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Created February 5, 2016 15:22
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Uso do Cinto de Segurança nos Bancos da Frente e de Tras por UFs
year money number
RO 86.6 36.4
AC 79.63 52.07
AM 65.7 31.73
PR 86.7 36.4
PA 70.6 35.8
AP 64.4 21.83
TO 59.7 32.6
MA 54.5 26.87
PI 46 21.60
CE 59.87 32.6
RN 76 45.4
PB 65.87 36.9
PE 75.4 50.63
AL 72.73 46.6
SE 74.1 32.67
BA 65.73 42.1
MG 83.7 62.13
ES 79.7 68.2
RJ 70.27 33.1
SC 92.9 52.27
RS 84.2 64.50
MS 82.73 51.1
MT 70.73 52.53
GO 79.83 64.67
DF 92.17 66.97
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