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Last active September 10, 2018 18:13
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Testing a service with dependencies
component displayname="GIS Plant Asset Service" extends="" accessors="true" {
property assetGateway;
public array function list() {
return populateBeans( "assetBean", );
public array function getByAssetID ( required string assetid ) {
var data = { assetid : assetid } );
return populateBeans ( "assetBean", data );
public array function getByAssetNumber ( required string assetno ) {
var data = { assetno : assetno } );
return populateBeans ( "assetBean", data );
public array function getByLegacyId ( required string legacyid ) {
var data = { legacyid : legacyid } );
return populateBeans ( "assetBean", data );
public array function getByKeywords( required string keywords ) {
var data = { keywords : keywords } );
return populateBeans ( "assetBean", data );
component extends="testbox.system.BaseSpec"{
/*********************************** LIFE CYCLE Methods ***********************************/
// executes before all suites+specs in the run() method
function beforeAll(){
mockBox = getMockBox();
mockQuery = mockBox.querySim("ObjectId, AssetId, LegacyID, manufacturer, modelNumber
57119 | 10 | 10000 HOB | null | null
59932 | 520 | 25110 Influent Pump 1 | Worthington | 42MNF46");
assetGateway = mockBox.createEmptyMock( 'plant.model.gis.gateways.asset' );
assetGateway.$( 'select' ).$results ( mockQuery );
mockBeans = [
{ "ObjectId" : 57119, "AssetId" : 10, "LegacyID" : "10000 HOB", "manufacturer" : "", modelNumber : "" },
{ "ObjectId" : 59932, "AssetId" : 520, "LegacyID" : "25110 Influent Pump 1", "manufacturer" : "Worthington", modelNumber : "42MNF46" }
// executes after all suites+specs in the run() method
function afterAll(){
/*********************************** BDD SUITES ***********************************/
function run(){
describe( "Given a plant asset service", function(){
beforeEach( function( currentSpec ){
cut = createMock( '' );
cut.$( 'populateBeans', mockBeans );
cut.setAssetGateway( assetGateway );
it( "should have its injected properties set", function(){
expect( cut.getAssetGateway() ).toBe( assetGateway );
describe( "when calling list()", function(){
it( "should call select on the assetGateway with no arguments", function(){
var selectLog = assetGateway.$callLog().select;
expect( assetGateway.$count( 'select') ).toBe( 0 );
var result = cut.list();
selectLog = assetGateway.$callLog().select;
expect( assetGateway.$count( 'select') ).toBe( 1 );
component displayname="Base Service" accessors="true" output="false" {
property beanFactory;
public function init() {
return this;
private any function populate ( any bean, struct properties, any beanFactory ) {
/*writeLog( text="#GetMetaData( this ).name#-->#getFunctionCalledName()#() arguments: #SerializeJSON( arguments )#",
file="geofusion", type="information" );*/
if ( isSimpleValue( bean ) ) {
if ( beanFactory.containsBean( bean ) ) bean = beanFactory.getBean( bean );
else bean = beanFactory.construct( bean );
//TODO: add a test for whether property exists in the bean before trying to push the data in
for ( var property in properties ) {
if ( !isNull( properties[ property ] ) &&
( ( isSimpleValue( properties[ property ] ) && Len( properties[ property ] ) ) ||
!isSimpleValue( properties[ property ] ) ) ) {
var args = { };
args[ property ] = properties[ property ];
evaluate( 'bean.set#property#( argumentCollection = args )' );
return bean;
private array function populateBeans( required string beanName, required any recordSet ) {
var beanArray = [];
if ( ( isQuery( recordSet) && recordSet.RecordCount ) ||
( isArray( recordSet ) && recordSet.len() ) ) {
for ( var record in recordSet ) {
/*writeLog( text="#GetMetaData( this ).name#-->#getFunctionCalledName()#() for loop: #SerializeJSON( record )#",
file="geofusion", type="information" );*/
var bean = populate( beanName, record );
beanArray.append( bean );
return beanArray;
private query function queryDeleteColumn( required query qry, required string column ) {
var newColumnList = qry.ColumnList;
/*writeLog( text="#GetMetaData( this ).name#-->#getFunctionCalledName()#() arguments: #SerializeJSON( arguments )#",
file="geofusion", type="information" );*/
if ( !ListFindNoCase( newColumnList, column ) ) {
throw ( message="Invalid column name [#column#] passed in the 'column' argument.", type="custom" );
newColumnList = ListDeleteAt( newColumnList, ListFindNoCase( newColumnList, column ) );
return queryExecute( "SELECT " & newColumnList & " FROM qry", {}, { dbtype="query" } );
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