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Created November 21, 2014 15:34
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Save cflove/57250b9d51705a8dd656 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fetch list of columns and their values for Railo CFM. Not complete, just enough functionality for my current use.
<cfcomponent displayname = "PDFTools" output= "Yes" accessors="true" >
<cfproperty name="file">
<cfproperty name="map">
<cffunction name = "init" access = "Public" output = "No" returntype = "Any">
<cfargument name = "filePath" required= "Yes" type = "String" default = "" />
<cfset local.p = createObject("java",'org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument') />
<cfset COSName = createObject("java",'org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSName') />
<cfset setFile( local.p.load( arguments.filePath ) )/>
<cfreturn this>
<!--- ************************************************************************ --->
<!--- loop though the pages and get all annotations into an HashMap array --->
<!--- ************************************************************************ --->
<cffunction name = "GetAnotations" access= "Private" output = "No" returntype="void">
<cfset setMap( createObject('java','java.util.HashMap').init() ) />
<cfset local.thispage = 1 />
<cfloop array = "#getFile().getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages()#" index = "">
<!--- loop though annotations --->
<cfloop array="" index="local.a">
<cfset getMap().put( local.a.getDictionary() , local.thispage) />
<cfset local.thispage = 1+local.thispage />
<!--- ************************************************************************ --->
<!--- Read Form Values --->
<!--- ************************************************************************ --->
<cffunction name = "FetchFeidls" access= "Public" output = "Yes" returntype= "Any">
<cfset GetAnotations() />
<cfset local.r = FetchFeidlsLoop( getFile().getDocumentCatalog().getAcroForm().getFields(), [] ) />
<cfreturn local.r>
<cffunction name = "FetchFeidlsLoop" access= "Private" output = "Yes" returntype= "Any">
<cfargument name= "fields" required= "No" type= "Any" default= "" />
<cfargument name= "returns" required= "No" type= "Any" default= "" />
<cfargument name= "break" required= "No" type= "Any" default= "1" />
<cfloop array = "#arguments.fields#" index = "local.i">
<cfif isArray(local.i.getKids())>
<cfset arguments.break = 1+arguments.break />
<cfif arguments.break lt 1000>
<!--- call the function self, we need to loop until all done --->
<cfset FetchFeidlsLoop( i.getKids(), arguments.returns , arguments.break ) />
<cfset local.field = {}>
<cfif not isNull(local.i.getValue())>
<cfset local.field.value = local.i.getValue() />
<cfif not isNull(local.i.getAlternateFieldName())>
<cfset local.field.ToolTip = local.i.getAlternateFieldName() />
<cfset local.field.Name = local.i.getFullyQualifiedName() />
<cfset local.class = listLast( i.class.toString() , '.') />
<cfset local.field.position = arrayToList( local.i.getDictionary().getDictionaryObject( COSName.RECT ).toFloatArray(),' ') />
<cfset = getMap().get( i.getDictionary() ) />
<cfswitch expression = "#local.class#">
<cfcase value = "PDTextbox">
<cfset local.field.Type = 'TextBox' />
<cfcase value = "PDCheckbox">
<cfset local.field.Type = 'CheckBox' />
<cfif not isNull(local.i.getOnValue())>
<cfset local.field.value = local.i.getOnValue() />
<cfset local.field.isChecked = local.i.isChecked() />
<!--- handle radio buttons and buttons later ---->
<!--- remove NULL form end of field name ---->
<cfif listLast(local.field.Name,'.') eq 'NULL'>
<cfset local.field.Name = listDeleteAt( local.field.Name , listlen(local.field.Name,'.'), '.')>
<cfset arrayAppend(arguments.returns,local.field) />
<cfreturn arguments.returns>
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