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Last active March 5, 2019 21:21
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Line by line port of the C# code
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::random;
use std::io::Write;
use std::ops::{Add, Mul, Not, Rem};
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Vec3 {
x: f32,
y: f32,
z: f32,
impl Vec3 {
fn new_abc(a: f32, b: f32, c: f32) -> Self {
Vec3 { x: a, y: b, z: c }
fn new_ab(a: f32, b: f32) -> Self {
Vec3 { x: a, y: b, z: 0.0 }
impl Add for Vec3 {
type Output = Vec3;
fn add(self, other: Vec3) -> Self {
Vec3 {
x: self.x + other.x,
y: self.y + other.y,
z: self.z + other.z,
impl Mul for Vec3 {
type Output = Vec3;
fn mul(self, other: Vec3) -> Self {
Vec3 {
x: self.x * other.x,
y: self.y * other.y,
z: self.z * other.z,
impl Rem for Vec3 {
type Output = f32;
fn rem(self, other: Vec3) -> f32 {
self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y + self.z * other.z
impl Not for Vec3 {
type Output = Vec3;
fn not(self) -> Vec3 {
self * (1.0 / (self % self).sqrt()).into()
impl From<f32> for Vec3 {
fn from(n: f32) -> Vec3 {
Vec3::new_abc(n, n, n)
fn min(l: f32, r: f32) -> f32 {
if l < r {
} else {
fn random_val() -> f32 {
fn fmodf(x: f32, y: f32) -> f32 {
x % y
fn fabsf(x: f32) -> f32 {
fn sqrtf(x: f32) -> f32 {
fn powf(x: f32, y: f32) -> f32 {
fn cosf(x: f32) -> f32 {
fn sinf(x: f32) -> f32 {
fn box_test(position: Vec3, lower_left: Vec3, upper_right: Vec3) -> f32 {
let lower_left = position + lower_left * Vec3::from(-1.0);
let upper_right = upper_right + position * Vec3::from(-1.0);
min(lower_left.x, upper_right.x),
min(lower_left.y, upper_right.y),
min(lower_left.z, upper_right.z),
const HIT_NONE: u8 = 0;
const HIT_LETTER: u8 = 1;
const HIT_WALL: u8 = 2;
const HIT_SUN: u8 = 3;
lazy_static! {
static ref LETTERS: Vec<u8> = {
let x: String = [
"5O5_", "5W9W", "5_9_", // P (without curve)
"AOEO", "COC_", "A_E_", // I
"IOQ_", "I_QO", // X
"UOY_", "Y_]O", "WW[W", // A
"aOa_", "aWeW", "a_e_", "cWiO" // R (without curve)
x.chars().map(|c| c as u8).collect::<Vec<u8>>()
static ref CURVES: [Vec3; 2] = {
[Vec3::new_abc(-11.0, 6.0, 0.0), Vec3::new_abc(11.0, 6.0, 0.0)]
fn query_database(position: Vec3, hit_type: &mut u8) -> f32 {
let mut distance = std::f32::MAX;
let mut f = position;
f.z = 0.0;
let letter_count = LETTERS.len();
for i in (0..letter_count).step_by(4) {
let begin =
Vec3::new_ab((LETTERS[i] - 79) as f32, (LETTERS[i + 1] - 79) as f32) * Vec3::from(0.5);
let e = Vec3::new_ab((LETTERS[i + 2] - 79) as f32, (LETTERS[i + 3] - 79) as f32)
* Vec3::from(0.5)
+ begin * Vec3::from(-1.0);
let o_part1 = -min((begin + f * Vec3::from(-1.0)) % e / (e % e), 0.0);
let o = f + (begin + e * min(o_part1, 1.0).into()) * Vec3::from(-1.0);
distance = min(distance, o % o);
distance = sqrtf(distance);
for curve in CURVES.iter().rev() {
let o = f + *curve * Vec3::from(-1.0);
let temp = if o.x > 0.0 {
fabsf(sqrtf(o % o)) - 2.0
} else {
sqrtf(o % o)
distance = min(distance, temp);
distance = powf(distance.powi(8) + position.z.powi(8), 0.125) - 0.5;
*hit_type = HIT_LETTER;
let room_dist = min(
Vec3::new_abc(-30.0, -0.5, -30.0),
Vec3::new_abc(30.0, 18.0, 30.0),
Vec3::new_abc(-25.0, 17.0, -25.0),
Vec3::new_abc(25.0, 20.0, 25.0),
Vec3::new_abc(fmodf(fabsf(position.x), 8.0), position.y, position.z),
Vec3::new_abc(1.5, 18.5, -25.0),
Vec3::new_abc(6.5, 20.0, 25.0),
if room_dist < distance {
distance = room_dist;
*hit_type = HIT_WALL;
let sun = 19.9 - position.y;
if sun < distance {
distance = sun;
*hit_type = HIT_SUN;
fn ray_marching(origin: Vec3, direction: Vec3, hit_pos: &mut Vec3, hit_norm: &mut Vec3) -> u8 {
let mut hit_type = HIT_NONE;
let mut no_hit_count = 0;
let mut total_d = 0.0;
while total_d < 100.0 {
*hit_pos = origin + direction * total_d.into();
let d = query_database(*hit_pos, &mut hit_type);
no_hit_count += 1;
if d < 0.01 || no_hit_count > 99 {
*hit_norm = !Vec3::new_abc(
query_database(*hit_pos + Vec3::new_ab(0.01, 0.0), &mut no_hit_count) - d,
query_database(*hit_pos + Vec3::new_ab(0.0, 0.01), &mut no_hit_count) - d,
query_database(*hit_pos + Vec3::new_abc(0.0, 0.0, 0.01), &mut no_hit_count) - d,
return hit_type;
total_d += d;
fn trace(mut origin: Vec3, mut direction: Vec3) -> Vec3 {
let mut sampled_position = Vec3::from(0.0);
let mut normal = Vec3::from(0.0);
let mut color = Vec3::from(0.0);
let mut attenuation = Vec3::from(1.0);
let light_direction = !Vec3::new_abc(0.6, 0.6, 1.0);
for _ in (0..3).rev() {
let hit_type = ray_marching(origin, direction, &mut sampled_position, &mut normal);
if hit_type == HIT_NONE {
if hit_type == HIT_LETTER {
direction = direction + normal * ((normal % direction) * -2.0).into();
origin = sampled_position + direction * Vec3::from(0.1);
attenuation = attenuation * Vec3::from(0.2);
if hit_type == HIT_WALL {
let incidence = normal % light_direction;
let p = 6.283185 * random_val();
let c = random_val();
let s = sqrtf(1.0 - c);
let g = if normal.z < 0.0 { -1.0 } else { 1.0 };
let u = -1.0 / (g + normal.z);
let v = normal.x * normal.y * u;
direction = Vec3::new_abc(v, g + normal.y * normal.y * u, -normal.y)
* cosf(p).into()
* s.into()
+ Vec3::new_abc(1.0 + g * normal.x * normal.x * u, g * v, -g * normal.x)
* (Vec3::from(sinf(p)) * Vec3::from(s))
+ normal * sqrtf(c).into();
origin = sampled_position + direction * Vec3::from(0.1);
attenuation = attenuation * Vec3::from(0.2);
if incidence > 0.0
&& ray_marching(
sampled_position + normal * Vec3::from(0.1),
&mut sampled_position,
&mut normal,
) == HIT_SUN
color = color + attenuation * Vec3::new_abc(500.0, 400.0, 100.0) * incidence.into();
if hit_type == HIT_SUN {
color = color + attenuation * Vec3::new_abc(50.0, 80.0, 100.0);
fn main() {
let w = 960.0;
let h = 540.0;
let samples_count = 2;
let position = Vec3::new_abc(-22.0, 5.0, 25.0);
let goal = !(Vec3::new_abc(-3.0, 4.0, 0.0) + position * Vec3::from(-1.0));
let left = !Vec3::new_abc(goal.z, 0.0, -goal.x) * (1.0 / w).into();
let up = Vec3::new_abc(
goal.y * left.z - goal.z * left.y,
goal.z * left.x - goal.x * left.z,
goal.x * left.y - goal.y * left.x,
let filename = String::from("output-rust.ppm");
"Width: = {}, Height: = {}, Samples = {}",
w, h, samples_count
println!("Writing data to {}", filename);
let mut file = std::fs::File::create(filename).unwrap();
let header: String = format!("P6 {} {} 255 ", w, h);
for y in (0..h as u64).rev() {
for x in (0..w as u64).rev() {
let mut color = Vec3::from(0.0);
for _ in (0..samples_count).rev() {
color = color
+ trace(
+ left * (x as f32 - w / 2.0 + random_val()).into()
+ up * (y as f32 - h / 2.0 + random_val()).into()),
color = color * (1.0 / samples_count as f32).into() + (14.0 / 241.0).into();
let o: Vec3 = color + Vec3::from(1.0);
color = Vec3::new_abc(color.x / o.x, color.y / o.y, color.z / o.z) * Vec3::from(255.0);
file.write_all(&[color.x as u8, color.y as u8, color.z as u8])
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