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Created December 17, 2013 15:34
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toggle the visibility of wire frame on shades in blender
# Wireframe on shaded
# Toggle the display of wireframe on the objects visible in the viewport
bl_info = {
"name": "Wireframe on shaded",
"description": " Toggle wireframe on shaded with shift + W ",
"author": "Sreenivas Alapati",
"version": (1, 0),
"blender": (2, 65, 0),
"category": "3D View"}
import bpy
def main(context):
objects_list = [ obj for obj in if obj.type in ['MESH']]
objects_with_wire = [obj for obj in objects_list if obj.show_wire == True]
if len(objects_with_wire) == 0:
for ob in objects_list:
ob.show_wire = ob.show_all_edges = True
for ob in objects_with_wire:
ob.show_wire = ob.show_all_edges = False
class wireframeOnShaded(bpy.types.Operator):
""" Displays wire frame on shaded with draw all edges on all objects"""
bl_idname = "object.wireframe_on_shaded"
bl_label = "Wireframe on shaded"
def poll(cls, context):
return context.active_object is not None
def execute(self, context):
return {'FINISHED'}
def register():
km = bpy.context.window_manager.keyconfigs.default.keymaps['Object Mode']
kmi ="object.wireframe_on_shaded", 'W', 'PRESS', shift=True)
def unregister():
km = bpy.context.window_manager.keyconfigs.default.keymaps['Object Mode']
for kmi in (kmi for kmi in km.keymap_items if kmi.idname in {"object.wireframe_on_shaded", }):
if __name__ == "__main__":
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