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Last active March 7, 2019 22:51
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// For the sake of brevity I won't repeat the code we replace here instead point out
// that this replaces lines 307-328 in our original code
fn main() {
// {...}
// first we create a range iterator over y-coordinates
let bytes: Vec<u8> = (0..h as u32)
// turn it in to a parallel iterator
// reverse the order in which we iterate so our picture doesn't end upside down
// mapping each y-coordinate to an iterator ower x-coordinates
// then we flatten the result so we don't end up with a Vec of y coordinates
// where each element is a Vec of x-coordinates.
.flat_map(|y| -> Vec<u8> {
// this is our sub-iterator that iterates over x-coordinates
(0..w as u32)
// we parallelize this too
// reverse the order so our picture doesn't end upside down
// again we map this to a sub iterator so we don't end up with a
// Vec of y-coordinates, where each element is a Vec of
// x-coordinates, that in turn is av Vec of three u8 color bytes.
// Instead we get a "flattened" result of only u8 color bytes.
.flat_map(|x| {
let mut color = Vec3::from(0.0);
for _ in (0..samples_count).rev() {
color = color
+ trace(
+ left * (x as f32 - w / 2.0 + random_val()).into()
+ up * (y as f32 - h / 2.0 + random_val()).into()),
color = color * (1.0 / samples_count as f32).into() + (14.0 / 241.0).into();
let o: Vec3 = color + Vec3::from(1.0);
color = Vec3::new_abc(color.x / o.x, color.y / o.y, color.z / o.z)
* Vec3::from(255.0);
// we map each iteration of the x-coordinate to this Vec<u8>. Since
// Vec is an iterable our flat_map method wil flatten it out for us
vec![color.x as u8, color.y as u8, color.z as u8]
// we collect this to a Vec<u8> which is iterable so our inner flat_map
// method returns an iterable so the outer flat_map
// can take care of flattening everything for us
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