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Created January 20, 2013 18:20
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function xmlToStruct(xml x) {
var s = {};
if(xmlGetNodeType(x) == "DOCUMENT_NODE") {
s[structKeyList(x)] = xmlToStruct(x[structKeyList(x)]);
if(structKeyExists(x, "xmlAttributes") && !structIsEmpty(x.xmlAttributes)) {
s.attributes = {};
for(var item in x.xmlAttributes) {
s.attributes[item] = x.xmlAttributes[item];
if(structKeyExists(x, "xmlText") && len(trim(x.xmlText))) {
s.value = x.xmlText;
if(structKeyExists(x, "xmlChildren") && arrayLen(x.xmlChildren)) {
for(var i=1; i<=arrayLen(x.xmlChildren); i++) {
if(structKeyExists(s, x.xmlchildren[i].xmlname)) {
if(!isArray(s[x.xmlChildren[i].xmlname])) {
var temp = s[x.xmlchildren[i].xmlname];
s[x.xmlchildren[i].xmlname] = [temp];
arrayAppend(s[x.xmlchildren[i].xmlname], xmlToStruct(x.xmlChildren[i]));
} else {
//before we parse it, see if simple
if(structKeyExists(x.xmlChildren[i], "xmlChildren") && arrayLen(x.xmlChildren[i].xmlChildren)) {
s[x.xmlChildren[i].xmlName] = xmlToStruct(x.xmlChildren[i]);
} else if(structKeyExists(x.xmlChildren[i],"xmlAttributes") && !structIsEmpty(x.xmlChildren[i].xmlAttributes)) {
s[x.xmlChildren[i].xmlName] = xmlToStruct(x.xmlChildren[i]);
} else {
writeoutput("debug - did simple #x.xmlchildren[i].xmlname#<br>");
s[x.xmlChildren[i].xmlName] = x.xmlChildren[i].xmlText;
return s;
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aiKrice commented Jan 22, 2013

lets take a look on this:

< cffunction name="xmlToJson" returntype="any" hint="convert xml to JSON">

        var s = {};
        if(xmlGetNodeType(x) == "DOCUMENT_NODE") {
            s[structKeyList(x)] = xmlToJson(x[structKeyList(x)]);
        } else {
        if(structKeyExists(x, "xmlAttributes") && !structIsEmpty(x.xmlAttributes)) {
            for(var item in x.xmlAttributes) {
                s[item] = x.xmlAttributes[item];
        if (structKeyExists(x, "xmlText") && len(trim(x.xmlText))){
            return replace(replace(x.xmlText, Chr(10), "", "all"), chr(09), "", "all");
        if(structKeyExists(x, "xmlChildren") && arrayLen(x.xmlChildren)) {
            for(var i=1; i<=arrayLen(x.xmlChildren); i++) {
                if(structKeyExists(s, x.xmlchildren[i].xmlname)) {
                    if(!isArray(s[x.xmlChildren[i].xmlname])) {
                        var temp = s[x.xmlchildren[i].xmlname];
                        s[x.xmlchildren[i].xmlname] = [temp];
                        arrayAppend(s[x.xmlchildren[i].xmlname], xmlToJson(x.xmlChildren[i]));
                 } else {
                     //before we parse it, see if simple
                     if(structKeyExists(x.xmlChildren[i], "xmlChildren") && arrayLen(x.xmlChildren[i].xmlChildren)) {
                            s[x.xmlChildren[i].xmlName] = xmlToJson(x.xmlChildren[i]);
                     } else if(structKeyExists(x.xmlChildren[i],"xmlAttributes") && !structIsEmpty(x.xmlChildren[i].xmlAttributes)) {
                        s[x.xmlChildren[i].xmlName] = xmlToJson(x.xmlChildren[i]);
                    } else {
                        s[x.xmlChildren[i].xmlName] = replace(replace(x.xmlChildren[i].xmlText, Chr(10), "", "all"), chr(09), "", "all");

        <cfreturn s>

and my test xml:

soapenv:Body urn1:Pagination urn1:numOfItems10/urn1:numOfItems urn1:startIndex10/urn1:startIndex urn1:endIndex15/urn1:endIndex urn1:numTotalOfItems305/urn1:numTotalOfItems /urn1:Pagination /urn1:TablePagination /urn1:TableSortingInformation urn1:ProgramDescription urn1:ServiceInformationTable urn1:MemberOfcrid:// urn1:MemberOfcrid:// urn1:MemberOfcrid:// urn1:EpgId5/urn1:EpgId /urn1:ServiceInformation

<cfset r = createObject("component", "com.Xml").xmlToJson(xml)>

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mavelar commented Dec 9, 2015

Works very well!!! You just save my day!!!, actually I use the @chrishunterkiller version

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