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Last active March 31, 2019 13:08
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Brand Tools Page Outline

Exciting things are happening at SNI and as we grow, we will continue to place a high value on our branding. This page will serve as both a usage guide and repository of assets pertaining to the Spatial Networks brand. If you cannot find a particular asset or have exceptions to the usage guidelines listed here, please contact us

Asset Usage Guidelines

To make sure that our brand standards are met and consistency is maintained, please follow these general guidelines when utilizing them.

Our partners are welcome to download and use our assets.

SNI teams can use our presentation materials but will need the required credentials or permissions to access (Google Drive, Github repo, etc.).

Maintaining the Spatial Networks brand has always been a high priority.

Wordmark, Globe, and Lockups

Our (trademarked?) logo has existed in some form since (date). The current iteration of the globe and wordmark were updated in late 2017 around the same time that the current updated version of our website was released. We are very proud of both. The logos shown below represent the most current versions and are the only acceptable ones for use.

There are two components of our corporate logo: the "Spatial Networks" wordmark and our stylized globe with intersecting orbital lines. The wordmark has been derived from the Avenir Next (bold) typeface with specific adjustments made to accomodate our design needs. Although the typeface is relatively common the logo will not reproduce accurately in most text editors due to the adjustments that have been made to the original typeface.

Wordmark + Globe = Lockup

Lockup = Logo

When the globe and wordmark are combined in a lockup, specific patterns need to be followed. There are 2 acceptable lockup versions of our logo:

  • STANDARD LOCKUP (preferred in most cases)
    • The standard lockup consists of our stylized globe just to the left of the company's name in either SNI green or white.
    • (example image here with download button below)
    • This version works well for a majority of situations and easily fits into a space with a 4:1 ratio.
    • The minimum target display height/width is ____.
    • The exclusion zones for the standard lockup are a minimum of 1/2 of the height of the globe (see diagram).
    • (example image with grid marking exclusion zone)
  • STACKED LOCKUP (acceptable under specific circumstances)
    • When the 4:1 ratio of the standard lockup forces the logo to be less than the minimum allowable width, the stacked version can be used since it is much taller than it is wide.
    • (example image here with download button below)
    • Notice that the stacked lockup utilizes a proportionally larger globe above the wordmark than the standard lockup. The wordmark itself is also stacked instead of in line and is center justified.
    • The minimum target display height/width is ____.
    • The exclusion zones for the stackd lockup are a minimum of 1/2 of the height of the globe (see diagram).
    • Just like the standard lockup, the stacked version should adhere to all other applicable general design principles outlined in our Asset Usage Guidelines.

On rare occasions we will choose to use the elements of our logo independently of one another. These usages are the exception though and should be utilized only under the guidelines stated below or with consent from the Spatial Networks design team.

  • GLOBE ONLY (permissible under special circumstances)
    • We love our globe. It is not only an eye catching piece that uniquely identifies us in our industry but also a symbol of what we do as global information specialists. As much as we love it, we only use the globe by itself under special circumstances.
    • (example image here with download button below)
    • When used as a larger graphic element in a context where the standard logo lockup is also present (e.g. printed shirts with globe on one side and smaller standard lockup printed on the other).
    • In areas where other Spatial Networks branding elements are already pervasive (e.g. backdrop of an SNI trade show booth).
  • WORDMARK ONLY (rarely used - very specific situations)
    • In very rare circumstances we will use the wordmark by itself without the globe to blend in with surrounding text but still add emphasis.
    • (example image here)
    • Since this version is only used with in-line text, care should be taken to treat it with the same line leading as the surrounding text but not to alter the kerning of the wordmark. The x-height of the Spatial Networks wordmark should be equal to or greater than the x-height of the surrounding text.

In rare cases when our logo alone requires a bit more detail we use a few special variants.

    • Spatial Networks has two registered trademark phrases that occasionally accompany our logo: "Location Leverage", and "Geography is the science of everything."
    • (example image here)
    • These versions are used internally by the company and are not available for download by the public.
    • Our standard lockup is accompanied by an added qualifier such as "powered by", "crafted by", or "a product of". These versions are available upon request.
    • (example image here)

Narrative and Messaging

  • History of Spatial Networks

Presentation Materials

(Presented as "cards" with an image on top, title and description in middle and download button CTA along the bottom Northwestern example or Fulcrum App Gallery)

Example material

  • Slidedecks
    • version #1
    • version #2
  • Videos
  • Background Images

Email Signatures

  • Bread crumb style instructions on how to add signature in Gmail with screenshots.

Business Cards

  • Basic Instructions on format
  • Request form to fill out?

Letterhead and Print Stock

(Presented as "cards" with an image on top, title and description in middle and download button CTA along the bottom Northwestern example or Fulcrum App Gallery)


We utilize a variety of secondary or accent colors but our primary color for branding is "SNI Green" which can be expressed in 3 different standards depending on the usage:

  • RGB (R: 121 G: 153 B: 0) for digital media including the web.
  • CMYK (C: 58% M: 23% Y: 100% K: 4%) for printed materials.
  • Pantone 377 C for paint and some other material applications.

Size and Spacing

Some assets such as the logo have specific size and space surr

  • Allow for an adequate amount of "padding" or white space around the logo (see diagram for specs).
  • Under no circumstances should other images or design elements be allowed to obscure the logo. If proper attention is paid to the white space around the logo this should not be a problem.
  • Assets should not be altered in any way without express consent. This includes techniques such as (but not limited to) color overlays, gradient overlays, added textures, warping, filters, tinting, or lowering it's opacity.
  • The logo should remain visible in it's entireity at all times. This can become an issue when it is placed on irregularly shaped objects such as pens, mugs, shirts or any other non-flat surface.

Fonts and Typography

We make an effort to use open source fonts that look great and work well across a variety of platforms and browsers.

  • Lato
    • Used for main body text in regular weight at minimum of --- px size and --- leading.
  • Source Sans Pro
    • Used for all headers (h1, h2, h3, etc.)
    • All caps
    • weights
    • leading
    • kerning
  • Avenir Next Bold (wordmark)


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