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Created May 19, 2013 15:49
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Here is Railo code for Face Detection with Jviolajones Java library. Update CreateObject() function in line 1, copy jar files into your CF server or load it with JavaLoader if you are using Adobe ColdFusion.
<cfset Detector = CreateObject('java', 'jviolajones.Detector',"#ExpandPath('jviolajones.jar')#,#ExpandPath('jdom.jar')#" ).init( ExpandPath('haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml'))>
<cfset image = ImageRead(ExpandPath('images/2.jpg'))>
<cfset results = Detector.getFaces( ImageGetBufferedImage(image) ,
JavaCast('float',2) ,
JavaCast('float',1.25) ,
JavaCast('float',.05) ,
JavaCast('int',3) ,
JavaCast('boolean',true) ) >
<cfset ImageSetDrawingColor(image,"red")>
<cfset ImageSetAntialiasing(image,"on")>
<cfset attr = StructNew()>
<cfset attr.width = 2>
<cfset ImageSetDrawingStroke(image,attr)>
<cfset facelist = QueryNew('face,x,y,width,height,bottom')>
<cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen(results)#" index="f">
<cfset QueryAddRow(facelist)>
<cfset QuerySetCell(facelist,'face',f )>
<cfset QuerySetCell(facelist,'x',results[f].x )>
<cfset QuerySetCell(facelist,'y',results[f].y )>
<cfset QuerySetCell(facelist,'width',results[f].width )>
<cfset QuerySetCell(facelist,'height',results[f].height )>
<cfloop query="facelist">
<cfquery name="check" dbtype="query">
select face from facelist where face <> #face# and
x < #x# and (x+width) > #x# and
y < #y# and (y+height) > #y# and
(x+width) > #x+width#
<cfif not check.recordCount>
<cfset ImageDrawRect(image,x,y,width,height,0)>
<cfset ImageWrite(image, ExpandPath('images/test.JPG') )>
<img src="images/test.JPG" />
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