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Last active September 6, 2019 04:48
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// Open a multipage PDF in Photoshop Layers
// Script opens every Page of the PDF single, Copys them intor a Photoshop Layer and renames the Layer with the Document-Name
// which includes the Page Number
// Heike Herzog-Kuhnke 03/2014
// Starting:
// enable double clicking from the Macintosh Finder or the Windows Explorer
#target photoshop
// in case we double clicked the file
// Don´t show Dialogs, if Photoshop likes to....
displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;
// Variables. Needs to be Changed if you like to have something else
// Unfortunally I couldnt find out how to locate the num of Pages of the PDF.
// MaxPages larger tan the reality is OK, must be numPages + 1 minimum
// Resolution and Document Mode as you need it
var myMaxPages = 100;
var myCounter = 1;
var myResolution = 300;
var myColor = OpenDocumentMode.CMYK;
//Set Background Color to white (not really needed...) = 255; = 255; = 255;
// Start Open Dialog. If you don`t choose a File with Ending .pdf the Script stops
var _pdfDatei = File.openDialog ("Choose your Multipage-PDF-File");
var myDatei = "" + _pdfDatei;
var myEndung = myDatei.substr(myDatei.length-4,4);
if (myEndung!==".pdf")
{alert("No PDF choosen!\nStop Run!", "Error choosing File");
else {
// Here I start with defining the OpenOptions of the PDF for the first Page (Using the Variables from above)
var pdfOpenOptions = new PDFOpenOptions;
pdfOpenOptions.antiAlias = true;
pdfOpenOptions.mode = myColor;
pdfOpenOptions.bitsPerChannel = BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT;
pdfOpenOptions.resolution = myResolution;
pdfOpenOptions.supressWarnings = true;
pdfOpenOptions.cropPage = CropToType.TRIMBOX; = myCounter;
// Opening the PDF
open(_pdfDatei, pdfOpenOptions);
// The Layer renamed by the Name of the Document
var myDocument1 = app.activeDocument;
var myLayerName =; myLayerName;
// Starting the Processing for the other pages
// The Counter defines the Page Number.
// File will be Opened,, Layer copied, File Closes withsout saving, Paste in the first Document and renamed
// As long as pages are existing the Procedure runs until counter is 1 less to myMaxPages -Value
// If there is an error (if the page doesnt exist) the Script stops and Says all done)
for (myCounter = 2; myCounter < myMaxPages; myCounter ++) {
// try / catch to resolve Problem with to many Pages in count
// on Errors the counter will be set to Mximum Value to stop the for / next loop
try {
// PDF options = myCounter;
open(_pdfDatei, pdfOpenOptions);
// Saving the new Document Name for the Layer Name
myLayerName =; myLayerName;
app.activeDocument = myDocument1;
myDocument1.paste ();
// Renaming the new Layer in first Document = myLayerName;
catch (e) {
myCounter = myMaxPages;
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