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Created August 30, 2013 22:56
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wordify numbers
#47 test cases, 117 iterations
#about 56% less efficient than the proposed solution on github (in_words.rb)
#which only has 75 iterations
#this is an UGLY brute force hack that could use some serious refactoring
#function over form though...
#***for purposes of easy testing I extend Intenger, not Fixnum***
#I see that the "proper" way to do this is to write the code as a module
#and then include it to both Fixnum and Bignum, which is probably better
#in some way, but not sure right now with my limited knowledge
class Integer
#class variables since they don't need to be created over and over
#and also no real reason to call on them outside of Integer
@@ones = {1 => " one ", 2 => " two ", 3 => " three ", 4 => " four ", 5 => " five ",
6 => "six", 7 => "seven ", 8 => "eight ", 9 => "nine "}
@@teens = {11 => " eleven ", 12 => " twelve ", 13 => " thirteen ", 14 => " fourteen ",
15 => " fifteen ", 16 => " sixteen ", 17 => " seventeen ", 18 => " eighteen ",
19 => " nineteen "}
@@tens = {1 => " ten ", 2 => " twenty ", 3 => " thirty ", 4 => " forty ", 5 => " fifty ",
6 => " sixty ", 7 =>" seventy ", 8 => " eighty ", 9 => " ninety "}
@@bigs = {4 => " trillion ", 3 => " billion ", 2 => " million ", 1 => " thousand "}
@@iterations = 0
def in_words(word_flag = nil)
@@iterations += 1
p "its: #{@@iterations}"
#the one super special case to give up before starting
return "zero"
return ""
numstring = ""
number = self.abs
numstring += "negative " if(number != self)
pre = self.to_s
if(pre.length > 6) #past 999999
pre.insert(-4, "_")
pre.insert(-8, "_")
pre.insert(-12, "_") if(pre[-12])
pre.insert(-16, "_") if(pre[-16])
pre.insert(-20, "_") if(pre[-20])
pieces = pre.split("_")
pieces.collect! {|i| i = i.to_i.in_words(:f)}
pieces.each_index {|i| pieces[i] += @@bigs[i] unless (i == 0 or pieces[i] == "")}
numstring = pieces.join("")
#why bother concatenating correctly when you have formatting methods
numstring.gsub!(/\s\s/, " ")
return numstring #leave early
if(number < 10)
numstring += @@ones[number]
elsif(number.between?(11, 19))
numstring += @@teens[number]
elsif(number.between?(10, 99))
numstring += @@tens[number / 10]
ones = number.to_s.split(//).last.to_i #cheating
numstring += ones.in_words(:f)
elsif(number.between?(100, 999))
hunds = number / 100
numstring += @@ones[hunds] + " hundred "
remainder = number - (hunds * 100)
numstring += remainder.in_words(:f)
h_sub = 0
h_str = ""
last_str = ""
thousands = 0
thousands = number / 1000 #0..999
h_sub = thousands * 1000
h_str = thousands.in_words(:f)
h_str += " thousand " if(h_str != "")
remainder = number - h_sub
last_str = remainder.in_words(:f)
numstring += (h_str + last_str)
#why bother concatenating correctly when you have formatting methods
numstring.gsub!(/\s\s/, " ")
return numstring
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