted your q cuz i thought your second q was providing more detail. i'm sorry. if you want to ask the generic security one again, that is cool
David:1) Will phonegap support building Cortana? 2) Will phonegap allow developers to build html5 apps for xbox?
Ray Camden:david, please ask your questions in the QA pod
Ray Camden:and one at a time please
jbavari:Ray - the plugins site for Phonegap (Build) is
jbavari:The cordova Plugins site is -
Ray Camden:uhuh... sorry - context for this?
jbavari:Your answer you stated it was (wrong)
Ray Camden:oh shoot
Ray Camden:i'll correct
Nikhil Juneja:Thanks Holly, will contact Brian
Ray Camden:@brian - you answered David about COrtana, right, and it was Yes?
Shazron Abdullah:Gary: preference KeyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction set to false. then focus() on the text element
Ray Camden:shaz, stealing this to add to the answer text
Shazron Abdullah:Ray: that answer does not require the Keyboard plugin, it's core to iOS
Hayk:Hello. Will there be a video stream?
Ray Camden:No, just questions and answers. You missed my audio at the beginning - and you didnt miss much :)
Holly Schinsky:@Hayk, no video
Ray Camden:Holly and I will post the QA text later.
Ray Camden:shaz - ok - so the SO answer is out of date?
brianleroux:@alberto: give ReactJS a try too. This demo runs buttery smooth on most phonegap targets
Ray Camden:@alberto: deleted your comment from QA pod. So if there is not one, you may have to write one
Ray Camden:david, deleted your dupe
csantanapr:Need to set the configuration setting for KeyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction ref=
Holly Schinsky:@David, did you see brianleroux's response earlier about apps for xbox? The answer was yes...
Alberto 2:Holly Schinsky: I think you meant that link for the other alberto
Ray Camden:i wanted brian to confirm that before i edited it
Holly Schinsky:@Alberto 2 - SORRY!
Alberto 2:no worries... I thought you found a plug-in for card reader;)
alberto:@brian tks
Nikhil can be used to read credit card numbers
brianleroux:sorry Ray confirm which? I tuned out there =P
Ray Camden:bl, see question about html5 apps for xbox
brianleroux:yes that is all on the way
Ray Camden:notice it isn't wii u, since that isn't a real video game platform
Ray Camden:thx
Holly Schinsky:@Alberto 2 - Sorry to get your hopes up ;) will try to locate one though!
Alberto 2:@Nikhil - Thanks. I found them, but i need to be able to send track data
brianleroux:ray: we did talk to nintendo and it is totally technicallly feasible
brianleroux:just need a person to own it
Nikhil Juneja:send track data, can you pls elaborate
Ray Camden:oh heh - sorry - was making a lame joke about it being a subpar system. running argument w/ my eldest boy :)
brianleroux:adding nintendo and xbox both would be a rad way to get involved in cordova HINT HINT ppl
brianleroux:oh lol
brianleroux:if it has a web browser we'll phonegap it ;)
jbavari:Phonegap for xbox kinect plz
Michael:Sorry way late to this. Did you talk about Cordova 3.4 and plugin issues? I seem to be having a bunch Mach-0 errors
Ray Camden:michael, see the QA pod to the right, and no, i dont think it was discussed. do you have a specific example?
Michael:Well the GA plugin on Build is the one I used. Shazron said that it wasn't set up to support 64 bit
Michael:I can't build and update my app in store
Michael:I thought oh I'll remove it
Ray Camden:that sounds like something you would need ot bring up with that plugin author though - right?
Alberto 2:@Nikhil - the data contained on the magnetic strip is called the track data. It is needed to be sent for card present transactions (as opposed to card not present transactions)
Michael:Now I have tons of errors. Haha
Alberto 2:@Nikhil - the track data contains more than just the card number
Nikhil Juneja:there are variuos mobiel readers availbale like Ingencio and Unimag, Plugins can be written for that to accomplish the functionality
Michael:Tried, no reply.
Michael:Nobody here is having iOS issues with 3.4?
Ray Camden:@michael - at the end of the day, it is either their responsibility to respond, or you have to fork/fix yourself. :\
Alberto 2:@Nikhil - Thanks. I was aware, but I was hoping someone had already done the work ;)
Shazron Abdullah:Michael: what was their response when you filed the issue?
Michael:I thought Build plugins that are on the build plugins site might get attention quicker
Nikhil Juneja:I did a prototype for Android for a customer :) last month
Nikhil Juneja:for Ingenico for Android Platform
Michael:Oh hey Shazron. No response. There seems to be discussion that the plugin development looks dead.
Shazron Abdullah:Michael: can you point me to the link
brianleroux:gotta bail out but this was cool: thx for organizing Ray and Holly
Ray Camden:thx for helping bl!
Holly Schinsky:Thanks Brian!
Michael:yes let me get it
Ray Camden:@Diana: by global vars, do you mean global javascript vars? and what do you mean by smth ?
Chris:Can we get a better tutorial/example for the new .pgbomit support?
Ray Camden:@Chris: sounds like you want a blog post on it?
Chris:@Ray yeah. I am being lazy
Michael:Just an FYI. My boss is going to a large public sector conference and presenting our App made with Phonegap.
Michael:Kind of cool
Ray Camden:@Chris: I'll add it to my notes below for follow up - Holly and I both blog like craxy
csantanapr:@Crhis like this one ?
Shazron Abdullah:Hmm yeah PGB plugins are in a limbo state right now, stay tuned. But did you file an issue at
Holly Schinsky:@Chris - ditto
Ray Camden:boom - im done - thanks csantanapr ;)
Alberto 2:@Nikhil - what about iOS? do you need plugins for each platform?
Nikhil Juneja:yes
Michael:yes i did shazron
Nikhil Juneja:it needs to natively achieved
Michael:Ray can you or Holly email people when these are happening?
Ray Camden:@michael: sorry, when what are happening?
Michael:these connect sessions
Ray Camden:I blogged it, as did Holly, and it was Tweeted quite a bit :)
Ray Camden:my blog has a subscribe option. when you subscribe, a kitten gets a treat.
Enrique Dominguez::)
Ray Camden:@michael: I'd recommend following @phonegap
Chris:And Ray get's a Stone IPA
csantanapr:@Michael setup for twitter notifications for @phonegap at least that's how I got reminded :-)
Alberto 2:@Nikhil - Got it. Thanks. I may need help. Interested?
Michael:ok thanks
Nikhil Juneja:sure, we can connect on Linkedin
Shazron Abdullah:@Michael I'll try to fix it
Colene Chow:Following @phonegap is the best way to stay up to date with what's going on
Michael:Thanks Shazron
Ray Camden:there is also a community phonegap blog, has multiple sources:
Alberto 2:@Nikhil - Great, I will reach out to you when we are ready to get started. Thanks
Chris:When will the Build forum email issue be addressed?
Nikhil Juneja:great
Shazron Abdullah:@Chris: not sure what you are talking about
Kris:Did you know that the PhoneGap Apps page is broken ( it cannot page beyond page 1 (you only ever see the first page).
Greg:still not sure what the difference/benefit is for PhoneGap vs Cordova - also the documentation on the PG site seems to lack this explanation
Ray Camden:@Kris: I can confirm that. @Colene - you aware?
Michael:Have you noticed that when you remove a platform you have to manually go in and remove .DS_Store?
csantanapr:There is a typo on the url shared on the A dot at the end
Ray Camden:@Greg - can you add that as a q please
Alberto 2:@Nikhil - There are many with your name. which on is you?
Chris:@Shazron the PhoneGap Build @ getstatification is send emails for every post
Kris:Also is there any way to update your listing in the Phonegap Apps page (add a platform for example)?
Bruce Lefebvre:@Greg see this post from Brian on the subject:
Ray Camden:btw folks - we are going to have to end in about 5 minutes. the hour went FAST
Ray Camden:its evident we need to do more of these. agreed?
Enrique Dominguez:yes
Michael:yes more
Ray Camden:consider it done ;)
Chris:Need a mind meld to make sure my ConfiGAP app is still making proper config.xml files for PhoneGap Build. hint hint
Shazron Abdullah:@Chris not sure, what is your userid
Chris:I am not the only one with the issue from the forum
Chris:@shazron will you ping offline on it
Shazron Abdullah:ok
Ray Camden:Ok folks... that is it
Ray Camden:next time I think we will schedule it for 1.5 hours - seems like folks REALLY ramped up the last 30 minutes
Nikhil Juneja:Thanks Phonegap Team
Nikhil Juneja:Phonegap Rocks!!!!
Colene Chow:Thanks for setting this up Ray and Holly :)
Ray Camden:thanks colene, shaz, and brian for helping us :)
greg marines:Thanks Ray
csantanapr:Thanks everyone
Ray Camden:folks, I'll be sharing the QA transcript on my own blog later today - have to be out of office for about 2 hours
Ray Camden:I'll send to Holly as well for her blog
Ray Camden:thank you ALL for sharing your questions!
Shazron Abdullah:This was fun. Thank you all! bye
Michael:thank you all
Ray Camden:Im closing the meeting room in 30 seconds :)
Holly Schinsky:Thanks guys!!! Until next time :)
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