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Created July 6, 2013 14:42
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import System.Random (randomRIO)
replies = ["Yes", "Signs point to yes", "It is certain", "It is decidedly so", "Without a doubt"
, "Yes, definitely", "You may rely on it", "As I see it yes", "Most likely", "Outlook good"
, "Reply hazy try again", "Ask again later", "Better not tell you now", "Cannot predict now"
, "Concentrate and ask again", "Don't count on it", "My reply is no", "My sources say no"
, "Outlook not so good", "Very doubtful"]
randomElem [] = error "Empty list"
randomElem xs = randomRIO (0, length xs - 1) >>= return . (xs !!)
main = do
putStrLn "Type 'Exit' to end the program."
putStrLn "Ask A Question: "
u <- getLine
if (u `elem` ["Exit", "exit"]) then return ()
else randomElem replies >>= putStrLn >> main
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